Impacts of ocean waves on the momentum and energy fluxes across the air-sea interface under tropical cyclones
摘要: 海浪不仅决定着海洋表面的粗糙度,由热带气旋引起的海浪,还通过其发展演化控制着大部分的海气之间的动量和能量传递。本文采用热带气旋观测数据IBTrACS和海浪模式WW III的模拟结果探究了热带气旋下海浪对大气向海洋输入的动量和能量的影响。结果发现,近30 a热带气旋的强度约每10 a增加 1 m/s,但移速没有明显变化。热带气旋的强度越大,从大气输入到海浪和从海浪输入到海流中的动量之差和能量之差也越大。由于热带气旋的风场和海浪场都有较强的不对称性,海气动量差和能量差也表现出非均匀分布:动量差较大的区域在热带气旋移动方向的后方,能量差的最大值则分布在右后象限,且二者均为左前方比较小。逆波龄与动量差和能量差呈高度正相关,相关系数约为0.95,说明波越年轻吸收的动量和能量越多。气旋移速越快逆波龄越大,且热带气旋移动速度与动量差和能量差呈正相关,相关系数在0.8以上。因此,海浪影响着大气向海洋输入的动量和能量的分布和大小,在以后关于海洋边界动力学和热力学的研究中,考虑海浪的演化可能会使结果更加准确。Abstract: Ocean waves can affect the roughness of the ocean surface, and the waves generated by tropical cyclones impact the momentum and energy fluxes across the air-sea interface. In this study, the impacts of ocean waves on the momentum and energy fluxes under tropical cyclones is examined by using the tropical cyclone observation dataset IBTrACS (International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship) and the simulations from wave model WW III (WAVEWATCH III). It is found that the intensity of tropical cyclones increased by about 1 m/s every decade in the past 30 years, but the change of translation speed is not obvious. For the stronger tropical cyclones, the difference for momentum flux and the energy flux between the air-sea interface can be significantly increased by the waves. Owing to the asymmetry of wind and surface wave fields under tropical cyclones, momentum difference and energy difference also demonstrate asymmetric distribution: the area with larger momentum difference is behind the moving direction of tropical cyclone, while energy difference is the largest in the right-rear quadrant, and both are relatively smaller in the left front quadrant. The inverse wave age is highly correlated with momentum difference and energy difference, and the correlation coefficient is about 0.95, indicating that the younger the surface wave, the more momentum and energy absorbed and stored by surface wave field. The inverse wave age increases with the increase of tropical cyclone translation speed, and the speed is positively correlated with momentum difference and energy difference according to the correlation coefficient above 0.8. Therefore, the surface waves affect the distribution and magnitude of momentum and energy input from the atmosphere to the ocean under tropical cyclones. In the future study of ocean boundary dynamics and thermodynamics, especially the study of tropical cyclones, considering the influence of ocean wave evolution is necessary.
Key words:
- tropical cyclones /
- ocean waves /
- momentum /
- energy
图 2 WW III模式模拟2018年9月14日5时台风“山竹”附近海域的有效波高
Fig. 2 WW III model simulates the effective wave height of the sea area near Typhoon Shanzhu at 5:00 on September 14, 2018
The upper right picture shows the significant wave height within 5Rmax; the black arrows indicate wind vector; the red dotted line is the track of Typhoon Shanzhu at different moments; the black lines near typhoon are the positions of Rmax, 3Rmax and 5Rmax
图 4 不同强度热带气旋海气动量差
${\tau _{{\rm{diff}}}}$ 的空间分布a. 强度为20 m/s≤Vmax<30 m/s;b. 强度为30 m/s≤Vmax<40 m/s;c. 强度为Vmax≥40 m/s;黑色箭头为气旋移动方向,数值表示每个象限内τdiff的最大值;黑色圆实线分别为Rmax、3Rmax和5Rmax的位置
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of momentum difference
${\tau _{{\rm{diff}}}}$ under tropical cyclones of differenct intensitiesa. Intensity for 20 m/s≤Vmax<30 m/s; b. intensity for 30 m/s≤Vmax<40 m/s; c. intensity for Vmax≥40 m/s; the black arrows indicate the translation direction of the cyclones; the values represent the maximum τdiff in each quadrant; the black lines are the positions of Rmax, 3Rmax and 5Rmax
图 5 不同强度热带气旋能量差EFdiff的分布
a. 强度为20 m/s≤Vmax<30 m/s;b. 强度为30 m/s≤Vmax<40 m/s;c. 强度为Vmax≥40 m/s;黑色箭头为气旋移动方向,数值表示每个象限内EFdiff的最大值;黑色圆实线分别为Rmax、3Rmax和5Rmax的位置
Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of momentum difference EFdiff under tropical cyclones of different intensities
a. Intensity for 20 m/s≤Vmax<30 m/s; b. intensity for 30 m/s≤Vmax<40 m/s; c. intensity for Vmax≥40 m/s; the black arrows indicate the translation direction of the cyclones; the values represent the maximum EFdiff in each quadrant; the black lines are the positions of Rmax, 3Rmax and 5Rmax
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