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许媛媛 梁书秀 薛庆仁 孙昭晨

许媛媛,梁书秀,薛庆仁,等. 不同破碎波气液混合区发展特征及其运动特性研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(5):113–123 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022075
引用本文: 许媛媛,梁书秀,薛庆仁,等. 不同破碎波气液混合区发展特征及其运动特性研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(5):113–123 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022075
Xu Yuanyuan,Liang Shuxiu,Xue Qingren, et al. Study on development characteristics of gas-liquid mixture zones and kinematics of breaking wave with different breaking type[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(5):113–123 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022075
Citation: Xu Yuanyuan,Liang Shuxiu,Xue Qingren, et al. Study on development characteristics of gas-liquid mixture zones and kinematics of breaking wave with different breaking type[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(5):113–123 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022075


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022075
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2019YFC1407700); 国家自然科学基金(51779038)。

    许媛媛 (1989-),女,四川省南充市人,主要从事海洋环境动力学的试验和模拟研究。E-mail:xuyy_dl@mail.dlut.edu.cn


    梁书秀,女,教授,主要从事近海环境关键过程以及影响因素的模拟和实测研究。E-mail: sxliang@dlut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P753

Study on development characteristics of gas-liquid mixture zones and kinematics of breaking wave with different breaking type

  • 摘要: 了解波浪破碎速度场的分布特性对于波浪破碎物理机制的研究极为重要,同时,对比研究不同类型破碎产生的气液混合区的演化特征有利于波浪白冠覆盖率模型的完善。在实验室水槽,生成了深水临界波、单次崩破波和单次卷破波,采用图像测速技术获取了波浪破碎图像、波面下水体和气液混合区速度场。结果表明,崩破波的水平向速度u和垂直向速度v在波峰前和波峰后的分布极为不对称,其水平向最大速度umax并不位于峰顶,而是在主导波峰前0.7$\eta_{\max} $处;卷破波的umax出现在波峰峰顶前端极小的区域内,且该区域与周围区域的速度梯度极大。崩破波和卷破波生成的气液混合区发展特征也存在差异:崩破波的umax值大、影响区域长、混合区厚度较小、各区域影响时间短;而卷破波的各项特征参数与崩破波形成对比。
  • 图  1  试验仪器在水槽中的布置

    Fig.  1  Wave tank and measurement locations

    图  2  粒子图像测速技术拍摄视场说明

    Fig.  2  Particle image velocimetry field of view

    图  3  粒子图像测速技术分析的临界波波峰区间速度场

    a. 水平向速度;b. 垂向速度,黑色矢量为合速度

    Fig.  3  Particle image velocimetry velocity field in wave crest area of critical wave

    a. Horizontal velocity; b. vertical velocity. The black vector is the absolute velocity

    图  4  临界波波峰区间,速度矢量平面图

    Fig.  4  $ \hat{u} $ vs $ \hat {v}$ for wave crest area of critical wave

    图  5  崩破波形成过程波峰区间速度场


    Fig.  5  Particle image velocimetry velocity field in wave crest area of spilling wave

    Left column represents horizontal velocity; right column represents vertical velocity. The black vector is the absolute velocity

    图  6  图 5b时刻波峰区间速度矢量平面图

    Fig.  6  $ \hat{u} $ vs $\hat{v} $ for wave crest area of spilling wave in Fig. 5b

    图  7  卷破波水舌入水前波峰区间速度场


    Fig.  7  Particle image velocimetry velocity field in wave crest area of plunging wave

    Left column represents horizontal velocity, right column represents vertical velocity. The black vector is the absolute velocity

    图  8  图 7b时刻,波峰区间速度矢量平面图

    Fig.  8  $ \hat{u} $ vs $ \hat{v}$ for wave crest area of plunging wave in Fig. 7b

    图  9  崩破波破碎过程

    Fig.  9  Breaking process for spilling wave

    图  10  卷破波破碎过程

    Fig.  10  Breaking process for plunging wave

    图  11  崩破导致混合区影响深度随时间的变化(左列)和混合区最大水平向速度与水体最大水平向速度的比较(右列)


    Fig.  11  Spilling wave, the thickness of mixed zone varies with time (left column) and the comparison of the maximum horizontal velocity $ \hat{u}_{\max}$ in mixed zone and the maximum horizontal velocity $ \hat{u}_{\max}$ in water body (right column)

    Maximum horizontal velocity $ \hat{u}_{\max}$ of the mixed zone is measured by BIV, maximum horizontal velocity $ \hat{u}_{\max}$ of the water body is measured by PIV

    图  12  卷破导致混合区影响深度随时间的变化(左列)和混合区最大水平向速度与水体最大水平向速度的比较(右列)


    Fig.  12  Plunging wave, the thickness of mixed zone varies with time (left column) and the comparison of the maximum horizontal velocity $ u_{ \max } $ in mixed zone and the maximum horizontal velocity $ u_{ \max } $ in water body (right column)

    Maximum horizontal velocity $ u_{ \max } $ of the mixed zone is measured by BIV, maximum horizontal velocity $ u_{ \max } $ of the water body is measured by PIV

    表  1  试验工况参数

    Tab.  1  Experimental conditions

    工况fpSinput$ \Delta f $γ破碎类型
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    表  2  不同破碎类型特征参数的对比

    Tab.  2  Comparison of characteristic parameters of different breaking types

    速度场分布$ u_{ \max } $总长度Lm总时长TmDmaxtmax$ u_{ \max } ^m$
    崩破波极不对称0.84Cd1.15Ld1.86T0.75$ \eta_{\max}$0.6T1.5Cd
    卷破波不对称0.83Cd0.5Ld2.0T1.55$ \eta_{\max}$1.0T1.0Cd
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