Study on temperature and salinity tolerance of Tapes dorsatus juveniles
摘要: 本实验在室内控制条件下,采用实验生态学方法研究了钝缀锦蛤(Tapes dorsatus)稚贝对温度和盐度的耐受性。在温度耐受性方面:(1)稚贝在低温端温度为4℃、6℃、8℃、10℃时保持90%~100%存活的时间分别为0 d、2 d、3 d、7 d;在高温端温度为33℃、34℃、35℃、36℃时保持90%~100%存活率的时间分别为5 d、4 d、1 d、0 d;(2)在温度胁迫条件下,钝缀锦蛤在48 h、96 h、144 h和192 h的半致死温度在低温端分别为5.02℃、7.68℃、9.01℃和9.20℃;高温端分别为35.44℃、34.74℃、34.43℃和34.25℃。在盐度耐受性方面:(1)在低盐端盐度为13.0、15.6、18.2、20.8、23.4时保持90%~100%存活率的时间分别为1 d、1 d、≥9 d、≥9 d、≥9 d;在高盐端盐度为41.6、44.2、46.8、49.4、52.0时保持90%~100%存活率的时间分别为9 d、2 d、1 d、1 d、1 d;(2)钝缀锦蛤稚贝在48 h、96 h、144 h和192 h的半致死盐度,低盐端分别为14.46、16.02、16.76、16.91;高盐端分别为>52.0、51.79、50.58、48.88;(3)存活的适宜盐度为16.91~48.20,最适盐度为18.20~41.60;生长的适宜盐度为23.58~45.15,最适盐度为33.90。本实验结果表明,钝缀锦蛤稚贝对高温的耐受性较强,适合在南方温度较高的海域养殖;其适宜生存盐度范围较广,最适生长盐度与外海海水盐度基本相同,适合外海养殖。Abstract: In order to investigate the tolerance of temperature and salinity of Tapes dorsatus juveniles, ecological methods with the laboratory controlled system was used in this study. The results showed that: (1) in the temperature tolerance test, juveniles maintained 90%−100% survival rate at the low-temperature groups (4℃, 6℃, 8℃ and 10℃) for 0 d, 2 d, 3 d and 7 d and at the high-temperature groups (33℃, 34℃, 35℃ and 36℃) for 5 d, 4 d, 1 d and 0 d, respectively; (2) under temperature stress, at the low-temperature groups, the semilethal temperatures at 48 h, 96 h, 144 h and 192 h were 5.02℃, 7.68℃, 9.01℃ and 9.20℃. And in the high-temperature groups, the semilethal temperatures at 48 h, 96 h, 144 h and 192 h were 35.44℃, 34.74℃, 34.43℃ and 34.25℃, respectively. In the salinity tolerance test, (1) juveniles maintained 90%−100% survival rate at low-salinity groups (13.0, 15.6, 18.2, 20.8 and 23.4) for 1 d, 1 d, ≥9 d, ≥9 d and ≥9 d while in the high-salinity groups (41.6, 44.2, 46.8, 49.4 and 52.0) followed by 9 d, 2 d, 1 d, 1 d and 1 d, respectively; (2) the semilethal salinity at 48 h, 96 h, 144 h and 192 h in the low-salinity groups were 14.46, 16.02, 16.76 and 16.91, while in the high-salinity groups were >52.0, 51.79, 50.58 and 48.88, respectively; (3) for survival, the suitable and the optimum salinities of T. dorsatus juveniles were 16.91−48.20 and 18.20−41.60, respectively. For growth, the suitable and the optimum salinities were 23.58−45.15 and 33.90, respectively. The results indicated that T. dorsatus juveniles had strong tolerance to high temperature and were suitable for cultivation with higher temperatures in the southern sea area. The suitable survival salinity range was wide, and the optimal growth salinity was basically the same as the offshore sea water. T. dorsatus juveniles suitable for breeding in the offshore sea water.
Key words:
- Tapes dorsatus /
- juveniles /
- temperature /
- salinity /
- tolerance
表 1 钝缀锦蛤稚贝在不同温度48 h、96 h、144 h和192 h下的相对存活率
Tab. 1 Relative survival rate of Tapes dorsatus juveniles at different temperatures for 48 h, 96 h, 144 h and 192 h
温度/℃ 相对存活率/% 48 h 96 h 144 h 192 h 4 0±0c 0±0c 0±0c 0±0d 6 97.78±3.85a 19.08±3.69bc 0±0c 0±0d 8 98.89±1.92a 57.76±6.34b 0±0c 0±0d 10 100.00±0a 98.89±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 84.37±5.82b 26(对照) 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 33 98.89±1.92a 97.74±1.96a 87.6±25.15b 71.84±5.72bc 34 98.89±1.92a 91.00±2.03a 83.2±25.58b 67.51±7.96c 35 89.89±3.34b 32.68±9.04b 6.78±3.51C 0±0d 36 0±0c 0±0c 0±0c 0±0d 注:上标不同小写字母表示各组之间差异显著(p<0.05)。 表 2 钝缀锦蛤稚贝在不同盐度48 h、96 h、144 h和192 h下的相对存活率
Tab. 2 Relative survival rate of juveniles Tapes dorsatus at different salinities for 48 h, 96 h, 144 h and 192 h
盐度 相对存活率/% 48 h 96 h 144 h 192 h 13.0 10.00±8.82d 0±0e 0±0e 0±0e 15.6 82.22±10.72c 40.00±8.82d 12.22±3.85e 3.33±1.92e 18.2 98.89±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 96.67±3.33a 95.56±1.96a 20.8 98.89±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 96.67±0a 23.4 98.89±1.92a 96.67±3.34ab 95.56±1.92a 94.44±1.92a 26.0 100.00±0a 98.89±1.92a 98.89±1.92a 96.67±3.33a 28.6 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 98.89±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 31.2 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 32.6(对照) 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 33.8 100.00±0a 98.89±1.92a 98.89±1.92a 97.78±3.85a 36.4 98.89±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 97.78±1.92a 39.0 96.67±0ab 94.44±1.93ab 92.22±1.92ab 92.22±1.92a 41.6 100.00±0a 100.00±0a 96.67±0a 91.11±1.92a 44.2 92.22±3.85abc 80.00±3.33b 80.00±3.33b 76.67±0b 46.8 83.33±3.34c 66.67±10.00c 65.56±8.38c 64.44±10.18b 49.4 85.56±5.09bc 62.22±10.72c 54.44±8.39c 45.56±6.94c 52.0 83.33±3.34c 42.22±6.94d 37.78±10.72d 17.78±8.39d 注:上标不同小写字母表示各组之间差异显著(p<0.05)。 -
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