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黄必桂 李家钢 周庆杰 李西双 刘乐军 高珊 周航 张承艺

黄必桂,李家钢,周庆杰,等. 基于浅地层剖面的海底浅表层沉积物物理性质参数反演技术研究−以渤海海底管线路由区为例[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(9):156–164 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022113
引用本文: 黄必桂,李家钢,周庆杰,等. 基于浅地层剖面的海底浅表层沉积物物理性质参数反演技术研究−以渤海海底管线路由区为例[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(9):156–164 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022113
Huang Bigui,Li Jiagang,Zhou Qingjie, et al. Research on inversion technology of physical properties parameters of seafloor sediments based on sub-bottom profile: Taking the Bohai Sea submarine pipeline route as an example[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(9):156–164 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022113
Citation: Huang Bigui,Li Jiagang,Zhou Qingjie, et al. Research on inversion technology of physical properties parameters of seafloor sediments based on sub-bottom profile: Taking the Bohai Sea submarine pipeline route as an example[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(9):156–164 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022113


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022113
基金项目: 基于地球物理数据的工程地质研究(YXKY-2018-ZY-10);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 (2021Q03)

    黄必桂(1984-),男,福建省建宁县人,高级工程师,主要从事海洋工程环境条件及设计标准方面的研究。E-mail: huangbg3@cnooc.com.cn


    周庆杰(1989-),男,山东省安丘市人,工程师,主要从事海洋地球物理数据处理及地质灾害风险评估等研究。E-mail: zhouqj@fio.org.cn

  • 中图分类号: P736.21+1

Research on inversion technology of physical properties parameters of seafloor sediments based on sub-bottom profile: Taking the Bohai Sea submarine pipeline route as an example

  • 摘要: 海底浅表层(小于1 m)沉积物的物理性质,如粒度、孔隙度、密度等是海洋沉积学研究和海洋工程地质分析的重要内容,目前主要基于有限的海底取样或原位测试获取这些沉积物的物理性质。浅地层剖面是基于声学信号(频率几千赫兹)在沉积物中的传播得到可反映沉积地层结构的数据,其中的一些声学参数,如海底反射系数、波阻抗等与沉积物物理性质密切相关。如何充分而有效地利用浅地层剖面资料,反演得到剖面覆盖区海底浅表层沉积物的物理性质参数,极具科学意义和应用价值,且基于声学属性反演沉积物物理性质是当前研究的热点。为此,本文基于渤海LD16-3CEPA至LD10-1PAPD路由段的浅地层剖面数据和海底表层沉积物的实测物理参数,利用Biot-Stoll模型建立研究区海底反射系数和沉积物物理性质之间的关系,并基于浅地层剖面数据计算得到的海底反射系数,反演了研究区海底浅表层沉积物的孔隙度、密度、平均粒径等物理性质参数。其中反演的孔隙度、密度、平均粒径与实测孔隙度、密度、平均粒径基本相符,偏差度基本都在20%的偏差范围内,表明该反演方法在该区的应用是可行的。
  • 图  1  研究区位置及浅剖与取样站位分布

    Fig.  1  Location of study area and distribution of sub-bottom profiles and sampling stations

    图  2  浅地层剖面频谱分析特征


    Fig.  2  Spectral analysis feature of sub-bottom profile

    The black lines are the overall spectral characteristics of the profile, and the blue lines are the spectral characteristics of one channel in b and c

    图  3  对数分解法求取子波的过程图解

    Fig.  3  Process diagram of wavelet extraction by logarithmic decomposition method

    图  4  典型浅地层剖面图(a)及该剖面计算得到的海底反射系数(b)

    Fig.  4  Typical sub-bottom profile (a) and the calculated seabed reflection coefficients (b)

    图  5  海底反射系数与沉积物物理性质的相关关系(主频为5 kHz)

    Fig.  5  Correlation between seafloor reflection coefficient and sediment physical properties, (the dominant frequency is 5 kHz)

    图  6  海底表层沉积物物性反演结果与取样测试结果对比


    Fig.  6  Comparison between inversion results and sampling test results of seafloor surface sediment physical properties

    The coordinates in the figure are TM projection and the central meridian is 120°E

    图  7  反演结果与样品测试结果对比

    Fig.  7  Comparison between inversion results and sample test results

    表  1  海底浅表层沉积物物理性质

    Tab.  1  Physical properties of seabed shallow surface sediments

    PL339.492 31°N 120.464 40°E1 636.736.560.68
    PL439.518 09°N 120.476 53°E1 582.656.940.70
    PL539.537 46°N 120.493 21°E1 575.51
    PL639.568 55°N 120.500 19°E1 468.377.490.73
    PL739.593 29°N 120.513 81°E1 597.967.250.72
    PL839.619 35°N 120.524 32°E1 536.737.060.71
    PL939.644 64°N 120.536 22°E1 657.147.480.73
    PL1039.661 17°N 120.546 00°E1 674.496.780.69
    PL1139.678 54°N 120.554 16°E1 601.027.080.71
    PL1239.695 24°N 120.560 21°E1 595.926.810.70
    PL1339.716 87°N 120.570 56°E1 728.576.640.69
    PL1439.723 59°N 120.575 45°E1 771.436.390.67
    PL1539.732 96°N 120.579 86°E1 679.596.080.66
    PL1639.754 23°N 120.590 03°E1 682.656.270.67
    PL1739.771 02°N 120.597 98°E1 628.576.230.67
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    表  2  Biot-Stoll模型输入的沉积物物理参数

    Tab.  2  The input sediment physical parameters of the Biot-Stoll model

    颗粒密度ρg/(g·m−32 708
    孔隙曲折度α${ \alpha = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {1.35},&{\Phi \leqslant 4}, \\ {{{ - }}0.3 + 0.412\;5\Phi },&{4 < \Phi < 8}, \\ {3.0},&{\Phi \geqslant 8} ,\end{array}} \right. }$ 式中,Φ = −log2d,Φ为平均粒径,d为颗粒直径(单位:mm)
    渗透率κ/m2${ \kappa = \dfrac{{{d^2}{n^3}}}{{180{{(1 - n)}^2}}}\dfrac{1}{{\sqrt {10} }}} $
    海水密度ρw/(g·m−3102 3
    框架剪切模量µ0/Pa${{\ \mu _0} = 1.835 \times {10^5}{\left(\dfrac{n}{ {1 - n} }\right)^{ - 1.12} }\sqrt { {\tau _a}(\textit{z})}}$,
    ${ {\tau _a}(\textit{z}) = (1 - n)({\rho _{\rm{s}}} - {\rho _{\rm{f}}})g\textit{z} }$,
    式中,$ {\tau _a}(\textit{z}) $为沉积物平均有效压力;重力加速度g=9.8 m/s2ρs为颗粒密度;ρf为孔隙流体密度;z为沉积层厚度(单位:m)
    框架体积模量K0/Pa${ {K_0} = \dfrac{{2{\mu _0}(1 + \sigma )}}{{3(1 - 2\sigma )}}} $ ,式中,σ为沉积物骨架的泊松比
    孔隙大小a$ {a = \dfrac{d}{3}\dfrac{n}{{1 - n}}\dfrac{1}{{1.8}} }$
    体积对数衰减δf${{\delta _f}({\textit{z}_s}) = {\delta _f}({\textit{z}_0})\sqrt { \dfrac{\textit{z}_0}{\textit{z}_s}}}$,式中,z0zs分别为第一层和特定目标层沉积物深度
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    表  3  反演结果与取样测试数据对比信息

    Tab.  3  Comparison information between inversion results and sampling test data

    站位纬度 经度样品孔隙度反演孔隙度偏差度/
    PL339.492 31°N 120.464 40°E0.6830.625–8.371 636.731 623.65–0.806.565.58–14.91
    PL439.518 09°N 120.476 53°E0.7010.634–9.641 582.651 611.621.836.945.73–17.46
    PL639.568 55°N 120.500 19°E0.7270.711–2.181 468.371 507.182.647.497.24–3.44
    PL739.593 29°N 120.513 81°E0.7160.7241.151 597.961 477.96–7.517.257.543.99
    PL839.619 35°N 120.524 32°E0.7070.77910.151 536.731 416.86–7.807.068.6922.97
    PL939.644 64°N 120.536 22°E0.7270.7969.541 657.141 394.14–15.877.489.0621.14
    PL1039.661 17°N 120.546 00°E0.6940.77511.741 674.491 418.37–15.306.788.6026.74
    PL1139.678 54°N 120.554 16°E0.7080.78010.101 601.021 414.50–11.657.088.7122.98
    PL1239.695 24°N 120.560 21°E0.6950.7568.791 595.921 439.56–9.806.818.1920.23
    PL1339.716 87°N 120.570 56°E0.6870.7519.291 728.571 450.71–16.076.648.0921.79
    PL1439.723 59°N 120.575 45°E0.6740.7379.271 771.431 461.70–17.486.397.7821.77
    PL1539.732 96°N 120.579 86°E0.6580.74513.261 679.591 455.37–13.356.087.9530.83
    PL1639.754 23°N 120.590 03°E0.6680.74711.841 682.651 458.80–13.306.277.9526.70
    PL1739.771 02°N 120.597 98°E0.6660.7228.411 628.571 489.09–8.566.237.4619.80
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