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徐欢 任沂斌

徐欢,任沂斌. 基于混合损失U-Net的SAR图像渤海海冰检测研究[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(6):157–170 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021084
引用本文: 徐欢,任沂斌. 基于混合损失U-Net的SAR图像渤海海冰检测研究[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(6):157–170 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021084
Xu Huan,Ren Yibin. Detecting sea ice of Bohai Sea using SAR images based on a hybrid loss U-Net model[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(6):157–170 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021084
Citation: Xu Huan,Ren Yibin. Detecting sea ice of Bohai Sea using SAR images based on a hybrid loss U-Net model[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(6):157–170 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021084


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021084
基金项目: 中国博士后科学基金(2019M662452);中国科学院战略先导专项(XDA19060101,XDA19090103);山东省重大科技创新工程(2019JZZY010102)




  • 中图分类号: P722.4; P731.15

Detecting sea ice of Bohai Sea using SAR images based on a hybrid loss U-Net model

  • 摘要: 渤海是我国重要的经济区,海冰灾害严重威胁着人类生产活动。合成孔径雷达具有全天候成像能力,研究渤海区域的SAR图像海冰检测具有重要意义。传统海冰检测方法受限于特征提取方法和建模方式,检测精度有待提升。深度学习具有极强的特征自学习能力,适用于图像检测问题。本文基于深度学习框架U-Net,以Sentinel-1双极化(VV和VH)合成孔径雷达图像为输入信息,设计混合损失函数优化传统U-Net模型,形成了基于混合损失U-Net的渤海海冰检测模型。将本文模型与传统海冰检测方法[脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)、马尔科夫随机场(MRF)和分水岭算法]和基于深度卷积神经网络(CNN)的深度学习方法进行了对比。实验结果表明:本文基于混合损失U-Net的海冰检测模型在重叠度、F1分数、精确度和召回率4项度量指标上分别达到了97.567%、98.769%、98.767%和98.771%,检测效果明显优于对比方法;双极化信息输入的检测结果比VV单极化输入的检测结果在F1分数、精确度、召回率和重叠度上分别提高了0.375%、0.111%、0.639%和0.740%;混合损失函数的检测结果比非混合损失函数的检测结果在F1分数、精确度、召回率和重叠度上分别提高了1.129%、0.947%、1.794%和2.231%;模型能对冰水沿线、冰间水道、冰间隙等细节进行有效检测;可应用于渤海区域整幅SAR图像的海冰检测,为海冰监测、海冰变化分析、海冰预报提供技术支撑。
  • 图  1  研究区域地理位置

    Fig.  1  Geographical location of the study area

    图  2  渤海海冰影像切片

    Fig.  2  Image slices of sea ice in the Bohai Sea

    图  3  海冰标注结果

    Fig.  3  Labeled slices of sea ice

    图  4  基于混合损失U-Net的海冰检测模型流程图

    Fig.  4  Flow chart of sea ice detection model based on a hybrid loss U-Net model

    图  5  卷积运算示例


    Fig.  5  An example of convolution operation

    The input matrix is 5×5, the convolutional kernel is 3×3, the convolutional layer has 9 parameters, which are shared by the whole hidden layer. The calculation of Z in the output matrix is shown in Fig.5

    图  6  基于混合损失U-Net的海冰检测模型网络架构

    Fig.  6  Network architecture of sea ice detection model based on a hybrid loss U-Net model

    图  7  不同模型对海冰测试集的预测结果


    Fig.  7  Prediction results of different models for sea ice test sets

    In 1-5, each row represents a testing sample, a-g of each row are the original SAR image slice, the label data, prediction result of U-Net, prediction result of MRF, prediction result of PCNN, prediction result of WA, and prediction result of deep learning method based on CNN; white pixels are sea ice and black pixels are water

    图  8  不同损失函数的海冰检测结果对比

    影像成像日期为2020年2月19日;中心点坐标为40.718 3°N,121.722 8°E;d中误差区域3在e中能被正确检测,最后在c中能被正确检测,同理可见误差区域1和2

    Fig.  8  Comparisons of sea ice detection results with different loss functions

    The imaging date is February 19, 2020; the coordinates of the central point are 40.718 3°N, 121.722 8°E; the error area 3 in d can be correctly detected in e, and finally correctly detected in c, so are the error area 1 and 2

    图  9  不同极化信息海冰检测结果对比

    影像成像日期为2020年2月19日;中心点坐标为40.718 3°N,121.722 8°E;e中误差区域1在d中能被正确检测,最终在c中能被正确检测

    Fig.  9  Comparisons of sea ice detection results with different polarization information

    The imaging date is February 19, 2020; the coordinates of the central point are 40.718 3°N, 121.722 8°E; the error area 1 in e can be correctly detected in d, finally correctly detected in c

    图  10  混合损失函数不同权重比实验结果

    Fig.  10  Experimental results of hybrid loss functions with different weight ratios

    图  11  整幅SAR图像海冰检测结果

    影像成像日期为2020年1月2日;中心点坐标为40.718 7°N,121.724 5°E;a是原始SAR影像;b是模型检测的海冰

    Fig.  11  The sea ice detection results of the whole SAR image

    The imaging date is January 2, 2020; the coordinates of the central point are 40.718 7°N, 121.724 5°E; a is the original SAR image; b is the sea ice detected by the model

    表  1  SAR图像的详细信息

    Tab.  1  Details of SAR images

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    表  2  不同模型的度量结果

    Tab.  2  Measurement results of different models

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    表  3  不同损失函数的度量结果

    Tab.  3  Measurement results of different loss functions

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    表  4  不同极化方式的度量结果

    Tab.  4  Measurement results of different polarization information

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