Bathymetry estimation using ensemble adjustment Kalman filter in the numerical simulation of M2 constituent
摘要: 数据同化利用观测信息对模型状态场调整的同时也可以对数值模型中的不确定参数进行估计,从而改进数值模型,提高数值模拟的精度。本文基于集合调整卡尔曼滤波方法,采用广义坐标系统的美国普林斯顿大学海洋模式的外模式开展了渤海和部分黄海海域M2分潮模拟中的水深估计研究。理想数据同化试验结果表明,集合调整卡尔曼滤波方法能很好地降低模式模拟的水位误差并反演出“真实”的水深参数。而在NAO.99Jb和验潮站数据的实际数据同化试验中,与验潮站数据相比较,水深参数估计后,模式模拟的M2分潮振幅与迟角误差分别降低了40.27%和49.19%。Abstract: Data assimilation can estimate the uncertain parameters in the numerical model while adjusting the state variables with observations to improve the simulation results through enhancing the numerical model. Based on the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF) and the external mode of the Princeton ocean model with generalized coordinate system (POMgcs), a bathymetry estimate is performed in the M2 constituent simulation of the Bohai Sea and part of the Yellow Sea. The results of the ideal data assimilation experiment or identical twin experiment show that the EAKF method can retrieve the “truth” bathymetry. In the practical data assimilation experiment of the NAO.99Jb and tide gauge data, by comparing with the 34 tide gauges, the model simulated amplitude and phase lag errors of M2 constituent are reduced by 40.27% and 49.19%, respectively, by use of the posterior estimate of the bathymetry.
Key words:
- data assimilation /
- EAKF /
- numerical simulation /
- Bohai Sea /
- Yellow Sea /
- M2 constituent /
- bathymetry estimation
图 7 试验1(a,b)、试验2(c,d)和对比试验(e,f)的振幅(a,c,e;单位:cm)和迟角(b,d,f;单位:(°))及其在各个验潮站位置的数值相较于同化前的变化情况
Fig. 7 Amplitude (a, c, e; unit: cm) and phase lag (b, d, f; unit: (°)) from experiment 1 (a, b), experiment 2 (c, d) and NAO.99Jb data assimilation experiment (e, f), and change of errors at each tide gauge
Green squares represent the errors are reduced and red squares represent the errors are increased with respect the prior
图 8 模式先验、对比试验、试验1和试验2的振幅(a, b)和迟角(c, d)在验潮站位置处的均方根误差
Fig. 8 Amplitude (a, b) and phase lag (c, d) root mean square errors of the prior, NAO.99Jb data assimilation experiment, experiment 1, and experiment 2 with respect to the tide gauges
The tidal gauge station numbers correspond to those in Fig.1
表 1 理想数据同化试验中M2分潮的先验和后验振幅与迟角空间平均误差
Tab. 1 Spatial averaged errors of amplitude and phase lag of M2 constituent from the prior and posterior in twin experiment
振幅误差/cm 迟角误差 同化前 7.6 12°54′ 同化后 0.2 18′ 表 2 NAO.99Jb实际数据同化试验中M2分潮的先验和后验振幅与迟角空间平均误差
Tab. 2 Spatial averaged errors of amplitude and phase lag of M2 constituent for the prior and posterior in the NAO.99Jb data assimilation experiment
振幅误差/cm 迟角误差 同化前 26.1 24°46′ 同化后 18.1 16°23′ 表 3 同化前、试验1、试验2和对比试验与验潮站振幅、迟角的平均空间误差
Tab. 3 Spatial averaged errors of amplitude and phase lag from the model, experiment 1, experiment 2 and NAO.99Jb data assimilation experiment with respect to those from tide gauges
振幅误差/cm 迟角误差 同化前 29.8 30°07′ 试验1 21.3 21°16′ 试验2 17.8 15°18′ 对比试验 21.8 16°56′ -
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