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冯曦 周雨晨 孙凤明 徐欢 温世玮 孙壮 刘诗静 冯卫兵

冯曦,周雨晨,孙凤明,等. 温州湾海域潮形偏态时空分布特征研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(7):25–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022096
引用本文: 冯曦,周雨晨,孙凤明,等. 温州湾海域潮形偏态时空分布特征研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(7):25–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022096
Feng Xi,Zhou Yuchen,Sun Fengming, et al. Study on spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of tidal skewness in the Wenzhou Bay[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(7):25–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022096
Citation: Feng Xi,Zhou Yuchen,Sun Fengming, et al. Study on spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of tidal skewness in the Wenzhou Bay[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(7):25–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022096


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022096
基金项目: 中长周期波浪条件下港口工程建造关键技术研究(ZJ2015-1)。

    冯曦(1987-),女,江苏省南京市人,博士,主要从事海岸水动力和海岸带灾害研究。E-mail: xifeng@hhu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P731.23

Study on spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of tidal skewness in the Wenzhou Bay

  • 摘要: 人类活动引起的岸线变化影响着近岸海域的潮波在传播过程中的运动特征。本研究基于瓯江口与乐清湾5个验潮站,时间跨度为1984−2019年的逐时潮位实测资料,分析了该海域潮波形态的时空变化规律并解构造成潮汐不对称性的主要分潮簇的贡献度。研究发现,温州湾海域瓯江河口与乐清湾潮形有明显的不同,潮汐不对称性在瓯江河口涨潮占优,且向上游方向持续增大,但在乐清湾内则落潮占优。该海域潮汐不对称性呈现出明显的季节性变化特征。在6−7月、12月至翌年1月时$ \gamma $值达到最大。该海域潮汐不对称性主要由分潮组合M2/M4、M2/S2/MS4、M2/N2/MN4等分潮簇控制,分潮簇如M2/S2/MS4、M2/N2/MN4、O1/K1/M2的不对 称贡献度则表现出明显的季节性变化。从2000年起,温州湾海域涨潮占优的潮汐不对称性呈现逐渐减弱的趋势,这与瓯江河口频繁的海岸工程存在一定的联系。
  • 图  1  温州湾海域及各测站分布

    Fig.  1  Distribution of Wenzhou Bay and locations of tidal gauges

    图  2  各测站2019年2−3月份潮位、潮差及偏度

    Fig.  2  Tidal level, tidal range and skewness at each station during February to March of 2019

    图  3  2019年各测站年内月均偏度变化(a)、温州站1984−2019年期间月均偏度值(b)和1984−2019年期间温州湾海域岸线变动(c)

    Fig.  3  Tidal skewness annual variability at each station in 2019 (a), monthly-mean of tidal skewness at Wenzhou Station from 1984 to 2019 (b), and coastline changes from 1984 to 2019 (c)

    图  4  2019年各测站主要分潮振幅(a)和温洲站1984−2019年主要分潮振幅(b)

    Fig.  4  The amplitude of main tidal constituent at each station during 2019 (a) and the amplitude of main tidal constituent at Wenzhou Station from 1984 to 2019 (b)

    图  5  2019年温州海域每月总降雨量(a)、2019年各测站枯汛期偏度比较(b)和温州站历年枯汛期偏度比较(c)

    Fig.  5  Precipitation over year 2019 in Wenzhou waters (a), scatter plots of tidal skewness in flooding season vs. dry season at different stations (b) and scatter plots of tidal skewness in flooding season vs. dry season at Wenzhou Station for different years (c)

    图  6  2019年各测站最主要3大分潮簇对潮汐不对称性的贡献度月际变化

    a. 测站年均β值最大的分潮组合;b. 测站年均β值第二的分潮组合;c. 测站年均β值第三的分潮组合

    Fig.  6  Monthly variability of the contribution to tidal duration asymmetry from the top three primary combinations of tidal constituents at each station in 2019

    a. The tidal combination with the largest annual average β value of the station; b. the tidal combination with the second annual average β value of the station; c. the third tidal combination with the third annual average β value of the station

    图  7  2019年各测站3大分潮簇对潮汐不对称性的月均贡献度与年均贡献度比值

    a. 测站年均β值最大的分潮组合;b. 测站年均β值第二的分潮组合;c. 测站年均β值第三的分潮组合

    Fig.  7  The ratio of monthly contribution to tidal duration asymmetry over annual contribution to tidal duration asymmetry by the top three primary combinations of tidal constituents at each station in 2019

    a. The tidal combination with the largest annual average β value of the station; b. the tidal combination with the second annual average β value of the station; c. the third tidal combination with the third annual average β value of the station

    图  8  温州站与龙湾站不同年份的主要分潮组合对潮汐不对称性的贡献度和占总不对称性指标权重

    Fig.  8  Contributions and weights to tidal duration asymmetry by primary combinations of tidal constituents at Wenzhou Station and Longwan Station of varied years

    图  9  温州站 2000−2019 年典型月份主要分潮簇对潮汐不对称性的贡献β值及偏态指标γ值 Mann-Kendall 跃变检验结果

    Fig.  9  Test result of Mann-Kendall break of contribution to tidal duration asymmetry from the primary combinations of tidal constituents denoted by β and tidal skewness index (γ) in typical months at Wenzhou Station from year 2000 to 2019

    表  1  2019年各测站潮波基本特征

    Tab.  1  Characteristics of tidal wave at each station in 2019

    年均潮汐偏度($ \mathrm{\gamma } $)−0.16
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    表  2  各测站2019年7个主要分潮簇

    Tab.  2  The seven primary combinations of tidal constituents at each station in 2019

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    表  3  温州站2000−2019年6月和11月份主要分潮簇对潮汐不对称性贡献值及月潮位偏度Mann-Kendall检验值

    Tab.  3  Mann-Kendall test value of contributions to tidal duration asymmetry by primary combinations of tidal constituents and tidal skewness at Wenzhou Station in June and November over 2000 to 2019

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