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旷芳芳 张俊鹏 周喜武 陈航宇 靖春生

旷芳芳,张俊鹏,周喜武,等. 基于潜标观测的牛郎海山的深海海流的低频变化特征[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(5):71–79 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022085
引用本文: 旷芳芳,张俊鹏,周喜武,等. 基于潜标观测的牛郎海山的深海海流的低频变化特征[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(5):71–79 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022085
Kuang Fangfang,Zhang Junpeng,Zhou Xiwu, et al. Low frequency variation of deep current at Niulang Seamount based on submarine mooring observation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(5):71–79 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022085
Citation: Kuang Fangfang,Zhang Junpeng,Zhou Xiwu, et al. Low frequency variation of deep current at Niulang Seamount based on submarine mooring observation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(5):71–79 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022085


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022085
基金项目: 大洋“十三五”环境项目(DY135-E2-5-01);全球变化与海气相互作用(二期)专项 (GASI-04-WLHY-01)

    旷芳芳(1985-),女,湖南省衡阳市人,从事海洋数值模拟研究。E-mail: kuangfangfang@tio.org.cn

  • 中图分类号: P714;P731.21

Low frequency variation of deep current at Niulang Seamount based on submarine mooring observation

  • 摘要: 本文利用在西太平洋牛郎海山布放的两套锚系潜标获取的长时间海流观测数据,分析了深海的海洋动力环境特征,着重阐释了该海域海流的全水深垂向结构及其低频变化特征。结果表明:(1)年平均海流及其变化幅度均在上层最大、中层和深层次之、中深层最小;(2)年平均上,150 m以浅的海流为东向的副热带逆流,150 m以深和中层为西向流;山顶处的近底层海流为较稳定的弱南向流,山底处的近底层海流为西南向流;(3)在山顶和山底,各深度层次的海流在全年均表现出100 d左右的振荡周期;在2 000 m以浅,各深度层次的海流振荡的位相基本一致,振荡幅度在表层最强、随深度的增加而减小;在2 000 m以深,海流变化的位相与2 000 m以浅相反,振荡幅度在4 000 m最强。
  • 图  1  潜标位置和地形


    Fig.  1  Mooring sites and topography

    Topography data are extracted from GEBCO1

    图  2  MX1观测的不同深度层次的3日平均流矢图

    Fig.  2  Time series of 3-day averaged flow vectors from MX1 at different depths

    图  3  MX2观测的不同深度层次的3日平均流矢图

    Fig.  3  Time series of 3-day averaged flow vectors from MX2 at different depths

    图  4  低频海流(3 d低通滤波)的平均流速(a)、平均流向(b)和流速标准差(c)


    Fig.  4  Averaged current (3 d low-pass filtered) velocity (a), direction (b) and stand deviation (c)

    u denote the zonal velocity and v denote the meridional velocity

    图  5  MX1和MX2各深度层次日平均经向流速的主振荡周期


    Fig.  5  Periods of the dominant oscillations of daily-averaged meridional velocity at MX1 and MX2

    The red dots denote values that are above the 95% significance level

    图  6  MX1观测的山顶各层次日平均经向流速的小波谱(WPS)和全球功率谱(GWS)


    Fig.  6  Wavelet power spectrum (WPS) and global wavelet spectrum (GWS) analysis of daily meridional currents at different depths from MX1

    The color filled maps represent wavelet power spectrum and the curves on the right represent global wavelet spectrum. In the color maps, the thick black contours denote the 5% significance level against red noise, the thin black line is the influence cone curve, and the cone of influence where edge effects might distort the picture is shown as in lighter shades. In the curve map, the blue line denote the global wavelet density, and the dotted red line denote the 5% significance level against red noise

    图  7  MX2观测的各深度层次日平均经向流速的小波谱和全球功率谱


    Fig.  7  Wavelet power spectrum (WPS) and global wavelet spectrum (GWS) analysis of daily meridional currents at different depths from MX2

    The color filled maps represent wavelet power spectrum and the curves on the right represent global wavelet spectrum. In the color maps, the thick black contours denote the 5% significance level against red noise, the thin black line is the influence cone curve, and the cone of influence where edge effects might distort the picture is shown as in lighter shades

    图  8  经向流速的近100 d振荡的垂向结构(80~120 d滤波)

    Fig.  8  Vertical structures of meridional currents at about 100 d bands (80−120 d bandpass filtered)

    图  9  MX2日平均海流矢量相关系数(a)和偏角(b)

    Fig.  9  Complex vector correlation coefficients (a) and rotation angles in degrees (b) of current from different depths at MX2

    图  10  各层次与表层(19 m)的经向流速的互谱分析

    a. 互谱密度; b. 位相差;c. 相干系数

    Fig.  10  Cross spectrum analysis between the surface meridional current (19 m) and those at other depths

    a. Cross power spectral density; b. cross power spectral phase lag; c. magnitude-squared coherence

    图  11  MX2观测位置的正压模态和前4个斜压模态

    Fig.  11  The barotropic mode and the first four baroclinic modes at the mooring site of MX2

    图  12  经向流速的时间–深度分布观测值(a)、正压模态和前4个斜压模态重构值(b)

    Fig.  12  Meridional velocity along the time-depth section observation (a), reconstructed from the barotropic mode and the first four baroclinic modes (b)

    图  13  正压模态和前4个斜压模态的振幅

    Fig.  13  Amplitudes of the barotropic mode and the first four baroclinic modes

    表  1  MX1和MX2邻近深度层次低频海流的矢量相关系数

    Tab.  1  Complex vector correlation coefficients and rotation angles of current at adjacent depths from MX1 and MX2

    1 0000.64–28
    2 0000.20–2
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