Crab community structure and its relationship with environmental factors in the eastern sea area of Zhoushan Islands
摘要: 根据2018年4月(春季)和10月(秋季)在舟山群岛东侧海域(29°10′25.54"~30°45′00"N,122°53′3.88"~124°48′28.31"E)开展的渔业资源底拖网调查所获得的蟹类数据,研究了该海域蟹类资源的种类组成、优势种、生物多样性等群落结构特征,同时分析了蟹类数量分布及其群落结构与温、盐等环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,调查海域春、秋季蟹类种类共有40种,隶属于12科,23属;其中,春季优势种为双斑鲟(Charybdis bimaculata),秋季优势种为双斑鲟和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus),均为广温、广盐性种类;秋季丰富度指数(D)及Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')高于春季,而Pielou均匀度指数(J')则相差不大;独立样本T检验方法显示,春、秋两季渔获量之间存在显著性差异(p<0.01);根据聚类分析与非度量多维标度排序分析,春、秋季蟹类均可划分为4个组群,SIMPER分析结果显示,秋季群落相似性大于春季;典范对应分析结果表明,底层水温和表层盐度是影响调查海域蟹类群落结构及数量分布的主要环境因子。Abstract: According to the data collected in April (spring) and October (autumn) of 2018 in the eastern sea area of Zhoushan Islands (29°10′25.54′′−30°45′00′′N, 122°53′3.88′′−124°48′28.31′′E) based on the crab data obtained from bottom trawl survey of fishery resources, the community structure characteristics of crab resources such as species composition, dominant species and biodiversity were studied, and the relationship between crab quantity distribution and community structure and environmental factors such as temperature and salinity was analyzed. The results show that there are 40 species of crabs in spring and autumn, belonging to 23 genera and 12 families; among them, the dominant species in spring is Charybdis bimaculatus, and in autumn are C. bimaculatus and Portunus trituberculatus; the richness index (D) and Shannon Wiener-diversity index (H′) in autumn are higher than those in spring, while Pielou evenness index (J') is similar in spring and autumn; independent sample t-test show that there is significant difference between spring and autumn; according to cluster analysis and non metric multi-dimensional scaling analysis, spring can be divided into four communities, and autumn can be divided into four communities; canonical correspondence analysis show that bottom water temperature and surface salinity are the main environmental factors affecting the community structure and quantity distribution of crabs in the investigated sea area.
表 1 调查海域春秋季蟹类种类数的组成
Tab. 1 The composition of crab species in spring and autumn in the investigated sea area
科 种类数 春季 秋季 合计 瓷蟹科 Porcellanidae 0 1 1 绵蟹科 Dromiidae 2 3 3 馒头蟹科 Calappidae 2 3 3 关公蟹科 Dorippidae 3 3 4 宽背蟹科 Euryplacidae 2 1 2 长脚蟹科 Goneplacidae 3 3 3 玉蟹科 Leucosiidae 2 5 5 尖头蟹科 Inachidae 1 0 1 蜘蛛蟹科 Majidae 0 1 1 毛刺蟹科 Pilumnidae 0 1 1 梭子蟹科 Portunidae 12 12 13 扇蟹科 Xanthidae 2 2 3 表 2 调查海域主要蟹类相对重要性指数及生态习性
Tab. 2 The relative importance index and ecological habits of the main crabs in the investigated sea area
种名 IRI 生态类型 适温类型 春季 秋季 双斑蟳 Charybdis bimaculata 2 869 5716 广温、广盐性 WW 日本英雄蟹 Achaeus japonicus 122 / 广温、广盐性 WW 绵蟹 Dromia dehaani 288 14 广温、广盐性 WW 日本蟳 Charybdis japonica 668 358 广温、广盐性 WW 银光梭子蟹 Portunus argentatus 115 78 高温、广盐性 WW 长手隆背蟹 Carcinoplax longimana 278 66 高温、高盐性 WW 三疣梭子蟹 Portunus trituberculatus 105 4059 广温、广盐性 WW 注:WW表示暖水种;“/”代表未发现此类物种。 表 3 调查海域各站位蟹类生物丰富度指数(D)、均匀度指数(J')和多样性指数(H')
Tab. 3 Richness index (D), evenness index (J') and diversity index (H′) of crab in each station in the investigated sea area
站位 春季 秋季 D J' H' D J' H' Z01 / / / 7.49 0.71 4.46 Z02 0.88 0.68 1.75 5.97 0.52 2.95 Z03 0.54 0.53 1.06 5.16 0.48 2.72 Z04 1.29 0.77 1.79 3.82 0.67 3.39 Z05 0.61 0.70 1.11 5.58 0.71 3.98 Z06 2.18 0.85 2.83 5.17 0.72 3.84 Z07 2.84 0.71 2.86 6.48 0.66 3.85 Z08 0.91 0.84 2.18 4.58 0.32 1.76 Z09 1.06 0.55 1.82 7.03 0.55 3.38 Z10 0.82 0.21 0.60 8.42 0.61 3.82 Z11 1.15 0.28 0.79 5.69 0.67 3.76 Z12 2.15 0.76 2.64 5.65 0.54 3.07 Z13 1.52 0.39 1.10 6.24 0.62 3.64 Z14 2.69 0.79 2.94 4.91 0.70 3.78 Z15 1.13 0.66 1.54 5.57 0.62 3.56 Z16 3.01 0.77 3.02 5.15 0.26 1.51 平均±标准差 1.51±0.81 0.63±0.19 1.87±0.81 5.81±1.05 0.58±0.13 3.34±0.73 注:因春季Z01站位仅捕获细点圆趾蟹1种,所以没有表示其多样性指数。 -
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