Study on characteristics of marine heatwave in the China offshore in 2019
摘要: 海洋热浪是指在一定海域内发生的海表温度异常偏高的现象,海洋热浪的发生会对海洋生态系统的功能与服务产生重大影响。近年来,中国近海海洋热浪频发,引起越来越多的关注。本文利用逐日海表温度观测资料对2019年中国近海海洋热浪特征进行研究分析,结果显示:2019年,在中国近海海南岛周边海域、长江口附近海域、渤海海域和江苏外海海域海洋热浪高发,频次为7~12次;北部湾附近海域海洋热浪发生时间最长,超过150 d。在此基础上,以北部湾海域2−4月经历的一次持续时间长达数月的海洋热浪事件为例,分析了事件期间对应的气温场、气压场以及风场的异常,并进一步分析了北部湾不同季节海洋热浪事件与各气象背景场的对应关系。总体而言,2019年北部湾海域2−4月海洋热浪期间,气温偏高,副热带高压面积偏大、位置偏西偏北,冬季风偏弱,是此海洋热浪发生与维持的重要原因。Abstract: Marine heatwave, considered as events with prolonged anomalously high sea surface temperature in certain sea areas. The occurrence of marine heatwave could impact the function and service of marine ecosystem. In recent years, the marine heatwave in the China offshore become more frequent, and attract considerable attention. Used a range of ocean temperature data including daily satellite observations and daily in situ measurements, we analysised the characteristics of marine heatwave in the China offshore in 2019. Results show that in 2019, the frequency of marine heatwave is higher in the sea areas around Hainan Island, the Changjiang River Estuary, the Bohai Sea and the sea areas off Jiangsu Province, with the frequency of 7−12 times. The marine heatwave duration in the Beibu Gulf lasts the longest, more than 150 days. In addition, took the classical marine heatwave that last from February to April in Beibu Gulf as an example, anomaly characteristics of air temperature, sea level pressure and wind during the event period were investigated specifically and the corresponding relationships between the marine heatwave and meteorological background fields in different seasons in Beibu Gulf was further studied. On the whole, the higher air temperature, weaker East Asian winter monsoon, larger area and the northward and westward extension of subtropical high are the important factors for the occurrence and maintenance of the marine heatwave in the Beibu Gulf in the early 2019.
Key words:
- marine heatwave /
- climate change /
- China offshore /
- sea surface temperature
图 7 2019年2月西太平洋副高500 hPa位势高度
黑粗线为2019年5 870 位势米等值线;红虚线为1981–2010年气候态5 870 位势米等值线
Fig. 7 The 500 hPa potential height of Western Pacific subtropical high in February 2019
The black solid line indicates the isolines of 5 870 geopotential metre in 2019; the red dashed line indicates the climatic average isolines of 5 870 geopotential metre from 1981 to 2010
图 8 2019年海洋热浪事件发生时东方海洋站海洋气象要素变化
Fig. 8 Properties of ocean meteorological elements observed at Dongfang marine station during marine heatwave (MHW) events in 2019
The red area indicates MHW indentified; blue dashed lines show start and end of MHW; purple lines show mean elements anomaly during the MHW
表 1 海洋热浪特征指标
Tab. 1 Characteristic index of marine heatwave
指标 定义 单位 Ts 海洋热浪起始的时间 d Te 海洋热浪结束的时间 d D 海洋热浪持续时间D=Te-Ts d imax 海洋热浪最大强度,即热浪期间温度异常的最大值 ℃ imean 海洋热浪平均强度,即热浪期间温度异常的平均值 ℃ 表 2 所用海洋站数据信息
Tab. 2 Information of marine station’s data used
序号 海洋站 站代码 要素 时间范围 ① 涠洲 WZU 海温、气温、气压和风场 1980年1月至2019年12月 ② 东方 DFG 海温、气温、气压和风场 1980年1月至2019年12月 表 3 1980−2019年海洋热浪平均强度与各环境背景场的相关系数统计
Tab. 3 Statistics of correlation coefficient between marine heatwave mean intensity and environmental background fields during 1980−2019
季节 台站 气温 气压 U分量 V分量 春季 东方站 0.49* ‒0.25* 0.24* 0.35* 涠洲站 0.51* ‒0.43* 0.08 0.13 夏季 东方站 0.01 0.08 0.05 ‒0.12 涠洲站 0.47* ‒0.05 0.16 0.02 秋季 东方站 0.60* ‒0.49* 0.43* 0.42* 涠洲站 0.58* ‒0.36* ‒0.08 0.23* 冬季 东方站 0.48* ‒0.11 0.10 0.23* 涠洲站 0.36* 0.07 ‒0.03 0.18* 注:*表示通过95%显著性检验。 -
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