Study on applicability of GOCI inversion and OSU model sea surface currents field data in the Yellow Sea tidal wave system
摘要: 黄海呈现独有的地形条件,且该海域的潮波运动独具特征。本文利用静止海洋水色成像仪(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager,GOCI)遥感反演和俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University,OSU)潮流模式分别获取了黄海海域的海表流场,基于该海域独特的潮波系统提出并识别潮波干涉区,进而对GOCI反演的流场做潮流提取,并对两种潮流数据作分区可用性评价,通过实测的漂流浮标数据验证评估。结果表明:利用GOCI反演和OSU潮流模式获取的海表流场具有一定程度的可靠性,GOCI反演的海表流场的流速平均相对大小误差值为0.77,OSU潮流模式获取的海表流场流速平均相对大小误差值为0.49;在靠近潮波干涉区的黄海中部海域,GOCI潮流数据与实测数据在方向上的一致性要优于OSU潮流数据,两者平均角度误差值分别为48.45°和63.10°;在远离潮波干涉区的黄海近岸海域,OSU潮流数据与实测数据在速度大小和方向上的一致性要优于GOCI潮流数据。Abstract: The Yellow Sea presents unique topographic conditions, and the tidal wave movement in this area has unique characteristics. In this paper, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) inversion and Oregon State University (OSU) tidal current model are used to obtain the sea surface currents field in the Yellow Sea. Based on the unique tidal wave system in the sea area, the tidal wave interference area is proposed and identified, and then the currents field of GOCI inversion is extracted. And partition of two kinds of trend data usability evaluation, through the validation of the drifting buoy data evaluation. The results show that the sea surface currents field obtained by GOCI inversion and OSU tidal current model has a certain degree of reliability. The AME value of sea surface currents field velocity obtained by GOCI inversion is 0.77, and that obtained by OSU tidal model is 0.49. On the whole, the currents field data obtained by GOCI inversion and OSU tide model are reliable to a certain extent. In the central area of the Yellow Sea near the tidal wave interference area, the consistency between GOCI tidal currents data and OSU tidal currents data is better than that of OSU tidal currents data, and their AAE values are 48.45° and 63.10°, respectively. In the coastal area of the Yellow Sea far from the tidal wave interference area, the consistency between the OSU tidal currents data and the measured data is better than that of the GOCI tidal currents data in terms of velocity magnitude and direction.
图 3 最大相关系数算法估算海表流场的示意图
Fig. 3 A schematic diagram of the maximum correlation coefficient algorithm for estimating the sea surface currents field
Take the first invertible currents field as an example, the images on the left and right represent satellite remote sensing images observed in the same sea area and on the same day at 8:30 and 9:30, respectively; the solid line box in the left figure is the template window; the solid line box in the right figure is the matching window; the dotted line box is the mapping of the template window at the same position in the search area
图 8 漂流浮标海流与提取潮流的比较
Fig. 8 Comparison between the following currents of drifting buoys and the extracted tidal currents
The positive and negative of u component represent east and west respectively; the positive and negative of v component represent south and north respectively
图 12 黄海中部海域潮流数据平均流速(a−c)和流向(d−f)
流向图中半径从小到大的虚线圆代表8:30−15:30 7个时段(获得流速值的时间取自每个时间段的中间,如8:30−9:30的值由9:00的值表示)
Fig. 12 The average currents velocity (a−c) and currents direction (d−f) of the tidal currents data in the central Yellow Sea
The dotted circles with the radius from small to large in the flow graph represent the seven time periods from 8:30−15:30 (the time to obtain the currents velocity value is taken from the middle of each time period, such as the value of 8:30−9:30 is represented by the value of 9:00)
图 13 黄海近岸海域潮流数据平均流速(a−c)和流向(d−f)
流向图中半径从小到大的虚线圆代表8:30−15:30 7个时段(获得流速值的时间取自每个时间段的中间,如8:30−9:30的值由9:00的值表示)
Fig. 13 The average currents velocity (a−c) and currents direction (d−f) of the tidal currents data in the coastal Yellow Sea
The dotted circles with the radius from small to large in the flow graph represent the seven time periods from 8:30−15:30 (the time to obtain the currents velocity value is taken from the middle of each time period, such as the value of 8:30−9:30 is represented by the value of 9:00)
表 1 OSU模式计算结果与实测值的比较
Tab. 1 Comparison of OSU mode calculation results and actual measured values
浮标编号 站点数目 实测平均流速/
(°)1132711 1 759 0.43 0.41 44.16 1134158 663 0.45 0.52 22.43 1128413 1 366 0.39 0.46 42.85 1135115 930 0.31 0.39 39.19 1131901 1 787 0.28 0.34 49.90 平均 1 301 0.37 0.42 39.71 表 2 中部区域与近岸区域矢量值的比较
Tab. 2 Comparison of vector values between the central region and the nearshore region
所在区域 矢量数目 实测平均流速/
(°)中部区域 300 0.21 0.31 59.29 近岸区域 300 0.69 0.65 25.41 表 3 黄海中部与近岸海域GOCI与OSU潮流数据的AME值和AAE值
Tab. 3 The AME value and AAE value of GOCI and OSU tidal current data in the central and coastal waters of the Yellow Sea
日期 GOCI OSU AME值 AAE值/(°) AME值 AAE值/(°) 黄海中部海域 6月27日 0.85 49.65 0.55 38.07 7月11日 0.91 57.20 0.34 95.76 7月16日 1.06 38.50 0.48 55.48 平均 0.94 48.45 0.46 63.10 黄海近岸海域 8月2日 1.87 33.38 0.42 31.62 8月4日 0.61 63.12 0.31 23.02 8月5日 0.72 76.89 0.16 9.40 平均 1.07 57.79 0.30 21.34 表 4 3种不同示踪物的GOCI流场反演结果统计
Tab. 4 Statistics of GOCI currents field inversion results of three different tracers
日期 时段 Chl a浓度 Rrs TSM浓度 流场矢量数目 AME值 AAE值/(°) 流场矢量数目 AME值 AAE值/(°) 流场矢量数目 AME值 AAE值/(°) 6月27日 11:30−12:30 1010 1.13 21.83 955 1.22 27.04 1005 0.67 13.62 12:30−13:30 976 1.90 27.15 952 0.54 16.17 981 1.59 18.31 7月11日 11:30−12:30 472 0.30 13.99 448 0.62 13.51 476 0.53 15.34 12:30−13:30 580 0.25 6.44 487 0.50 16.10 553 0.52 12.54 7月16日 11:30−12:30 467 0.32 24.74 464 0.76 39.16 484 0.32 29.59 12:30−13:30 534 0.73 15.95 503 1.42 24.14 541 0.99 12.34 平均 673 0.77 18.35 634 0.84 22.69 673 0.77 16.96 -
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