Characteristics of katabatic winds from Dome A to the coast of Prydz Bay, Antarctica
摘要: 本文利用我国极地数值天气预报系统和美国南极中尺度预报系统的存档数据,分析了Dome A至普里兹湾沿岸地区下降风风场的时空分布和大气质量通量,给出了该地区下降风的基本特点。该地区下降风受南极冰盖地形影响强烈,艾默里冰架西侧等陡峭地区风速总体较大;下降风随季节变化较大,冬季的下降风较强。强下降风在前进过程中有绝热增温现象,并给艾默里冰架西部带来近表层升温。下降风风速最大处位于地面以上约100~200 m高度,风速较大地区的下降风在垂直方向上分布较为深厚。下降风在普里兹湾沿岸的表层大气质量通量在时空分布上极不均匀,艾默里冰架西侧的下降风气流较强时,普里兹湾海域有较多的中尺度气旋活动。下降风引发普里兹湾中尺度气旋旋生的过程值得关注,需进一步研究下降风引发中尺度气旋的机理。Abstract: Using archived data from Chinese Polar Numerical Weather Forecasting System (PNWFS) and America Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System, the spatial and temporal distribution of katabatic winds and air mass flux from Dome A to the coast of Prydz Bay are analyzed, and basic characteristics of katabatic winds in the region are depicted. It is found that the katabatic winds in this area is strongly affected by the terrain of the Antarctica ice sheet. Steep terrain such as the western side of the Amery Ice Shelf sees stronger katabatic winds than smooth terrain does; and the katabatic winds vary greatly with the season for temporal distribution with stronger winds in winter. Adiabatic warming, which can be found in the area where strong katabatic winds flow, causes increasing of near surface temperature at the Amery Ice Shelf. The maximum katabatic wind speed zone is located at a height of about 100 m to 200 m above the ground. Katabatic winds extents to higher altitudes while surface winds are stronger. The surface air mass flux of the katabatic winds along the coast of the Prydz Bay is extremely uneven in spatial and temporal distribution. Strong katabatic winds in the Amery Ice Shelf are linked to more mesoscale cyclone activities in the Prydz Bay waters. The process of mesoscale cyclones induced by katabatic winds in the Prydz Bay is worthy of attention, thus the mechanism of cyclogenesis forced by katabatic winds needs further notice.
Key words:
- Antarctica /
- katabatic winds /
- atmospheric surface mass flux /
- mesoscale cyclone
图 5 南极冬季Dome A附近A点(80.0°S, 80.0°E)至大陆沿岸B点(67.5°S, 80.0°E) (a)和艾默里冰架西侧C点(71.0°S, 60.0°E)至东侧D点(71.0°S, 75.0°E) (b)下降风垂向剖面图
Fig. 5 The profile of Antarctic winter katabatic winds of Dome A (80.0°S, 80.0°E) to coast (67.5°S, 80.0°E) (a) and west (71.0°S, 60.0°E) to east (71.0°S, 75.0°E) of Amery Ice Shelf (b)
图 6 南极Dome A至普里兹湾沿岸地区2014−2016年季节平均的表层大气质量通量
a. 3−5月;b. 6−8月;c. 9−11月;d. 12月至翌年2月
Fig. 6 Seasonally mean of surface air mass flux from the Dome A to the coast of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during 2014 to 2016
a. March to May; b. June to August; c. September to November; d. December to February of the following year
图 7 南极艾默里冰架2014−2016年季节平均的位温(a−d)和2 m气温场和10 m风场(e−h)
a, e. 3−5月;b, f. 6−8月;c, g. 9−11月;d, h. 12月至翌年2月
Fig. 7 Seasonally mean of potential temperature (a−d) and 2 m air temperature and 10 m wind (e−h) of Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica, during 2014 to 2016
a, e. March to May; b, f. June to August; c, g. September to November; d, h. December to February of the following year
图 8 南极普里兹湾沿岸季节平均表层大气质量通量经向分布
Fig. 8 Seasonally mean of longitudinal distribution of surface air mass flux along the coast of Prydz Bay, Antarctica
MAM: March to May; JJA: June to August; SON: September to November; DJF: December to February of the following year; MAX−MIN: difference of maximum and minimum seasonally mean
图 9 南极中山站附近区域1979−2013年平均气旋活动分布(引自文献[20])
a. 9−11月;b. 12月至翌年2月;c. 3−5月;d. 6−8月。星号表示中山站的位置,红点表示气旋数量≥40个;紫点表示30个≤气旋数量<40个;黄点表示20个≤气旋数量<30个;绿点表示10个≤气旋数量<20个;蓝点表示1个≤气旋数量<10个
Fig. 9 The distribution of cyclones number density near the Zhongshan Station, Antarctica (cited from reference [20])
a. September to November; b. December to February of the following year; c. March to May; d. June to August. The asterisk indicate the location of Zhongshan Station, and the red dots indicate the number of cyclones ≥40; the purple dots indicate 30≤ number of cyclones <40; the yellow dots indicate 20≤ number of cyclones <30; the green dots indicate 10≤number of cyclones <20; the blue dots indicate 1 ≤ number of cyclones <10
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