Basic geoacoustic structure and geoacoustic model for seafloor sediments
摘要: 为准确建立海底地声模型,本文探讨地声模型的基本组成和基本结构。通过样品实验室测量,分析南海海底表层沉积物的密度、孔隙度与声速随着埋深变化的关系,得出海底实际存在的低声速表面–声速缓慢变化类型、低声速表面–声速增大类型、高声速表面–声速缓慢变化类型和高声速表面–声速增大类型4种典型地声结构;对比钻探测量,分析黄海海底沉积物的密度、孔隙度与声速随埋深变化关系,得出海底地声模型分层特征与地声结构组合特征。研究表明,地声模型可以归结为4种基本地声结构的组合,通过与底层海水声速、同层内声速剖面以及与上层海底沉积物下表面声速的比较,可以建立各种海底地声模型;基于实验室测量法建立的地声模型可以作为参考地声模型,但需要考虑实际海底温度和压力梯度以及海底沉积物的频散特性等,借助于声速比校正法和频散性理论模型进行计算及修正。Abstract: To accurately establish a geoacoustic model for seafloor sediments, the elemental composition and structure of the geoacoustic model are explored in this paper. Based on the laboratory measurements of seafloor sediment samples, the buried depth relationship between density, porosity, and sound velocity of seafloor surface sediments in the South China Sea is analyzed. Four typical seafloor geoacoustic structures are obtained: low sound velocity surface-sound velocity slow change type, low sound velocity surface-sound velocity increase type, high sound velocity surface-sound velocity slow change type, and high sound velocity surface-sound velocity increase type. By comparing the drilling survey and analyzing the buried depth relationship between density, porosity, and sound velocity of seafloor sediments in the Yellow Sea, the actual layered characteristics and the combination characteristics of the geoacoustic structure are obtained. It shows that the geoacoustic model can be attributed to a combination of four basic geoacoustic structures. Various actual seafloor geoacoustic models can be derived from the comparisons between the acoustic sound speed of the bottom seawater, the sound velocity profile of seafloor sediments in the same layer, and the bottom sound velocity of the upper sediment. The geoacoustic model based on the laboratory measurement analysis of seafloor sediment samples can be used as a reference geoacoustic model. However, it should be modified with the sound velocity ratio correction method and theoretical calculation method of dispersion characteristics with the consideration of the actual seafloor temperature gradient, pressure gradient, and dispersion characteristics of seafloor sediment.
Key words:
- geoacoustic model /
- geoacoustic structure /
- seafloor sediments /
- sound velocity /
- frequency dispersion
表 1 地声模型建立方法的比较
Tab. 1 Comparison of establishment methods of geoacoustic model
建立方法 测量频率/kHz 海底埋深深度 地声参数 物理特性 遥测法 0.01~151) 通常几十米,可以至数千米 压缩波波速及其衰减系数 基于经验方程或者理论模型反演
计算获得实验室测量法 30~1 000 通常为0.5~4 m,部分
能够达到8 m压缩波波速及其衰减系数为主,部分
需物理力学特性海底原位测量法 1~260 通常为0.3~3 m,部分
能够达到6~8 m压缩波波速及其衰减系数为主,部分
测量获得钻探测量法 约402) 通常几十米,可以至数千米 压缩波波速和剪切波波速为主,可以
室测量获得注:1)遥测法中的浅地层剖面仪、多波束测量、侧扫声呐等高频探测频率段未计入内;2)钻探取样样品的测量频率段未计入内,可参照样品采集的实验室测量法。 -
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