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李美莲 金慕君 纪增华 李威 梁康壮

李美莲,金慕君,纪增华,等. 基于演化算符的南海海面高度异常中长期统计预报[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(12):122–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021185
引用本文: 李美莲,金慕君,纪增华,等. 基于演化算符的南海海面高度异常中长期统计预报[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(12):122–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021185
Li Meilian,Jin Mujun,Ji Zenghua, et al. Medium and long term statistical prediction of sea surface height anomaly in the South China Sea based on evolutionary operator[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(12):122–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021185
Citation: Li Meilian,Jin Mujun,Ji Zenghua, et al. Medium and long term statistical prediction of sea surface height anomaly in the South China Sea based on evolutionary operator[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(12):122–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021185


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021185
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41876014)




  • 中图分类号: P731.3

Medium and long term statistical prediction of sea surface height anomaly in the South China Sea based on evolutionary operator

  • 摘要: 水下移动平台行动时需要1~3个月左右海洋数值预测预报结果,但是当前数值预报技术受对应的气象驱动场预报时效的限制,难以提供10 d以上的数值预报产品。鉴于海水在动力热力上具有较大的惯性,海洋内区有其自身的演化规律,本研究设计了一种基于演化算符的统计预测方法,利用历史卫星遥感资料构建海洋状态变量中长期演化矩阵,并结合惯性预报模型,构建了最终的南海海洋中长期统计预报模型,能够提供1~60 d逐日的南海海面高度异常预测结果,开展数值试验验证了该方法的有效性,结果表明,在起报后15 d内,预报结果与卫星资料的相关系数均大于0.8,在起报60 d内,相关系数仍高于0.6。
  • 图  1  3种预报方法与真实值的相关系数

    Fig.  1  Correlation coefficients between three forecasting methods and real values

    图  2  3种预报方法与真实值的均方根误差

    Fig.  2  Root mean square error between three forecasting methods and real values

    图  3  海面高度异常统计预报结果与卫星观测结果

    Fig.  3  Statistical prediction results and satellite observation results of sea surface height anomalies

    图  4  海面高度异常预测结果与卫星观测结果相对于预测起始点的增量

    Fig.  4  The increment of prediction results and satellite observation results relative to the predicted starting point of sea surface height anomaly

    图  5  演化算符预报与惯性预报方差的曲线拟合

    Fig.  5  Curve fitting of evolutionary operator prediction and inertial prediction error

    图  6  综合模型与3种模型的均方根误差与相关系数对比

    a. 4种预报方法与真实值的均方根误差;b. 4种预报方法与真实值的相关系数

    Fig.  6  Comparison of root mean square error and correlation coefficients between the comprehensive model and the three models

    a. Four forecasting methods with real values root mean square error; b. correlation coefficients between four forecasting methods and real values

    图  7  选取的截面

    Fig.  7  Selected sections

    图  8  综合模型与3种模型的时间−站点图

    Fig.  8  Time-to-site diagram of the synthesis model and the three models

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