Influence of mesoscale eddy on internal solitary wave propagation in the northern South China Sea based on remote sensing
摘要: 海洋内孤立波和中尺度涡是南海北部常见的中尺度动力过程。本文利用2010−2015年的Terra/Aqua-MODIS、ENVISAT ASAR和多源卫星高度计资料开展了南海海洋内孤立波和中尺度涡遥感探测研究,分析了中尺度涡对内孤立波传播方向的影响。结果表明,中尺度涡和内孤立波主要在南海东北部海域共存,当二者共存时,气旋(冷涡)促使内孤立波偏离原来的传播方向,向西偏南方向传播;反气旋(暖涡)促使内孤立波向西偏北方向传播,气旋与反气旋改变的内孤立波传播方向刚好相反。内孤立波和中尺度涡共存时间主要集中在3−9月,其中,3月受气旋和反气旋的共同作用,内孤立波传播方向几乎无变化;4月和5月,主要受气旋影响,内孤立波偏离原来传播方向向南传播;6−9月,主要受反气旋影响,内孤立波偏离原来的传播方向向北传播。本文利用遥感手段探索了海洋中尺度涡对内孤立波传播方向的影响,结果与现场观测结果一致。Abstract: The internal solitary wave and mesoscale eddy are common mesoscale dynamic processes in the northern South China Sea. In this paper, we use the Terra/Aqua-MODIS, ENVISAT ASAR and multi-source satellite altimeter data from 2010 to 2015 to realize remote sensing of isolated waves and mesoscale eddy in the South China Sea, and analyze the influence of mesoscale eddy on the propagation direction of internal solitary wave. The results show that the mesoscale eddy and the internal solitary wave coexist mainly in the northeastern part of the South China Sea. When the two coexisted, the cyclone (cold eddy) caused the internal solitary wave to deviate from the original propagation direction and propagation and spread to the west-south direction. The anticyclonic (warm eddy) causes the internal solitary wave to spread westward to the north, and the cyclone and the anticyclone change the direction of the internal solitary wave propagation is just opposite. The coexistence time of internal solitary wave and mesoscale eddy is mainly concentrated from March to September, and the propagation direction of internal solitary wave is almost unchanged in March due to the interaction of cyclone and anticyclone. In April and May, the internal solitary wave deviated from its original propagation direction and propagated southward mainly due to cyclone. From June to September, the internal solitary wave deviated from its original direction and propagated northward, mainly under the influence of anticyclone. In April and May, the internal solitary wave deviated from its original propagation direction and propagated southward mainly due to cyclone. From June to September, the internal solitary wave deviated from its original direction and propagated northward, mainly under the influence of anticyclone. The effect of mesoscale eddy on the propagation direction of internal solitary wave is investigated by remote sensing, and the results are in agreement with the field observation.
Key words:
- internal solitary wave /
- mesoscale eddy /
- remote sensing /
- northern South China Sea
图 1 南海中尺度涡和内孤立波空间分布
Fig. 1 Spatial distribution of mesoscale eddy and internal solitary wave in the South China Sea
The curves with different colors represent the internal solitary wave peak lines in different years;the red triangles represent the center of anticyclone eddy; the blue circles represent the center of cyclone eddy
图 2 南海中尺度涡和内孤立波位置月分布
Fig. 2 Monthly distribution of mesoscale eddy and internal solitary wave in the South China Sea
The black curve represents the internal solitary wave peak line;the red block represents the position of the anticyclone eddy; the blue block represents the position of the cyclone eddy
图 3 南海东北部中尺度涡和内孤立波传播方向示意图
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of mesoscale eddy and propagation direction of internal solitary wave in northeast South China Sea
The black curve represents the internal solitary wave peak line;the red block represents the position of the anticyclone eddy; the blue block represents the position of the cyclone eddy
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