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林金波 毛鸿飞 田正林 纪然

林金波,毛鸿飞,田正林,等. SPH方法的孤立波与部分淹没结构物相互作用数值计算研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(6):116–127 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022045
引用本文: 林金波,毛鸿飞,田正林,等. SPH方法的孤立波与部分淹没结构物相互作用数值计算研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(6):116–127 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022045
Lin Jinbo,Mao Hongfei,Tian Zhenglin, et al. Study on the interaction between solitary waves and the non-submerged marine structures based on the SPH model[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(6):116–127 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022045
Citation: Lin Jinbo,Mao Hongfei,Tian Zhenglin, et al. Study on the interaction between solitary waves and the non-submerged marine structures based on the SPH model[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(6):116–127 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022045


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022045
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52001071);湛江市海洋青年人才创新项目(2021E05009);湛江市非资助科技攻关计划项目(2021B01160,2021B01033);广东海洋大学科研启动费资助项目(060302072103,060302072003)。




  • 中图分类号: TV139.2

Study on the interaction between solitary waves and the non-submerged marine structures based on the SPH model

Funds: The study is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52001071), Marine Youth Talent Innovation Project of Zhanjiang(2021E05009), Non-funded Science and Technology Research Plan Project of Zhanjiang(2021B01160,2021B01033), Research Start-up Fund Project of Guangdong Ocean University(060302072103, 060302072003).
  • 摘要: 为研究孤立波作用下结构物周围流场特征,基于无网格SPH方法,建立孤立波与海洋结构物相互作用模型,对不同波幅孤立波作用下部分淹没矩形结构物周围波面、流速、涡量及结构受力特征进行计算分析,探索了相对波高对非淹没结构物周围流场的影响规律。结果表明:流场特征与相对波高密切相关,相对波高较小时,波面、流速、涡量及结构荷载均较为光滑,相对波高在0.2以上时,波峰爬升至结构物顶部并在越过结构物后与水槽内水体碰撞造成流场波动,波面、流速、涡量及结构荷载的波动幅度随着相对波高增大而增大,流场更加复杂,结构物水平和垂向负压也越大,且结构物周围涡分布逐渐向深度方向和下游方向发展。
  • 图  1  模型计算结果与理论解对比

    Fig.  1  Comparison between calculated results and analytical solution

    图  2  模型布置示意图

    Fig.  2  Layout of the model

    图  3  相对波高为0.1模型计算测点水位及结构物受力

    Fig.  3  Water level at the measurement point and force on the obstacle with relative wave height of 0.1

    图  4  不同相对波高测点相对自由表面高程变化

    Fig.  4  History of the relative free surface elevation with different relative wave height

    图  5  不同相对波高x=52.5 m测点相对自由表面高程变化

    Fig.  5  History of the relative free surface elevation with different relative wave height at x=52.5 m

    图  6  不同相对波高结构物水动力荷载系数变化

    Fig.  6  History of hydrodynamic load coefficient of obstacle with different relative wave height

    图  7  结构物受力荷载幅度与相对波高关系曲线

    Fig.  7  Relation between structure load and relative wave height

    图  8  不同相对波高瞬时自由表面形态

    Fig.  8  Free surface at instants with different relative wave height

    图  9  不同相对波高孤立波与结构物相互作用流速与涡量分布

    Fig.  9  Velocity and vorticity of the interaction between solitary wave with different relative wave height and obstacle

    表  1  模型计算结果L2误差

    Tab.  1  L2 error of the calculated results

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