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李迎冬 张崇良 纪毓鹏 薛莹 刘晓慧 任一平 徐宾铎

李迎冬,张崇良,纪毓鹏,等. 不同采样设计对估计鱼类空间格局指数的影响[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(1):36–47 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022010
引用本文: 李迎冬,张崇良,纪毓鹏,等. 不同采样设计对估计鱼类空间格局指数的影响[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(1):36–47 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022010
Li Yingdong,Zhang Chongliang,Ji Yupeng, et al. Effects of sampling design on estimation of spatial pattern indices of fish population[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(1):36–47 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022010
Citation: Li Yingdong,Zhang Chongliang,Ji Yupeng, et al. Effects of sampling design on estimation of spatial pattern indices of fish population[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(1):36–47 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022010


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022010
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2019YFD0901205);国家自然科学基金(31772852)




  • 中图分类号: S931

Effects of sampling design on estimation of spatial pattern indices of fish population

  • 摘要: 查明渔业种群空间格局可为渔业资源的合理利用和管理提供参考依据。在渔业资源调查中,采样设计会影响调查分析结果的准确性和适用性。为查明采样设计对分析种群空间格局的影响,本文根据2016年10月、2017年2月、5月、8月在山东南部近海调查获得的数据,以星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)、方氏云鳚(Enedrias fangi)为目标鱼种,应用计算机模拟重抽样方法,研究了4种样本量下简单随机抽样、系统抽样、分层随机抽样、分层系统抽样对估计目标种群的平均拥挤度和聚块指数的影响。应用相对估计误差和相对偏差衡量不同采样设计的表现。结果表明,系统抽样、分层系统抽样的模拟结果较接近空间格局指数“真值”,简单随机抽样和分层随机抽样表现较差;样本量对空间格局指数估计的影响较大,随着样本量增大,目标鱼种两个空间格局指数的相对估计误差均呈降低趋势。种群原始空间分布对空间格局指数估计具有一定影响,聚块指数估计的精确度随目标种群聚块指数真值的增加而减小,整体出现偏高的估计偏差。不同采样设计影响鱼类种群空间格局分析,种群聚集程度也对分析结果有所影响,因此,在渔业资源调查设计时可以纳入目标种群空间格局指标以完善多目标渔业资源调查方案。
  • 图  1  山东半岛南部海域渔业资源调查站位

    Fig.  1  Sampling stations of fishery resources survey in the southern waters off Shandong Peninsula

    图  2  不同采样设计下的目标鱼种平均拥挤度模拟值分布


    Fig.  2  Distribution of simulated mean crowding of target fish species for different sampling designs

    SRS indicates simple random sampling; StRS indicates stratified random sampling; SYS indicates system atic sampling; StSS indicates stratified system atic sampling; the horizontal dotted line in figures represent the “true” values of initial mean crowding

    图  3  不同采样设计下的目标鱼种聚块指数模拟值分布


    Fig.  3  Distribution of simulated poly block index of target fish species for different sampling designs

    SRS indicates simple random sampling; SYS indicates system atic sampling; StRS indicates stratified random sampling; StSS indicates stratified system atic sampling; the horizontal dotted line in figures represent the “true” value of initial poly block index

    图  4  不同采样设计下目标鱼种空间格局指数的相对估计误差


    Fig.  4  The relative estimation error of spatial pattern index for target species for different sampling designs

    SRS indicates simple random sampling; SYS indicates system atic sampling; StRS indicates stratified random sampling; StSS indicates stratified system atic sampling; 30, 60, 90, 120 represent sample size

    图  5  不同采样设计下目标鱼种空间格局指数的相对偏差


    Fig.  5  The relative bias of spatial pattern index for target species for different sampling designs

    SRS indicates simple random sampling; SYS indicates system atic sampling; StRS indicates stratified random sampling; StSS indicates stratified system atic sampling; 30, 60, 90, 120 represent sample size

    图  6  空间格局指数初始值对空间格局指数估计的影响

    Fig.  6  The effects of original spatial pattern on the estimation of spatial pattern indices

    表  1  山东半岛南部海域目标鱼种的相对资源量及空间格局指数

    Tab.  1  The relative abundance and spatial pattern indices of two target fish species in the southern waters off Shandong Peninsula

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