Spatio-temporal dynamic of abundance index of Neon flying squid in relation to environmental variables in the Northwest Pacific Ocean using BP neural network
摘要: 西北太平洋柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)是我国鱿钓船队重要捕捞对象,其资源分布的时空变化对资源的可持续开发和利用有重要影响。本文以2000−2015年7−10月西北太平洋柔鱼渔业数据的单位捕捞努力量渔获量作为应变量,以年份、月份、经度、纬度、海表面温度、海表盐度、海面高度、叶绿素a浓度作为自变量,构建BP神经网络模型,推测该段时间西北太平洋柔鱼丰度时空变化规律,并探究环境因子对柔鱼资源丰度的影响。通过比较,确定输入层为年份、月份、经度、纬度、海表面温度和海表盐度,隐含层神经元数量为8的模型均方误差最小,模型最优。结果表明,单位捕捞努力量渔获量年间波动明显,每年的7月、10月柔鱼资源丰度较低,且空间分布分散在整个作业渔场,8月、9月资源丰度较高,并集中在41.5°~43.5°N, 155°~160°E局部区域。研究认为,海表面温度和海表盐度对柔鱼资源丰度时空变动有较大影响,在今后柔鱼资源评估与管理中予以考虑。Abstract: Ommastrephes bartramii is an economically important species for Chinese squid jigging fleet. Understanding the spatio-temporal distribution on fishing ground is crucial to the sustainable utilization of fish resources. The study constructed BP (back propagation) neural network models with different scenarios to speculate the dynamics of O. bartramii abundance based on fishery data in the months of July to October during 2000 to 2015. The model with year, month, longitude, latitude, sea surface temperature (SST), and sea surface salinity (SSS) as independent variables, 8 neurons in hidden layers, had the smallest mean square error, and thus selected as optimal model. The results showed that the significant fluctuation in CPUE between years, the local abundance was low and scattered in July and October, whereas was high and concentrated at 41.5°−43.5°N, 155°−160°E in August and September. Environmental factors, including SST and SSS affect the spatio-temporal distribution of local abundance, and should be considered in stock assessment and management.
表 1 西北太平洋柔鱼空间分布BP神经网络模型
Tab. 1 Spatial BP neural network models for Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
方案 输入层因子 BP神经网络模型结构 1 经度、纬度、年份、月份、SST 5-4-1、5-5-1、5-6-1、5-7-1、5-8-1、
5-9-1、5-10-1、5-11-1、5-12-12 经度、纬度、年份、月份、SST、SSS 6-4-1、6-5-1、6-6-1、6-7-1、6-8-1、
6-9-1、6-10-1、6-11-1、6-12-13 经度、纬度、年份、月份、SST、SSS、Chl a浓度 7-4-1、7-5-1、7-6-1、7-7-1、7-8-1、
7-9-1、7-10-1、7-11-1、7-12-14 经度、纬度、年份、月份、SST、SSS、Chl a浓度、SSH 8-4-1、8-5-1、8-6-1、8-7-1、8-8-1、8-9-1、8-10-1、8-11-1、8-12-1、8-13-1 注:BP神经网络模型结构中数字分别表示输入层、隐含层和输出层神经元个数。 表 2 不同方案不同隐含层下训练集CPUE的均方误差
Tab. 2 Mean square error of training dataset CPUE for different scenarios
隐含层数 方案 1 2 3 4 4 0.042 1 0.041 7 0.043 6 0.045 3 5 0.041 6 0.040 9 0.043 1 0.044 5 6 0.041 0 0.039 5 0.042 5 0.043 8 7 0.040 2 0.038 8 0.042 1 0.043 5 8 0.039 4 0.038 2 0.041 9 0.042 9 9 0.038 9 0.038 4 0.041 7 0.042 6 10 0.039 2 0.038 6 0.041 9 0.043 0 11 0.040 4 0.039 2 0.042 4 0.043 2 12 0.041 3 0.041 5 0.042 9 0.043 8 13 0.041 7 0.042 0 0.043 2 0.044 5 表 3 不同方案不同隐含层下测试集CPUE的均方误差
Tab. 3 Mean square error of testing dataset CPUE for different scenarios
隐含层数 方案 1 2 3 4 4 0.041 8 0.041 3 0.043 3 0.044 7 5 0.041 3 0.040 7 0.042 8 0.044 0 6 0.040 6 0.039 2 0.042 2 0.043 4 7 0.039 9 0.038 6 0.041 9 0.043 1 8 0.039 2 0.038 0 0.041 6 0.042 6 9 0.038 8 0.038 3 0.041 4 0.042 3 10 0.039 0 0.038 4 0.041 6 0.042 7 11 0.040 0 0.038 8 0.042 1 0.042 9 12 0.041 1 0.040 7 0.042 7 0.043 3 13 0.041 5 0.041 6 0.043 0 0.044 0 -
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