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王奎 岳显昌 吴雄斌 周恒 滕陈轲敏

王奎,岳显昌,吴雄斌,等. 台湾海峡有效波高的SWAN模式与ERA-Interim数据对比分析[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(12):15–25 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021173
引用本文: 王奎,岳显昌,吴雄斌,等. 台湾海峡有效波高的SWAN模式与ERA-Interim数据对比分析[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(12):15–25 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021173
Wang Kui,Yue Xianchang,Wu Xiongbin, et al. Comparative analysis of SWAN model and ERA-Interim data on significant wave height in the Taiwan Strait[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(12):15–25 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021173
Citation: Wang Kui,Yue Xianchang,Wu Xiongbin, et al. Comparative analysis of SWAN model and ERA-Interim data on significant wave height in the Taiwan Strait[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(12):15–25 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021173


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021173
基金项目: 广东省重点领域研发计划(2020B1111020005);科技部重点研发计划(2016YFC1401100);自然科学基金面上项目(61771352)




  • 中图分类号: P731.22

Comparative analysis of SWAN model and ERA-Interim data on significant wave height in the Taiwan Strait

  • 摘要: 有效波高是描述海浪的关键参数。欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)提供的ERA-Interim再分析数据提供了全球海浪的有效波高,本文选取该数据在台湾海峡2013年3月份的有效波高结果,分别与浮标观测数据以及海浪数值模式SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore)的数值模拟结果相对比,来分析其预报效果。结果显示:在浮标点,ERA-Interim数据和SWAN模拟浪高数据与浮标浪高数据的时间相关系数分别为0.94和0.98,ERA-Interim数据的浪高均值约为浮标的51%,为SWAN模拟数据的70%。在台湾海峡区域,ERA-Interim数据与SWAN模拟浪高之间的空间异常相关系数(ACC)月均值为0.51,时序ACC曲线显示,一般在海峡东北口风初起时刻ACC值最小,在风吹遍海峡并增长的过程中,ACC迅速增加,在风速达到最大值之后,ACC开始下降,但ERA-Interim数据与SWAN数值模拟结果在整个海峡区域的浪高最大值与最小值分布位置基本一致。综合分析,ERA-Interim数据能够反映台湾海峡区域此时间段的有效波高的时空变化趋势,在数值上有明显低估。
  • 图  1  计算区域网格及台湾海峡研究区域局部放大

    Fig.  1  The computational region grid and the partial enlarged detail of Taiwan Strait

    图  2  台湾海峡研究区域水深地形

    Fig.  2  Topography and depth of the study area in the Taiwan Strait

    图  3  浮标点处有效波高的SWAN模式模拟结果(蓝线)与浮标观测结果(点线)对比

    Fig.  3  Comparison of SWAN model simulation results (blue line) and buoy observation results (dotted line) of the significant wave height at the buoy point

    图  4  浮标点处有效波高的ERA-Interim数据(蓝线)和浮标数据(黑线)对比

    Fig.  4  Comparison of ERA-Interim reanalysis data (blue line) and buoy data (black line) of the significant wave height at the buoy point

    图  5  所选择的4个时刻台湾海峡区域SWAN模式数值模拟与ERA-Interim数据有效波高空间变化分布

    Fig.  5  The spatial variation distribution of significant wave height by the SWAN numerical simulation and the ERA-Interim data at the selected 4 moments in the Taiwan Strait

    图  6  模拟期间ERA-Interim浪高与SWAN模拟浪高之间空间异常相关系数的时序值

    Fig.  6  The anomaly correlation coefficient between ERA-Interim wave height and SWAN simulated wave height during simulation

    表  1  不同风场条件下SWAN数值模拟结果与浮标观测结果比较

    Tab.  1  Comparison of SWAN numerical simulation results and buoy observation results under different wind field conditions

    相关系数二者差值 /m
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    表  2  浮标点与周围4个ERA-Interim数据点有效波高对比

    Tab.  2  Comparison of the significant wave height between the buoy point and the surrounding 4 ERA-Interim data points

    23.750°N, 118.125°E32.422.130.720.95
    23.625°N, 118.125°E35.412.100.680.90
    23.625°N, 118.250°E42.902.010.630.83
    23.750°N, 118.250°E39.542.040.670.88
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    表  3  浮标点3种方式得到的有效波高月均值、最大值以及与CCMP风速相关系数的对比

    Tab.  3  Comparison of the significant wave height monthly averaged values, maximum values and correlation coefficients with the CCMP wind speed obtained by three methods

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    表  4  不同风场条件下浮标数据与ERA-Interim数据有效波高值比较

    Tab.  4  Comparison of significant wave height between buoy data and ERA-Interim data under different wind conditions

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