Study on the sea ice motion and its influence factors in the northern Nares Strait, Arctic in 2016−2017
摘要: 内尔斯海峡位于加拿大埃尔斯米尔岛与格陵兰岛之间,是北极海冰输出的重要通道之一,这些海冰融化后带来的表层淡水对巴芬湾、拉布拉多海的深层水形成具有重要影响。但由于该海峡较为狭窄,缺乏对此区域海冰运动情况的精细研究。本研究利用每日的哨兵1号影像提取了2016年9月至2017年8月的内尔斯海峡北部区域海冰运动信息,展示了海峡中浮冰的运动过程,并结合风速、海流速度等数据分析浮冰运动特征及影响因素。结果表明风和海流二者共同主导了海冰的运动过程,相关系数分别达到了0.767和0.709,由风速、海流速度、海冰密集度3个自变量与浮冰速度建立的多元线性回归模型复决定系数也达到了0.727。进一步分析发现,风和海流在速度相对稳定时对浮冰速度的影响都会减小。本研究关于风和海流等要素对海冰运动过程影响的研究结果,可以为海洋–大气动力学模型的研究提供参考。Abstract: The Nares Strait, located between Ellesmere Island, Canada and Greenland, is one of the important channels for the export of Arctic sea ice. The surface fresh water brought by the melting of these sea ice has a vital impact on the formation of deep water in the Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. However, due to its relatively narrow structure, there is no detailed study on the sea ice motion in this area. In this study, the daily Sentinel-1 images were used to extract the information of sea ice motion in the northern region of Nares Strait from September 2016 to August 2017, to show the motion process of ice floes in the strait, and to analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of ice floe motion combined with wind speed, current speed and other data. The results show that wind and current jointly dominate the motion of sea ice, with the correlation coefficients are 0.767 and 0.709, respectively. The multiple linear regression model established by wind speed, current speed and sea ice concentration with ice speed also has the complex determination coefficient reaching 0.727. Further analysis shows that both wind and sea current have relatively less influence on sea ice speed when their speed is relatively stable. The results of this study on the influence of wind and ocean currents on the process of sea ice motion can provide references for the study of ocean-atmospheric dynamics models.
Key words:
- Nares Strait /
- sea ice motion /
- Sentinel-1 /
- wind /
- ocean current
图 2 从哨兵1号影像中获取海冰运动数据方法示意
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram for obtaining sea ice motion data from Sentinel-1 images
The red dotted lines are the outlines of the same ice floe in the successive images. The red dots show the position of geometric center. The ice floe speed is calculated by measuring the distance (the yellow arrow) between two red dots
图 4 2016年9月22日至2017年5月8日每日多年冰密集度
Fig. 4 Daily multi-year ice concentration from September 22, 2016 to May 8, 2017
The dash lines show the date of initial formation of the ice bridge on January 23, 2017 and the date of complete stabilization on February 2, 2017, respectively
表 1 62号浮冰每日运动速度与对应风速、海流速度和海冰密集度
Tab. 1 Daily speed of No. 62 ice floe and corresponding wind speed, current speed and sea ice concentration
日期浮冰速度/(km·h−1) 风速/(km·h−1) 海流速度/(km·h−1) 海冰密
集度/%1月13日 1月14日 –0.78 –0.50 –0.69 98.9 1月14日 1月15日 –1.50 –12.63 –0.98 90.7 1月15日 1月16日 –1.06 0.54 –0.95 84.3 1月16日 1月17日 0.69 29.17 –0.83 90.9 1月17日 1月18日 3.18 49.90 –0.49 90.6 1月18日 1月19日 1.08 43.90 –0.32 93.3 表 2 浮冰速度与风速、海流速度和海冰密集度多元线性回归系数表
Tab. 2 Coefficients of multiple linear regression of ice floe speed and wind speed, current speed, and sea ice concentration
变量 标准化
回归系数p值 相关系数 VIF 零阶 偏 部分 风速 0.530 <0.001 0.767 0.650 0.446 1.414 海流速度 0.399 <0.001 0.709 0.539 0.334 1.426 海冰密集度 0.127 <0.001 0.307 0.231 0.124 1.053 -
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