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李晓玲 刘洋 王丛丛 俞晔伟 李纲

李晓玲,刘洋,王丛丛,等. 基于环境DNA技术的夏季东海鱼类物种多样性研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(4):74–84 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022088
引用本文: 李晓玲,刘洋,王丛丛,等. 基于环境DNA技术的夏季东海鱼类物种多样性研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(4):74–84 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022088
Li Xiaoling,Liu Yang,Wang Congcong, et al. Study on fish species diversity in the East China Sea in summer based on environmental DNA technology[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(4):74–84 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022088
Citation: Li Xiaoling,Liu Yang,Wang Congcong, et al. Study on fish species diversity in the East China Sea in summer based on environmental DNA technology[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(4):74–84 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022088


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022088
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2019YFD0901404);国家自然科学基金(31702312)。

    李晓玲(1997-),女,江苏省海安市人,主要从事环境DNA的研究。E-mail: 1103198570@qq.com


    王丛丛,女,讲师,主要从事环境DNA、种群遗传进化的研究。E-mail: ccwang@shou.edu.cn

    李纲,男,副教授,主要从事渔业资源评估的研究。E-mail: g-li@shou.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: S932.4

Study on fish species diversity in the East China Sea in summer based on environmental DNA technology

  • 摘要: 为了解东海海域主要鱼类群落的种类组成,监测和保护其多样性,本研究利用环境DNA技术对东海鱼类进行物种多样性分析。通过海水样本的采集,环境DNA提取、扩增和高通量测序分析,从东海14个站点的环境DNA样本中共检测出2纲,23目,29科,42属,44种海水鱼类,大部分种类在东海传统渔业资源调查中均有出现。其中,相对丰度较高的物种为赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa kammalensis)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、日本鲐(Scomber japonicus)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)和鲻(Mugil cephalus)。站点间α多样性差异较大,总体上呈现近海站点生物多样性高,远海站点生物丰度高的特点。研究结果表明,环境DNA技术可以作为传统渔业资源调查的补充,也可以对东海海域鱼类物种多样性及空间分布进行快速检测。
  • 图  1  2020年9月东海采样站点

    Fig.  1  Sampling stations in the East China Sea in September 2020

    图  2  东海鱼类OTU划分和分类地位鉴定结果

    Fig.  2  Result of OTU division and classification taxon identification of fish in the East China Sea

    图  3  各采样站点优势鱼类物种组成

    Fig.  3  The composition of dominant fish species at each sampling station

    图  4  东海不同采样站点(每条线代表一个站点)物种α多样性指数稀疏曲线

    Fig.  4  Sparse curve of species alpha diversity index at different sampling stations (each line represents a different station) in the East China Sea

    图  5  东海水域不同采样站点共有OTU的花瓣图

    Fig.  5  Petal map of OTU shared by different sampling stations in the East China Sea

    图  6  各优势鱼种在不同采样站点的相对丰度

    Fig.  6  Relative abundance of dominant fish species at different sampling stations

    图  7  环境DNA检出的东海鱼类物种组成热图


    Fig.  7  Heat map of fish species composition in the East China Sea detected by eDNA

    Samples are clustered by UPGMA according to the euclidean distance of species composition data, and arranged according to the clustering results; UPGMA clustering is carried out according to Pearson correlation coefficient matrix of species composition data, and arranged according to the clustering results; different color codes represent the expression of different species in different samples, and the value of color codes is obtained by taking Z value of species abundance data, and from green to brown, the abundance in corresponding samples gradually decreases

    表  1  各站点的序列量(eDNA)结果

    Tab.  1  Sequence quantity (eDNA) results of each station

    ES149 78344 71444 39142 43242 408
    ES246 90141 39340 86138 84038 805
    ES340 02532 22631 83628 59428 582
    ES451 37246 71446 34244 58444 577
    ES548 36842 88842 56938 71138 693
    ES640 21136 32336 04535 21535 191
    ES745 53637 14836 89633 50433 477
    ES842 89438 35037 91636 22236 206
    ES939 90535 71835 36533 79433 779
    ES1036 89434 16633 86633 02933 025
    ES1147 79842 48342 02540 46340 452
    ES1248 21244 93044 40542 82742 818
    ES1357 78252 82952 12650 61250 594
    ES1461 18252 15451 31448 60848 582
      注:表中第二列为原始数据中能同时匹配到正向和反向引物的序列量;第三列为拼接后的序列量;第四列为去除低质量序列后的数据量;第五列为聚类后去除嵌合体后序列量,即为高质量序列量;第六列为去除singleton OTUs(在所有样本中绝对丰度为1的OTU)后的序列量。
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    表  2  东海环境DNA检出的鱼类物种

    Tab.  2  Fish species detected by eDNA in the East China Sea

    AnguilliformesMuraenesocidaeMuraenesox褐海鳗 Muraenesox bagio
    海鳗 Muraenesox cinereus
    AulopiformesSynodontidaeHarpadon龙头鱼 Harpadon nehereus
    CarangariaPolynemidaePolydactylus黑斑多指马鲅 Polydactylus sextarius
    CarangiformesCarangidaeTrachurus日本竹筴鱼 Trachurus japonicus
    CentrarchiformesTerapontidaeRhynchopelates尖突吻䱨 Rhynchopelates oxyrhynchus
    ClupeiformesClupeidaeKonosirus斑鰶 Konosirus punctatus
    Sardinops远东拟沙丁鱼 Sardinops melanostictus
    EngraulidaeEncrasicholina银灰半棱鳀 Encrasicholina punctifer
    Engraulis日本鳀 Engraulis japonicus
    Setipinna太的黄鲫 Setipinna taty
    Thryssa赤鼻棱鳀Thryssa kammalensis
    黄吻棱鳀 Thryssa vitrirostris
    PristigasteridaeIlishaIlisha elongata
    ElopiformesElopidaeElops夏威夷海鲢 Elops hawaiensis
    EupercariaSciaenidaeChrysochir尖头黄鳍牙鱛 Chrysochir aureus
    Larimichthys小黄鱼 Larimichthys polyactis
    Pennahia银姑鱼 Pennahia argentata
    LabriformesLabridaeScarus青点鹦嘴鱼 Scarus ghobban
    MugiliformesMugilidaeMugilMugil cephalus
    MyctophiformesMyctophidaeBenthosema七星底灯鱼 Benthosema pterotum
    Diaphus帕尔眶灯鱼 Diaphus parri
    OphidiiformesOphidiidaeHoplobrotula棘鼬鳚 Hoplobrotula armata
    PempheriformesLateolabracidaeLateolabrax中国花鲈 Lateolabrax maculatus
    PerciformesPholidaePholis方氏锦鳚 Pholis fangi
    TriglidaeChelidonichthys棘绿鳍鱼 Chelidonichthys spinosus
    PleuronectiformesCynoglossidaeCynoglossus焦氏舌鳎 Cynoglossus joyneri
    Paraplagusia日本须鳎 Paraplagusia japonica
    PleuronectidaePleuronichthys木叶鲽 Pleuronichthys cornutus
    PriacanthiformesPriacanthidaePolydactylus长尾大眼鲷 Priacanthus tayenus
    ScombriformesCentrolophidaeHyperoglyphe日本栉鲳 Hyperoglyphe japonica
    Psenopsis刺鲳 Psenopsis anomala
    ScombridaeAuxis双鳍舵鲣 Auxis rochei
    Scomber日本鲐 Scomber japonicus
    Scomberomorus蓝点马鲛 Scomberomorus niphonius
    Thunnus长鳍金枪鱼 Thunnus alalunga
    TrichiuridaeTrichiurus日本带鱼 Trichiurus japonicus
    SpariformesSparidaeAcanthopagrus黑棘鲷 Acanthopagrus schlegelii
    StomiiformesSternoptychidaePolyipnus闪电烛光鱼 Polyipnus stereope
    SyngnathiformesCallionymidaeRepomucenus饰鳍斜棘鴨 Repomucenus ornatipinnis
    TetraodontiformesBalistidaeCanthidermis疣鳞鲀 Canthidermis maculata
    UranoscopiformesUranoscopidaeUranoscopus日本 Uranoscopus japonicus
    Xenocephalus青 Xenocephalus elongatus
    CarcharhiniformesCarcharhinidaeCarcharhinus镰状真鲨 Carcharhinus falciformis
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    表  3  东海鱼类物种相对丰度的α多样性指数

    Tab.  3  Alpha diversity index of relative abundance of fish species in the East China Sea

    ES1136.067110.90.114 6030.778 4470.146 170
    ES2141.298118.80.194 1341.338 0000.279 125
    ES366.30652.50.155 5470.888 8070.210 343
    ES487.05870.40.076 4280.469 0340.087 745
    ES5180.581158.00.179 9191.313 9800.260 339
    ES6146.008131.10.103 2140.726 0420.137 918
    ES7179.801156.10.120 0150.874 4470.159 080
    ES8123.483104.20.055 2190.370 1400.060 713
    ES996.78973.40.052 5000.325 3720.055 633
    ES1052.62841.30.031 3020.168 0190.028 676
    ES11128.553113.00.174 2761.188 4900.266 132
    ES1276.65265.10.240 0041.445 6800.358 558
    ES1397.96784.70.085 1210.545 0440.099 298
    ES14155.352140.80.396 2112.827 7300.644 819
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