Effects of low temperature stress on the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism of juvenile cobia, Rachycentron canadum
摘要: 将两组军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)幼鱼分别在常温(30.5±1.0)℃和低温(20.0±0.5)℃环境下饲养7 d,并于第1天、第4天、第7天3个时间点采集肝脏、肌肉和腹腔脂肪,利用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术分析5个脂代谢相关基因的表达变化情况,以探究低温胁迫对军曹鱼脂质合成与分解代谢的影响。结果显示,第1天时,肝脏的肉碱脂酰基转移酶-1基因(cpt-1)、脂肪激素敏感脂肪酶基因(hsl)以及肌肉的cpt-1、hsl、单酰基甘油酯酶基因(mgl)等显著上调(p<0.05),肝脏、肌肉的乙酰辅酶A羧化酶基因(acc)和脂肪酸合成酶基因(fas)以及腹腔脂肪(IPF)5个脂代谢相关基因表达均显著下调(p<0.05);第4天时,肝脏的cpt-1、hsl、mgl和肌肉的hsl、mgl、acc、fas以及IPF的cpt-1、hsl、mgl、acc等表达上调(p<0.05),肝脏的acc、fas表达
显著下调(p<0.05);第7天时,肝脏和IPF的cpt-1、hsl、mgl、acc和肌肉的hsl、mgl、acc等表达上调(p<0.05),肌肉cpt-1 和肝脏fas表达显著下调(p<0.05)。结果表明,军曹鱼幼鱼在低温胁迫前期通过抑制脂合成代谢,促进肝脏和肌肉中的脂质水解,通过抑制腹腔脂肪的脂质分解来响应低温胁迫;在低温胁迫后期,军曹鱼幼鱼脂合成和分解代谢均显著提高,且利用脂肪酸提供能量的主要组织由前期的肝脏和肌肉转变为肝脏和腹腔脂肪。 Abstract: In order to explore the effects of low temperature stress on the expression of genes related to lipid synthesis and catabolism in cobia (Rachycentron canadum), the experiment set up a normal temperature group (30.5±1.0)°C and a low temperature group (20.0±0.5)°C, and used real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) to analyze the expression levels of 5 target genes in liver, muscle and intraperitoneal fat (IPF). The results showed that at 1 d, the expression ofcarnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 and hormone-sensitive lipase genes of liver, carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1, hormone-sensitive lipase and monoacylglycerol lipase genes of muscle were up-regulated (p<0.05), acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase genes of liver, muscle and 5 lipid metabolism related genes of IPF were significantly down-regulated (p<0.05); at 4 d, the expression of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1, hormone-sensitive lipase and monoacylglycerol lipase genes of liver, and hormone-sensitive lipase, monoacylglycerol lipase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase genes of muscle and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1, hormone-sensitive lipase, monoacylglycerol lipase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase genes of IPF were up-regulated (p<0.05), acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase gene of liver were down-regulated (p<0.05); at 7 d, the expressions of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1, hormone-sensitive lipase, monoacylglycerol lipase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase genes of liver and IPF, and hormone-sensitive lipase, monoacylglycerol lipase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase genes of muscle were up-regulated (p<0.05), carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 gene of muscle and fatty acid synthase genes of liver were down-regulated (p<0.05). The results showed that cobia responded to low temperature stress by inhibiting lipid synthesis and metabolism, promoting lipid hydrolysis in the liver and muscle, and inhibiting the lipid hydrolysis of IPF in the early stage of low temperature stress; in the late period of low temperature stress, cobia lipid synthesis and catabolism were significantly increased, and the main tissue that used fatty acids to provide energy was transformed from the liver and muscle to liver and IPF. -
Key words:
- low temperature stress /
- lipid metabolism /
- gene expression /
- Rachycentron canadum /
- real-time qRT-PCR
图 1 低温胁迫下军曹鱼幼鱼3个脂分解相关基因表达量
Fig. 1 Expression of three lipolysis-related genes in juvenile cobia under low temperature stress
* indicates a significant difference (p<0.05); ** indicates extremely significant difference (p<0.01) compared with the control group in the same period
图 2 低温胁迫下军曹鱼幼鱼3个脂合成相关基因表达量
Fig. 2 Expression of three lipid synthesis-related genes in juvenile cobia under low temperature stress
* indicates a significant difference (p<0.05) ; ** indicates extremely significant difference (p<0.01) compared with the control group in the same period
表 1 本实验引物序列
Tab. 1 The primers used in the experiment
引物名称 序列(5′-3′) 用途 acc-F TCGCCAGTCTCCCAACTCCTAT acc荧光定量引物 acc-R ACCTGTCCACCTCCTCCTTCAT acc荧光定量引物 fas-F AGCATCCTGTATCGCCCGTTTGA fas荧光定量引物 fas-R GTCGGTCCTGTGGGTCTCCTTGT fas荧光定量引物 hsl-F AGCAGTCTGGTTTGGGTTTGGC hsl荧光定量引物 hsl-R AGGTTCTGGGTAATGCGTTCA hsl荧光定量引物 cpt-1-F TACCGCTTGGCTATGACTGGAC cpt-1荧光定量引物 cpt-1-R TTGCTGGAGATGTGGAAGTTGATG cpt-1荧光定量引物 mgl-F CACTGCGACCTTTGACCTCTTTG mgl荧光定量引物 mgl-R AACCATCCTTCTGGGCGTAATC mgl荧光定量引物 β-actin-F AGGGAAATTGTGCGTGAC 内参基因荧光定量引物 β-actin-R AGGCAGCTCGTAGCTCTT 内参基因荧光定量引物 注:acc为乙酰辅酶A羧化酶基因;fas为脂肪酸合成酶基因;hsl为脂肪激素敏感脂肪酶基因;cpt-1为肉碱脂酰基转移酶-1基因;mgl为单酰基甘油酯酶基因; β-actin为β-肌动蛋白基因。 -
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