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许巍 刘必林 陈新军 陈勇 操亮亮 桓梦瑶

许巍,刘必林,陈新军,等. 茎柔鱼眼睛晶体微量元素地理差异及其与水温关系[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(6):90–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021102
引用本文: 许巍,刘必林,陈新军,等. 茎柔鱼眼睛晶体微量元素地理差异及其与水温关系[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(6):90–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021102
Xu Wei,Liu Bilin,Chen Xinjun, et al. Geographical differences and their relationship with sea surface temperature of trace elements in the eye lenses of Jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas)[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(6):90–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021102
Citation: Xu Wei,Liu Bilin,Chen Xinjun, et al. Geographical differences and their relationship with sea surface temperature of trace elements in the eye lenses of Jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas)[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(6):90–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021102


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021102
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2019YFD0901404);国家自然科学基金(41876141);上海市高校特聘教授“东方学者”岗位计划项目(0810000243);上海市科技创新行动计划(19DZ1207502)




  • 中图分类号: S917; S931

Geographical differences and their relationship with sea surface temperature of trace elements in the eye lenses of Jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas)

  • 摘要: 本研究以2015年和2017年我国远洋鱿钓渔船在东南太平洋的厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和智利公海生产时采集的茎柔鱼眼睛晶体为研究材料,采用LA-ICPMS测定了眼睛晶体外缘的微量元素,比较微量元素地理区域间差异,分析微量元素浓度与茎柔鱼栖息水温的关系。结果显示,厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和智利公海的茎柔鱼眼睛晶体外缘Mg25、Ni60 、Cu63、Sr88和Ba137等元素在3个海区之间存在显著差异(p<0.05),Na23、Al27、Si29、P31、Ca43、Mn55、Zn66和Pb等元素在两两海区之间均不存在显著差异(p>0.05)。除了Sr88、Ba137、Fe57和Ni60与海表面温度呈显著的线性负相关,其他元素与海表面温度均无显著的相关关系。分析认为,Sr88、Ba137、Fe57和Ni60均可以看作茎柔鱼生活水温的指示元素,Ba137元素还可以看作茎柔鱼生活水深以及上升流的指示元素。研究认为,眼睛晶体微量元素可用于头足类栖息环境的重建。
  • 图  1  厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和智利公海茎柔鱼采样站点分布

    Fig.  1  Sampling locations of Dosidicus gigas in the high seas of Ecuador, Peru and Chile

    图  2  茎柔鱼眼睛晶体示意图

    Fig.  2  Diagram of eye lens of Dosidicus gigas

    图  3  眼睛晶体切片制作流程

    a. 眼睛晶体后部;b. 塑料磨具;c. 经过冷埋树脂包埋的眼睛晶体;d−f. 切割后的树脂块黏于载玻片上并研磨至赤道面

    Fig.  3  Flow charts of eye lens preparation

    a. Posterior eye lens; b. plastic moulding; c. posterior eye lens embedded in the resin; d−f. the resin block is adhered to the slide and ground to the equatorial surface

    图  4  茎柔鱼眼睛晶体外缘取样点

    Fig.  4  Spot in peripheral part of eye lens formed at newly ontogenetic phase of Dosidicus gigas

    图  5  Sr88、Ba137、Fe57和Ni60浓度与海表面温度呈显著的负相关关系

    Fig.  5  The negative relationships between SST with concentration of Sr88、Ba137、Fe57 and Ni60

    表  1  厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和智利公海茎柔鱼样本信息

    Tab.  1  Sampling information of Dosidicus gigas in the high seas of Ecuador, Peru and Chile

    厄瓜多尔2017年7−8月3°21′~8°26′S,84°07′~91°52′W10210~357264~1 295
    秘鲁2015年6−9月9°16′~15°22′S,79°45′~85°03′W13226~352280~1 301
    智利2015年11−12月37°06′~40°00′S,79°00′~83°00′W5301~470538~3 012
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    表  2  厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和智利公海茎柔鱼眼睛晶体外缘微量元素浓度

    Tab.  2  Concentration of trace elements in peripheral eye lenses of Dosidicus gigas in the high seas of Ecuador, Peru and Chile

    Na2328 397±23 10319 991±14 855a31 662±28 466a36 720±19 430a
    Mg2510 629±9 9923 843±4 420a13 875±11 586b15 762±6 707b
    Al2796 260±125 462131 503±133 837a75 553±140 866a79 615±39 657a
    Si2933 878±19 11131 156±19 894a39 253±20 382a25 348±11 186a
    P31247 985±111 951221 034±140 584a268 912±109 203a247 474±33 373a
    K3915 484±12 5658 167±5 436a20 487±1 585 b17 110±5 166ab
    Ca4368 303±95 31790 218±155 137a43 776±20 838a88 240±47 102a
    Mn55510±971188±286a534±1 241a1 091±933a
    Fe571 169±1 2721 099±757ab790±834a2 296±234b
    Ni60264±357218±216a131±210a701±567 b
    Cu631 177±1 1221 836±1 494a623±604b1 302±523ab
    Zn662 051±1 6011 195±1 203a2 404±1 895a2 845±492a
      注:以a、b表示海区间元素浓度差异水平 (p<0.05)。
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    表  3  厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和智利公海茎柔鱼眼睛晶外缘微量元素方差分析结果

    Tab.  3  ANOVA results of trace elements in peripheral eye lenses of Dosidicus gigas in the high seas of Ecuador, Peru and Chile

    Mn552 734 390.9921 367 195.4962261.5060.241
    Fe578 268 121.634 134 060.8152262.9170.073
    Ni601 207 061.18603 530.592266.7550.005
    Cu638 410 317.7564 205 158.8782264.1120.029
    Zn6612 099 595.636 049 797.8162262.6490.09
    Sr88110 045.40155 022.7012264.5130.021
    Ba137174 712.5487 356.272265.6790.009
    Pb1 397.56698.782261.5890.224
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