Comparative study on the Cenozoic tectonic and sedimentary evolution in the deep water areas of the Zhujiang River Estuary Basin and the Qiongdongnan Basin
摘要: 南海北部陆缘记录了南海形成演化的历史,但是其新生代构造沉积演化特征在东段和西段的差异及其原因目前还不太清楚。本文分别在珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地的深水区选择了数口构造地理位置相似的井通过精细地层回剥分析,重建了两沉积盆地的沉积速率和沉降速率并结合前人研究成果进行了对比分析。研究结果发现,两沉积盆地在裂陷期的沉积和沉降特征基本相似,但是两者在裂后期的构造沉积演化特征差异明显。珠江口盆地深水区沉积和沉降速率都表现为幕式变化特征,其中沉积速率表现为“两快三慢”的特征而沉降速率表现为“两快一慢”的特征。琼东南盆地深水区的沉积速率表现为“地堑式”变化特征,但是沉降速率表现为“台阶式”上升的变化特征。琼东南盆地“台阶式”上升的沉降速率推测主要是受到海南地幔柱伴随红河断裂的右旋走滑而向西北漂移的影响,这也与南海西北部的岩浆活动以及周围盆地的沉降特征吻合。红河断裂在2.1 Ma BP的右旋走滑控制了琼东南盆地1.8 Ma BP以来的快速沉积和加速沉降分布。Abstract: The formation and evolution of the South China Sea is well recorded in the northern continental margin. But the discrepancies of the tectonic and sedimentary evolution between the west and east of the northern margin are still enigmatic. Several drilling and simulation wells with analogous geological setting are chosen from the deep water areas of the Zhujiang River Estuary Basin and the Qiongdongnan Basin. Based on backstripping and previous studies, high resolution sedimentation rates and subsidence rates are constructed. Results show that both two basins are characterized by analogous sedimentation rates and subsidence rates in the syn-rift stage, but significant discrepancies are revealed in the post-rift stage. Episodic sedimentary and tectonic evolution characteristics are revealed in the Zhujiang River Estuary Basin, sedimentation rates are characterized by “two rapid sedimentation periods and three slow sedimentation periods” and subsidence rates are characterized by “two rapid subsidence periods and one slow subsidence period”. But the sedimentation rates are characterized by “graben” style evolution, and the subsidence rates are characterized by “step-up” style evolution in the Qiongdongnan Basin. The “step-up” subsidence rates in the Qiongdongnan Basin might be controlled by activities of the Hainan mantle plume which moved northwestward derived from the dextral strike-slip of the Red River Fault. And it coincided with the magmatism and the subsidence rate in the northwest margin of the South China Sea. The distribution of the rapid deposition and accelerated subsidence in the Qiongdongnan Basin after 1.8 Ma BP could be mainly controlled by the meanwhile dextral strike-slip of the Red River Fault.
表 1 珠江口盆地深水区钻井和模拟井构造位置分布
Tab. 1 Tectonic locations of the drilling and simulation wells in the deep water area of the Zhujiang River Estuary Basin
井名 LW31 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 构造位置 白云凹陷东南缘 白云凹陷中心 白云凹陷南部 荔湾凹陷 南部隆起西部 南部隆起东部 表 2 琼东南盆地深水区钻井和模拟井构造位置分布表
Tab. 2 Tectonic locations of the drilling and simulation wells in the deep water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin
井名 LS33 LS22 YC35 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 构造位置 陵南低
西缘北礁凸起 长昌凹陷
中心表 3 琼东南盆地深水区L33井参数表(位置见图1)[40, 47]
Tab. 3 The data of L33 Well in the deep water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin (see the location in Fig.1)[40, 47]
界面名称 界面深度/m 年龄/Ma 地层名称 最小古水深/m 最大古水深/m 沉积环境 岩性编码 海床表面 1 462.8 0 乐山组 1 462.8 1 462.8 半深海 1.57 T20 2 214.5 1.8 乐山组 1 000 1 200 半深海 1.57 T28 2 491.5 3.2 莺歌海组 900 1 100 半深海 1.65 T30 2 630 5.5 莺歌海组 800 1 000 半深海 1.65 T31 2 955.5 8.2 黄流组 700 900 外陆架和半深海 1.67 T40 3 150 11.6 黄流组 0 50 外陆架和半深海 1.67 T41 3 331 13.4 梅山组 50 200 外陆架 1.65 T50 3 450 16 梅山组 50 200 外陆架 1.65 T52 3 519 18.3 三亚组 0 50 陆表海 1.65 T60 3 608 23 三亚组 0 20 陆表海 1.65 T62 3 844 25.5 陵水组 50 200 浅海 1.67 T70 4 008 28.4 陵水组 0 50 滨浅海 1.67 T71 4 048 29.9 崖城组 0 50 滨海 1.57 T80 4 243 32 崖城组 0 30 海陆交互 1.57 T100 5 300 45 岭头组 0 0 湖泊 1.5 表 4 珠江口盆地深水区L31井参数表(位置见图1)[50]
Tab. 4 The data of L31 Well in the deep water area of the Zhujiang River Estuary Basin (see the location in Fig.1)[50]
界面名称 界面深度/m 年龄/Ma 地层名称 最小古水深/m 最大古水深/m 沉积环境 岩性编码 海床表面 1 480 0 万山组 1 480 1 480 深海 2 SB5.5 1 986 6 万山组 1 390 1 450 深海 2 SB10.5 2 094 11.9 粤海组 1 290 1 420 深海 2 SB12.5 2 200 13.2 韩江组 1 220 1 400 深海 2 SB13.8 2 519 14.3 韩江组 950 1 150 深海 2 SB15.5 2 666 15.5 韩江组 860 1 060 深海 2 SB16.5 2 730 16.3 韩江组 840 1 040 深海 2 SB17.5 2 793 17.2 珠江组 700 900 深海 2 MFS18.5 2 885 17.9 珠江组 800 1 000 深海 2 SB21 3 064 19.8 珠江组 600 800 深海 1.90 SB23.8 3 114 23.03 珠江组 0 20 浅海陆架 1.97 ZHSB6 3 156 24.4 珠海组 0 20 滨浅海 1.59 ZHSB5 3 330 26 珠海组 50 200 前三角洲 1.71 ZHSB4 3 502 27 珠海组 50 200 前三角洲 1.87 ZHSB3 3 623 27.8 珠海组 50 100 三角洲前缘 1.69 ZHSB2 3 728 29 珠海组 0 50 滨浅海 1.74 T70 3 971 33 恩平组 0 50 滨浅海 1.96 T80 4 418 39 神狐−文昌组 0 30 湖泊 1.31 Tg 5 052 66 神狐−文昌组 0 0 湖泊 1.38 -
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