The study on community structure of nekton based on abundance patterns model: A case study on the Minnan sea area
摘要: 为进一步了解游泳动物群落结构,探究群落结构变动的生态过程,本研究利用生态位优先模型(NPM)、分割线段模型(BSM)、生态位重叠模型(ONM)、优势优先模型(DPM)和随机分配模型(RAM)共5种多度格局模型分析闽南海域游泳动物的群落结构特征。结果显示:闽南海域游泳动物共192种,其中鱼类132种,蟹类31种,虾类13种,头足类10种,口足类6种;NPM拟合游泳动物多度分布的效果较好,ONM的拟合效果较差,闽南海域游泳动物群落结构具有优势种占较大优势、物种生态位之间不重叠的特点;由外海到近岸的渔区,游泳动物多度分布格局由DPM向NPM 转变,NPM的拟合效果渐差,BSM的拟合效果越来越好,群落结构呈现优势种的地位下降、物种数增多、个体数目分配趋均匀的趋势;从低纬度到高纬度,在水深较深的渔区,DPM拟合游泳动物多度分布的效果渐好,优势种的优势地位逐渐升高,种类数变少,物种多度分布越来越不均匀。而在水深较浅的渔区,DPM的拟合效果渐差,优势种的优势地位逐渐下降,种类数变多,物种多度分布越来越均匀。因此,生态位优先模型比较适合闽南海域游泳动物多度分布格局的研究。Abstract: In order to further interpret the community structure of nekton and explore the ecological process of community structure changes, community structure of nekton in the Minnan sea area are analyzed based on the niche preemption model (NPM), broken stick model (BSM), overlapping niche model (ONM), dominance pre-emption model (DPM) and random assignment model (RAM) a total of 5 species abundance pattern models. The results show that there are 192 species of nekton in the Minnan sea area, including 132 species of fish, 31 species of crab, 13 species of shrimp, 10 species of cephalopod, 6 species of stomatopod. The fitting effect of NPM in the abundance distribution of nekton is better than that of ONM, the dominant species have dominant position and species niche do not overlap in Minnan sea area. From the open sea to the coastal area, the distribution pattern of nekton abundance changes from DPM to NPM, the simulation result of NPM is worse, and the simulation result of BSM is better, the status of dominant species decreased, the number of species increased, and species abundance distribution tendes to uniform.The fitting effect of DPM on the abundance distribution of nekton is better than that in the deep fishing area. With the increase of latitude, the fitting effect of the abundance distribution of nekton is better gradually, the dominant position of dominant species gradually increased, the number of species become less, and species abundance distribution tendes to unevenness, however, the fitting effect of DPM on the species abundance distribution of nekton in shallow fishing areas is poor, and the dominant position of dominant species gradually declines, the number of species becomes more, and species abundance distribution tendes to uniform. Therefore, niche preemption model is suitable to study the abundance distribution patterns of nekton in the Minnan sea area.
Key words:
- abundance patterns model /
- community structure /
- nekton /
- Minnan sea area
表 1 不同渔区5种优势种的多度分布
Tab. 1 Abundance distribution of five dominant species in different fishing zones
渔区 多度排名1 多度排名2 多度排名3 多度排名4 多度排名5 合计 其他种
多度比例总尾数 种类 比例 种类 比例 种类 比例 种类 比例 种类 比例 282 麦氏犀鳕 18.93% 矛形梭子蟹 10.51% 鹰爪虾 8.95% 双斑蟳 7.41% 二长棘犁齿鲷 5.79% 51.59% 48.41% 3264 283 静鲾 24.02% 杜氏枪乌贼 14.41% 二长棘犁齿鲷 10.76% 多齿蛇鲻 10.71% 拥剑梭子蟹 5.52% 65.42% 34.58% 2082 284 杜氏枪乌贼 91.05% 条尾绯鲤 5.53% 大头狗母鱼 1.68% 二长棘犁齿鲷 0.63% 花斑蛇鲻 0.29% 99.18% 0.82% 2079 291 黄斑鲾 33.76% 鹿斑鲾 17.15% 二长棘犁齿鲷 10.22% 带鱼 5.20% 杜氏枪乌贼 3.92% 70.25% 29.75% 1096 292 细颌鳗 10.41% 二长棘犁齿鲷 7.50% 须赤虾 7.12% 纤手梭子蟹 6.81% 鹰爪虾 4.44% 36.28% 63.72% 1306 293 杜氏枪乌贼 69.20% 大头狗母鱼 17.32% 条尾绯鲤 5.97% 四线天竺鲷 1.15% 拥剑梭子蟹 1.15% 94.79% 5.21% 1039 301 二长棘犁齿鲷 35.67% 条尾绯鲤 12.04% 短尾大眼鲷 12.04% 花斑蛇鲻 6.56% 大头狗母鱼 4.81% 71.12% 28.88% 914 302 绿布氏筋鱼 32.16% 大头狗母鱼 14.46% 二长棘犁齿鲷 8.33% 须赤虾 8.33% 杜氏枪乌贼 3.94% 67.22% 32.78% 1141 303 绿布氏筋鱼 46.50% 大头狗母鱼 13.65% 条尾绯鲤 11.98% 拥剑梭子蟹 3.89% 花斑蛇鲻 3.82% 79.84% 20.16% 2645 304 条尾绯鲤 32.87% 大头狗母鱼 21.17% 绿布氏筋鱼 9.53% 杜氏枪乌贼 5.57% 花斑蛇鲻 5.29% 74.43% 25.57% 2693 表 2 5种模型对不同渔区游泳动物−多度数据拟合结果比较
Tab. 2 Comparison of five models fitness to the species abundance data from nekton in different fishing zones
渔区 生态位优先模型NPM 分割线段模型BSM 重叠生态位模型ONM 优势优先模型DPM 随机分配模型RAM R2 p R2 p R2 p R2 p R2 p 282 0.948* <0.001 0.813 <0.001 0.540 <0.001 0.615 <0.001 0.767 <0.001 283 0.963* <0.001 0.760 <0.001 0.482 <0.001 0.689 <0.001 0.866 <0.001 284 0.992* <0.001 0.716 0.001 0.302 0.22 0.994* <0.001 0.803 <0.001 291 0.958* <0.001 0.625 <0.001 0.343 <0.001 0.884 <0.001 0.984* <0.001 292 0.975* <0.001 0.927* <0.001 0.713 <0.001 0.404 <0.001 0.572 <0.001 293 0.996* <0.001 0.596 <0.001 0.357 0.003 0.969* <0.001 0.924* <0.001 301 0.923* <0.001 0.724 <0.001 0.476 <0.001 0.899 <0.001 0.952* <0.001 302 0.939* <0.001 0.689 <0.001 0.473 <0.001 0.879 <0.001 0.962* <0.001 303 0.948* <0.001 0.553 <0.001 0.301 <0.001 0.857 <0.001 0.965* <0.001 304 0.958* <0.001 0.599 <0.001 0.397 <0.001 0.860 <0.001 0.951* <0.001 合计 0.953* <0.001 0.516 <0.001 0.286 <0.001 0.618 <0.001 0.797 <0.001 注:*代表经比较后拟合效果较好的模型。 A1 游泳动物名录
A1 The list of nekton
物种 282渔区 283渔区 284渔区 291渔区 292渔区 293渔区 301渔区 301渔区 303渔区 304渔区 条纹斑竹鲨Chiloscyllium plagiosum + 尖头斜齿鲨Scoliodon sorrakowah + 许氏犁头鳐Rhinobatos schlegelii + 中国团扇鳐Platyrhina sinensis + 何氏鳐Raja hollandi + + + 尖嘴魟Dasyatis zugei + 古氏魟Dasyatis kuhlii + 双斑燕魟Gymnura bimaculata + 金色小沙丁鱼Sardinella aurita + + + 鳓鱼Ilisha elongata + 康氏小公鱼Stolephorus commersnii + + + + + 杜氏棱鳀Thrissa dussumieri + 叉斑狗母鱼Synodus macrops + + + + 肩斑狗母鱼Synodus hoshinonis + + + 大头狗母鱼Trachinocephalus myops + + + + + + + + 花斑蛇鲻Saurida undosquamis + + + + + + + + 多齿蛇鲻Saurida tumbil + + + 长蛇鲻Saurida elongata + + 龙头鱼Harpodon neherus + 尖尾鳗Uroconger lepturus + + 尼氏吻鳗Rhynchocymba nystromi + + 黑尾吻鳗Rhynchocymba ectenurus + + + + + 细尾吻鳗Rhynchocymba ectenurus + 海鳗Muraenesox cinereus + + 细颌鳗Oxyconger leptognathus + + + 丝尾草鳗Chlopsis fierasfer + + 食蟹豆齿鳗Pisoodonophis cancrivorus + + + + + 网纹裸胸鳝Gymnothorax reticularis + + + + + + 中华海鲇Arius sinensis + 麦氏犀鳕 Bregmaceros maecelellandii + + + 鳞烟管鱼Fistularia petimba + + 粗吻海龙鱼Trachyrhamphus serratus + + 斑海马鱼Hippocampus trimaculatus + + 油魣Sphyraena pinguis + + + + 六指马鲅 Polydactylus sextarius + + + 青石斑鱼Epinephelus awoara + + + + + + 短尾大眼鲷Priacanthus macracanthus + + + + + + 细条天竺鱼Apogonichthys lineatus + 黑边天竺鱼Apogonichthys ellioti + + + + + + 黑天竺鱼Apogonichthys niger + + 半线天竺鲷Apogon semilineatus + + + 四线天竺鲷Apogon quadrifasciatus + + + + + + 宽条天竺鱼Apogonichthys striatus + 双带天竺鲷Apogon taeniatus + 多鳞鱚Sillago sihama + + + + 少鳞鱚Sillago japonica + + + 沟鲹Atropus atropus + 六带鲹Caranx sexfasciatus + 金带细鲹Selaroides leptolepis + + + + 蓝圆鲹Decapterus maruadsi + + + + + + + 竹筴鱼Trachuyus japonicus + + + + + + 高体Seriola dumerili + 黑纹条Zonichthys nigrofasciata + 眼镜鱼Mene maculata + 叫姑鱼Johnius belengerii + + 白姑鱼 Argyrosomus argentatus + + + + 截尾白姑鱼 Pennahia anea + 静鲾 Leiognathus insidiator + + + + 鹿斑鲾Leiognathus ruconius + + 短吻鲾Leiognathus brevirostris + 黄斑鲾Leiognathus bindus + 长鲾Leiognathus elongatus + 小牙鲾Gazza minuta + 长棘银鲈Gerres filamentosus + 短棘银鲈Gerres lucidus + 真鲷 Pagrosomus major + + 二长棘犁齿鲷 Evynnis cardinali + + + + + + + + + 平鲷 Rhabdosargus sarba + + 黄鳍鲷Sparus latus + 金线鱼Nemipterus virgatus + + + 伏氏眶棘鲈Scolopsis vosmeri + + 横带髭鲷Hapalogenys mucronatus + + 䱨鱼Therapon theraps + 列牙䱨Pelates quadrilineatus + + + 条尾绯鲤Upeneu bensasi + + + + + + + + 黄带绯鲤Upeneus sulphureus + + 荷包鱼Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis + + 印度棘赤刀鱼Acanthocepola indica + 乔氏台雅鱼Daya jordani + + + + 蓝猪齿鱼Choerodon azurio + 六带拟鲈Parapercis sexfasciata + 美拟鲈Parapercis pulchella + + 日本Uranoscopus japonicus + + 双斑Uranoscopus bicinctus + 披肩Ichthyscopus lebeck + 鳄齿Champsodon capensis + + + 绵鳚Zoarces viviparus + 绿布氏筋鱼Bleekeria anguilliviridis + + + + + 丝鳍鴨Callionymus virgis + + 丝棘鴨Callionymus flagris + 绯鴨Callionymus beniteguri + + + 无斑凡塘鳢Valenciennea immaculatus + 孔鰕虎鱼Trypauchen vagina + 黄斑篮子鱼Siganus oramin + + + + + + 带鱼Trichiurus haumela + + + + + 沙带鱼Trichiurus savala + 鲐鱼Pneumatophorus japonicus + + + 康氏马鲛Scomberomorus commersoni + 银鲳Pampus argenteus + 中国鲳Pampus chinensis + 刺鲳Psenopsis anomala + + 毛背鱼Trichonotus setiger + + + 奥氏笛鲷Lutjanus ophuysenii + 画眉笛鲷Lutianus vitta + + 金焰笛鲷Lutianus fulviflamma + 褐菖鲉Sebastiscus marmoratus + 拟蓑鲉Parapterois heterurus + 须蓑鲉 Apistops caloundra + + + + 蜂鲉Erisphex potti + 虎鲉Minous monodactylus + + + 翼红娘鱼Lepidotrigla alata + + 单棘豹鲂鮄Dactyloptena peterseni + + + 锯齿鳞鲬Onigocia spinosus + 棘线鲬 Grammoplites scaber + + + + + 鳄鲬Cociella crocodila + + 鲬Platycephalus indicus + + 斑鲆Pseudorhombus arsius + + 青缨鲆Crossorhombus azureus + + + 木叶鲽Pleuronichthys cornutus + 条鳎Zebrias zebra + 大鳞舌鳎Cynoglossus melampetalus + 斑头舌鳎Cynoglossus puncticeps + 焦氏舌鳎Cynoglossus joyneri + + + + + 丝背细鳞鲀Stephanolepis cirrhifer + 绒纹线鳞鲀Arotrlepis sulcatus + + + 棕斑腹刺鲀Gastrophysus spadiceus + + + + + + + + + 横纹东方鲀Takifugu oblongus + + 铅点东方鲀Takifugu alboplumbeus + 斑点东方鲀Takifugu poecilonotus + 星斑叉鼻鲀Arothron stellatus + 六斑刺鲀Diodon holacanthus + + 绿鳍马面鲀Navodon septentrionalis + 口虾蛄 Oratosquilla oratoria + + 断脊口虾蛄 Oratosquillina interrupta + + + + 尖刺口虾蛄 Oratosquilla mikado + + 伍氏平虾蛄Oratosquilla woodmasoni + + 脊条褶虾蛄Lophosquilla costata + + + 多脊虾蛄Carinosquilla multicarinata + + + 长毛明对虾Fenneropenaeus penicillatus + 日本囊对虾Marsupenaeus japonicus + + 短沟对虾Penaeus semisulcatus + 须赤虾Metapenaeopsis barbata + + + + + + 高脊赤虾 Metapenaeopsis lamellate + + + 刀额新对虾Metapenaeus ensis + + 细巧仿对虾Parapenaeopsis tenella + + + 哈氏仿对虾Parapenaeopsis hardwickii + 刀额仿对虾Parapenaeopsis cultrirostris + 角突仿对虾Parapenaeopsis cornuta + + + + + + 鹰爪虾Trachypenaeus curvirostris + + + + + + 中华管鞭虾Solenocera crassicornis + + + 滑脊等腕虾Heterocarpoides laevicarina + 干练平壳蟹Conchoecetes artificiosus + 绵蟹Dromia dehaani Rathbun + + + + 端正关公蟹Dorippe polita + 颗粒关公蟹 Dorippe granulata + + 七刺栗壳蟹Arcania heptacantha + 鸭额玉蟹Leucosia anatum + 逍遥馒头蟹Calappa philargius + + + + + + + + + 锐刺长踦蟹 Phalangipus hystrix + 缺刻矶蟹 Pugettia incise + + + + 羊毛绒球蟹Doclea ovis + + 细肢绒球蟹 Doclea gracilipes + 显著琼娜蟹Jonas distincta + + + 强壮菱蟹Parthenope validus + + + + 环状隐足蟹Cryptopodia fronicata + 红星梭子蟹Portunus sanguinolentus + + + + 远海梭子蟹Portunus pelagicus + 三疣梭子蟹Portunus trituberculatus + 矛形梭子蟹Portunus hastatoides + + + + 拥剑梭子蟹Portunus haanii + + + + + + + + + + 纤手梭子蟹Portunus gracilimanus + + + + 日本蟳 Charybdis japonica + 锈斑蟳Charybdis feriatus + + + + + 双斑蟳Charybdis bimaculata + + 变态蟳Charybdis variegata + + + 直额蟳Charybdis truncata + 钝齿蟳 Charybdis hellerii + 善泳蟳Charybdis natator + + + + + + 普通暴蟹Halimede tyche + 双刺静蟹Galene bispinosa + 菜花银杏蟹Actaea savignyi + + 隆线强蟹Euctrae crenata + 火枪乌贼Loligo beka + + + + + 中国枪乌贼Loligo chinensis + + + + + + 杜氏枪乌贼Loligo duvaucelii + + + + + + + + + + 莱氏拟乌贼Sepioteuthis lessoniana + + + + 罗氏乌贼 Sepia robsoni + + + + + + + 柏氏四盘耳乌贼Euprymna berryi + + + + + 短蛸Octopus ocellatus + + + 长蛸Octopus variabilis + + 真蛸Octopus vulgaris + + + + + + + 条纹蛸Octopus striolatus + + + 注:+表示物种在渔区有分布。 -
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