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张迎朝 胡森清 陈忠云 蔡华 蒋一鸣 刁慧 王超

张迎朝,胡森清,陈忠云,等. 东海盆地X凹陷Y气田的天然气成因、成藏模式及勘探意义[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(11):88–98 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022011
引用本文: 张迎朝,胡森清,陈忠云,等. 东海盆地X凹陷Y气田的天然气成因、成藏模式及勘探意义[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(11):88–98 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022011
Zhang Yingzhao,Hu Senqing,Chen Zhongyun, et al. The genesis, accumulation model and exploration significance of Y gas field in X Sag, East China Sea Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(11):88–98 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022011
Citation: Zhang Yingzhao,Hu Senqing,Chen Zhongyun, et al. The genesis, accumulation model and exploration significance of Y gas field in X Sag, East China Sea Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(11):88–98 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022011


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022011
基金项目: “十三五”国家科技重大专项“东海盆地低渗−致密天然气勘探开发技术”(2016ZX05027)

    张迎朝(1971—),男,广东省普宁市人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事海洋油气勘探研究。E-mail: zhangyingzh@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

The genesis, accumulation model and exploration significance of Y gas field in X Sag, East China Sea Basin

  • 摘要: 本文旨在厘清东海盆地X凹陷Y气田天然气成因,建立成藏模式,以指导下步勘探部署。本文从天然气组分、烷烃气碳同位素、轻烃、凝析油生物标志化合物等分析入手,系统研究了油气成因类型及来源,并结合构造演化史、生烃史分析,建立了Y气田成藏模式,提出了大中型气田的勘探方向。主要认识如下:(1)天然气组分碳同位素、轻烃和埋藏史分析表明,Y气田天然气为凹中始新统平湖组烃源岩在龙井运动期(距今13 Ma)生成的高成熟煤型气;(2)凝析油姥鲛烷/植烷、规则甾烷等特征,反映了凹中区平湖组烃源岩发育于弱氧化−弱还原潮坪、潟湖沉积环境,生烃母质中存在一定数量的低等水生生物;(3)Y气田具有“凹中区平湖组烃源岩、花港组大型水道砂储集体、挤压构造作用”时空耦合的成藏模式,明确了凹中挤压背斜带是X凹陷大中型气田勘探的主攻方向。
  • 图  1  东海盆地X凹陷构造区划

    Fig.  1  Tectonic partition of X sag in the East China Sea Basin

    图  2  X凹陷Y气田轻烃色谱特征

    Fig.  2  Chromatographic characteristics of light hydrocarbons of Y gas field in X Sag

    图  3  X凹陷烃源岩、凝析油饱和烃甾烷、萜烷特征

    Fig.  3  Characteristics of steranes and terpanes of source rocks and condensate oils in X Sag

    图  4  X凹陷烃源岩、凝析油主要生标参数指纹对比

    Fig.  4  Comparison of main biomarker parameters of source rocks and condensate oils in X Sag

    图  5  X凹陷Y气田区实测Ro与深度关系

    Fig.  5  The relationship between measured Ro and depth of Y gas field in X Sag

    图  6  X 凹陷 Y 气田区地层埋藏史

    Fig.  6  The burial history of Y gas field in X Sag

    图  7  东海盆地X凹陷“烃源岩、储层、构造作用”耦合的大中型天然气成藏模式

    Fig.  7  Large and medium-sized natural gas accumulation model coupled with “source rock, reservoir and tectonism” in X Sag, East China Sea Basin

    图  8  东海盆地 X 凹陷西部斜坡带和凹中挤压背斜带平湖组烃源岩品质对比

    Fig.  8  Source rock quality of Pinghu formation in west slope compared tocentral structural belt of X Sag,East China Sea Basin

    表  1  东海盆地X凹陷Y气田天然气组分与烷烃气碳同位素特征

    Tab.  1  Natural gas composition and carbon isotope characteristics of the Y gas field of X sag in the East China Sea Basin

    区带 井号 井段/m 测试层号 地层 天然气组分/% 干燥系数 碳同位素δ13C/‰
    C1 C2-5 N2 CO2 C1/ΣC1+ C1 C2 C3 C4
    Y1 3769~3799 DST1 花港组H3b下部 92.98 3.15 1.61 2.15 0.967 −30.9 −24 −24 −23.1
    Y1 3709~3739 DST2 花港组H3b中上部 93.49 3.15 1.19 2.04 0.967 −29.8 −23.8 −23.6 −19.1
    Y1 3177~3181, 3186~3199 DST4 花港组H1 94.45 3.00 1.47 0.93 0.969 −29.9 −23.5 −22.7 −19.5
    Y2 4240~4352 DST1 花港组H5 87.12 5.96 1.45 5.36 0.936 −30.4 −25.3 −23.3 −23.4
    Y2 3673~3700 DST2 花港组H3a 92.88 3.16 1.25 2.49 0.967 −27.7 −23.3 −22.7 −22.8
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  X凹陷Y气田和北部湾等盆地天然气C7轻烃组成

    Tab.  2  Compositions of C7 light hydrocarbon serial of natural gas in Y gas field of X Sag and Beibu Gulf Basin

    Y170.4918.0611.460.704 92.08
    W335.7132.1432.140.357 1*
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    表  3  东海盆地X凹陷烃源岩、凝析油饱和烃色谱−质谱参数表

    Tab.  3  Source rocks and condensate chromatographic-mass spectrometry parameter of X Sag in the East China Sea Basin

    西部斜坡带Y19-6-34 359~4 382凝析油平湖组中段70.9721.0623.2055.730.3890.260.15/
    Y25-3-13 720泥岩平湖组中段6.350.4020.376.3373.
    凹中挤压背斜带Y13 760~3 799凝析油花港组上段3.082.3932.3226.7940.890.790.56/0.25
    Y31-24 442.33~4 442.93泥岩平湖组上段2.181.0240.4525.0734.481.
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    表  4  Y气田天然气成熟度与等效烃源岩埋深

    Tab.  4  The maturity of natural gas and equivalent burial depth of source rock of Y gas field

    Y1−30.91.705 344
    Y1−29.81.775 537
    Y1−29.91.765 520
    Y2−30.41.735 431
    Y3−27.71.925 927
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