Comparative study on shallow water depth inversion based on GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 remote sensing data
摘要: 浅海区水深的精确反演对于海洋空间管理和生态环境保护至关重要。选取南海西沙群岛的羚羊礁海域为研究区,基于GeoEye-1和WorldView-2高分辨率多光谱遥感数据和实测水深数据,分别建立了单波段模型、多波段模型和波段比值模型。结果显示,由绿波段参与建立的水深反演模型相关性普遍较高,同时利用4个波段组合建立的多波段模型精度最高,相关系数分别达到了0.870和0.853。基于该模型的反演结果对GeoEye-1和WorldView-2遥感数据在不同水深范围内的反演精度进行比较,结果表明,两种数据在不同水深范围内的反演误差变化趋势一致,平均相对误差最大值均出现在0~5 m,而最小值均出现在20~25 m。总体而言,WorldView-2影像反演水深的精度高于GeoEye-1影像的反演精度。研究对于热带浅海区的水深反演工作具有一定的参考意义。Abstract: Accurate inversion of shallow water depth is essential for marine space management and ecological environment protection. Lingyang Reef of Xisha Islands in the South China Sea is taken as a typical study area. The single-band model, multi-band model and band-ratio model are established based on GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 high-resolution multi-spectral remote sensing data and measured points. The results show that the correlation of the inversion model established with the participation of green band is generally high, while the multi-band model established by four bands combination has the highest accuracy and the correlation coefficient reaches 0.870 and 0.853, respectively. Comparing with the inversion accuracy of GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 data in different depth ranges based on the above model, the conclusion is that the inversion errors of the two kinds of data in different depth ranges have the same trend, with the maximum value of the average relative errors occurring in the range of 0−5 m and the minimum value occurring in the range of 20−25 m. In general, the inversion accuracy of WorldView-2 image is higher than that of GeoEye-1 image. This study has a certain reference significance for the inversion of water depth in shallow tropical sea.
表 1 遥感卫星数据参数
Tab. 1 Remote sensing satellite data parameters
参数 GeoEye-1 WorldView-2 获取时间 2017年2月18日 2019年7月15日 波长范围/nm 波段1(蓝):450~510
波段8(近红外):860~1 040空间分辨率/m 1.65 1.80 表 2 水深反演模型及其决定系数
Tab. 2 Water depth inversion model and its determination coefficients
模型 GeoEye-1 WorldView-2 拟合公式 决定系数 拟合公式 决定系数 单波段
模型y=−15.618ln(Xb)+121.290 0.563 y=−19.630ln(Xb)+153.310 0.537 y=−11.989ln(Xg)+90.712 0.738 y=−14.280ln(Xg)+109.510 0.680 y=−9.770ln(Xr)+64.625 0.091 y=0.427ln(Xr)+19.500 0.001 y=8.866ln(Xnir)−12.766 0.033 y=1.120ln(Xnir)+17.337 0.007 多波段
模型y=4.179ln(Xb)–14.544ln(Xg)+78.751 0.745 y=6.573ln(Xb)–18.234ln(Xg)+89.696 0.689 y=−14.985ln(Xb)–5.847ln(Xr)+143.192 0.595 y=−21.155ln(Xb)–4.477ln(Xr)+181.884 0.573 y=−15.385ln(Xb)+4.275ln(Xnir)+103.399 0.571 y=20.910ln(Xb)+3.227ln(Xnir)+150.687 0.592 y=−11.957ln(Xg)–0.212ln(Xr)+91.471 0.739 y=15.027ln(Xg)–4.056ln(Xr)+130.695 0.712 y=−11.854ln(Xg)+4.770ln(Xnir)+71.632 0.748 y=−14.617ln(Xg) +2.369ln(Xnir)+103.316 0.711 y=−10.565ln(Xr)+10.653ln(Xnir)+27.285 0.138 y=1.674ln(Xr)+1.607ln(Xnir)+8.803 0.011 y=4.745ln(Xb)–15.041ln(Xg)+1.010ln(Xr)+73.513 0.746 y=4.415ln(Xb)–17.636ln(Xg)–3.811ln(Xr)+116.107 0.716 y=4.670ln(Xb)–14.698ln(Xg)+5.180ln(Xnir)+56.621 0.756 y=3.433ln(Xb)–16.656ln(Xg)+2.198ln(Xnir)+93.418 0.713 y=−14.626ln(Xb)–6.357ln(Xr)+5.577ln(Xnir)+121.762 0.607 y=−21.520ln(Xb)–2.591ln(Xr)+2.539ln(Xnir)+167.786 0.603 y =−11.736ln(Xg)–0.757ln(Xr)+4.938ln(Xnir) +73.666 0.748 y=−15.025ln(Xg)–2.823ln(Xr)+1.587ln(Xnir)+120.108 0.723 y=4.942ln(Xb)–14.941ln(Xg)+0.499ln(Xr)+5.093ln(Xnir)+54.407 0.757 y=2.926ln(Xb)–16.754ln(Xg)–2.761ln(Xr)+1.458ln(Xnir)+111.300 0.727 波段比
值模型${y=21.978{\rm{ln}} \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{b}}}}}{{{X_{\rm{g}}}}}} \right)+7.811 }$ 0.561 ${y=28.096 \ln \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{b}}}}}{{{X_{\rm{g}}}}}} \right) +5.834}$ 0.569 ${y=-9.668\ln \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{b}}}}}{{{X_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right) +40.248}$ 0.258 $ {y=-6.429\ln\left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{b}}}}}{{{X_{\rm{r}}}}}} \right) +38.193}$ 0.182 ${y=-13.35\ln \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{b}}}}}{{{X_{{\rm{nir}}}}}} } \right)+55.538}$ 0.531 ${y=-5.798\ln \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{b}}}}}{{{X_{{\rm{nir}}}}}} } \right)+40.067}$ 0.195 ${y=-11.45\ln \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{g}}}}}{{{X_{\rm{r}}}}} } \right)+36.747}$ 0.598 ${y=-7.341\ln \left( {\dfrac{{{X_{\rm{g}}}}}{{{X_{\rm{r}}}}} } \right)+36.571}$ 0.356 ${y=-11.17\ln\left( \dfrac{ { {X_{\rm{g} } } }}{ {X_{ {\rm{nir} } } }} \right)+43.112}$ 0.730 ${y=-6.814\ln\left( \dfrac{ { {X_{\rm{g} } } }}{ {X_{ {\rm{nir} } } } } \right)+39.628}$ 0.367 ${y=-10.59\ln\left( \dfrac{ { {X_{\rm{r} } } }}{ {X_{ {\rm{nir} } } }} \right)+27.64}$ 0.138 ${y=-0.494\ln\left( \dfrac{ { {X_{\rm{r} } } }}{ {X_{ {\rm{nir} } } }} \right)+21.547}$ 0.003 注:Xb、Xg、Xr、Xnir分别为蓝波段、绿波段、红波段、近红外波段的反射率。 表 3 不同水深范围的反演误差
Tab. 3 Inversion error of different depth ranges
水深范围/m 平均相对误差/% 均方根误差/m GeoEye-1 WorldView-2 GeoEye-1 WorldView-2 0~5 23.43 19.56 0.87 0.83 5~10 22.42 16.60 2.25 1.88 10~15 16.19 13.50 2.53 2.15 15~20 13.19 10.71 2.70 2.43 20~25 8.85 7.73 2.39 2.14 25~30 13.90 9.47 3.79 2.94 0~30 12.58 10.40 2.70 2.53 -
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