Holocene relative sea-level change of Fujian coast, southeastern China: Geological records and comparison with glacio-hydro isostatic adjustment modelling
摘要: 重建高质量的全新世相对海平面变化曲线,可为海岸带人类社会科学预测及应对未来海平面上升风险提供重要的地质历史依据和长时间尺度的数据参考。目前已发表了多条福建海岸带全新世相对海平面变化曲线,然而已有曲线反映的相对海平面变化历史存在较大差异,甚至是矛盾结果。同时,相对海平面长期变化机制及影响因素也不明确。本研究收集、整理了福建沿海已发表的全新世相对海平面数据,对已有数据的年代、高程、指示意义等属性信息进行重新检查和校正,根据国际方法体系,建立了该区域一个标准化的全新世“相对海平面数据库”,共包括海平面数据183个。在此基础上,采用“变量误差–综合高斯(EIV-IGP)”统计学模型,提出了一条新的福建沿海全新世相对海平面变化曲线。并应用“冰川–水均衡调整”(GIA)理论,开展了相对海平面变化GIA模拟。最后,综合相对海平面变化地质记录及GIA模拟结果,得出以下结论:(1)福建沿海距今11.28~7.08 cal ka,相对海平面由(–23.55±6.94)m快速连续上升至(–1.51±1.80)m;距今7.08~4.08 cal ka,相对海平面由(–1.51±1.80)m缓慢上升至约(1.09±1.38)m;距今3.48 cal ka前后,相对海平面高于现代海平面约(1.35±1.23)m;此后,波动下降并逐渐接近现代位置;(2)“冰川–水均衡调整”作用是福建全新世相对海平面变化的主要长期作用机制;距今11.28~7.00 cal ka,相对海平面变化主要受冰盖融水控制;距今7.00 cal ka以来,“水均衡调整”作用逐渐占据主导;(3)福建沿海中–晚全新世(距今6.75~0.16 cal ka)期间,存在高于现今海面位置的“高海平面”现象;不同于传统构造运动主导观点,研究认为GIA引起的“陆地掀斜”和“海洋虹吸”作用,可能是该区域“高海平面”现象产生的主要原因;(4)福建沿海全新世相对海平面变化,存在一定程度的空间差异。不同岸段之间的沉积物压实、差异性构造运动和潮差变化等非GIA因素,可能是这一现象产生的重要原因。Abstract: Reconstruction of high-quality Holocene relative sea levels (RSL) based on geological records can provide important past analogue and long-term reference for coastal societies to make better prediction and preparation for future sea-level rise. In the last decades, several Holocene RSL curves have already been published from Fujian coast, southeastern China. However, obvious differences and even contradictory results existed in these early-stage researches. At the same time, the mechanism and factors which control the long-term RSL change in this area are also unclear. In this study, new and published RSL data have been compiled from Fujian coast. Attribute information including location, age, elevation and indicative meaning of each data point has been re-examined and corrected. After that, a standardized Holocene relative sea level database which includes a total number of 183 data were established. On this basis, a new regional Holocene RSL curve was proposed by using the errors in variable-integrated gaussian process (EIV-IGP) statistical model. Finally, theoretical RSL change was predicted through solving the sea level equation (SLE). Combining the RSL geological records and GIA simulation results, conclusions are drawn as follow: (1) New Holocene RSL history of Fujian coast was reconstructed. 11.28–7.08 cal ka before present, RSL rose from (–23.55±6.94) m to (–1.51±1.80) m continuously; 7.08–4.08 cal ka before present, RSL rose slowly from (–1.51±1.80) m to (1.09 ±1.38) m; around 3.48 cal ka before present, RSL was about (1.35±1.23) m higher than modern sea level. Since then, the RSL has declined close to the modern position gradually. (2) In the Early Holocene (11.28–7.00 cal ka before present), the RSL change was mainly controlled by the meltwater from continental ice-sheet; and since 7.00 cal ka before present, hydro-isostatic process dominated the regional RSL change. (3) Holocene sea level highstand existed during 6.75–0.16 cal ka before present on Fujian coast. The highstand of sea level could be attributed to continental levering and ocean syphoning processes caused by GIA rather than tectonic movement. (4) Holocene RSL change showed spatial variability on the Fujian coast. Non-GIA factors including the compaction of unconsolidated strata, differential tectonic movements and tidal range changes, supposed to be related to this phenomenon.
图 1 研究区概况
a. 东亚板块边界分布;b. 福建海岸带全新世相对海平面数据空间分布及分区;c. 福建沿海已发表的全新世相对海平面变化曲线
Fig. 1 Map of the study area
a. Locations of East Asia and the plate boundary;b. distribution of Holocene relative sea-level data along the Fujian coast and sub-zone;c. published Holocene relative sea-level curves from Fujian coast
图 5 福建沿海全新世相对海平面指示点数据与“冰川− 水均衡调整”模拟结果(理论RSL曲线、IESL曲线)对比
a. 宁德;b. 福州− 平潭;c. 莆田− 泉州;d. 厦门− 漳州
Fig. 5 Comparison of sea level index point (SLIP) with relative sea level (RSL) curve and ice melt equivalent sea-level (IESL) curve at each subzone of Fujian coast
a. Ningde; b. Fuzhou-Pingtan; c. Putian-Quanzhou;d. Xiamen-Zhangzhou
表 1 福建海岸带全新世相对海平面标志物及其指示意义
Tab. 1 Indicative meaning of Holocene sea level indicators on Fujian coast
数据类型 海平面标志物 指示意义 参考水位 指示范围 海平面指
示点数据海滩岩(海滩型) (HAT+MLW)/2 HAT−MLW 贝壳堤(底部) (MSHW+MNHW)/2 MSHW−MNHW 牡蛎礁 (MTL+MSLW)/2 MTL−MSLW 埋藏红树林 (MSHW+MSLW)/2 MSHW−MSLW 盐沼泥炭 (HAT+MNHW)/2 HAT−MNHW 潮滩淤泥 (MSHW+MSLW)/2 MSHW-MSLW 潮间带沉积(上部) (MSHW+MTL)/2 MSHW−MTL 潮间带沉积(下部) (MTL+MSLW)/2 MTL−MSLW 陆地约束
数据海滩岩(沙堤型) MTL >MTL 贝壳堤 MTL >MTL 淡水泥炭 MTL >MTL 河湖相沉积 MTL >MTL 埋藏古树 MTL >MTL 海洋约束
(原位)MTL <MTL 河口砂坝 MTL <MTL 河口湾沉积 MTL <MTL 潮下带淤泥 MTL <MTL 浅海相及海相沉积 MTL <MTL -
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