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杨春丽 陈志华 肖文申 王湘芹 鞠梦珊 崔迎春 黄元辉 唐正

杨春丽,陈志华,肖文申,等. 3.4万年以来南极斯科舍海古生产力演变及其环境制约[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(3):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021051
引用本文: 杨春丽,陈志华,肖文申,等. 3.4万年以来南极斯科舍海古生产力演变及其环境制约[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(3):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021051
Yang Chunli,Chen Zhihua,Xiao Wenshen, et al. Paleoproductivity and its environmental constraints in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica since 34 ka BP[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(3):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021051
Citation: Yang Chunli,Chen Zhihua,Xiao Wenshen, et al. Paleoproductivity and its environmental constraints in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica since 34 ka BP[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(3):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021051


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021051
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41676191);南极重点海域对气候变化的响应与反馈(RFSOCC2020-2025)




  • 中图分类号: P736.22

Paleoproductivity and its environmental constraints in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica since 34 ka BP

  • 摘要: 本文通过对南极斯科舍海东南部DC-11岩芯生物硅、有机氮、TFe2O3与有机氮同位素的年代学分析,重建了该海区3.4万年以来古生产力与环境演变历史。研究结果表明,生物硅、有机氮含量与南极温度变化基本一致,暖期高、冷期低;有机氮同位素值与南大洋海冰变化相吻合,暖期小、冷期大,冷期硝酸盐利用率大于暖期。从末次冰期、末次冰消期至全新世,研究区古生产力与环境变化显著,南极冷倒转等千年尺度的变化明显;海冰在气候、营养盐与古生产力之间起着重要的关联作用。冰期或冷期海冰的加强导致表层水层化加强,深层水及其营养盐的上涌减弱,表层海洋硝酸盐等相对匮乏,生产力降低。研究区现代与全新世铁供应充足,在风尘盛行的末次冰期和冰消期呈过剩状态,明显不同于亚南极。
  • 图  1  斯科舍海取样站位与环流分布(据文献[18-20]修改)


    Fig.  1  Map of the Scotia Sea showing Core DC-11 and marine circulation (modified from references [18-20])

    SHW (gray arrow): the dominant direction of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies; APF (dotted blue line): the Antarctic Polar Front; ACC (yellow arrow): the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; SBACC(gray dotted line): the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; WSBW (red arrow): the Weddell Sea Bottom Water; WSDW (brown arrow): the Weddell Sea Deep Water; WG (white arrows end to end): the Weddell Gyre; WSI (white fine dotted line) and SSI (white coarse dotted line): the austral winter and summer sea ice limits, respectively; IA (hollow arrow): the Iceberg Alley. Light white dotted line is the section of nutrients shown in Fig.2

    图  2  37°W附近断面现代硅酸盐(a)与硝酸盐(b)含量分布(据文献[27]修改)


    Fig.  2  Dissolved silica (a) and nitrate concentrations (b) near longitude 37°W (modified from reference [27])

    LCDW: Lower Circumpolar Deep Water;UCDW: Upper Circumpolar Deep Water; SAMW: Subantarctica Mode Water; AAIW: Antarctica Intermediate Water; AABW: Antarctica Bottom Water

    图  3  DC-11岩芯岩性地层与年代框架

    a. DC-11岩芯岩性柱;b. EDML 冰芯 nssCa2+通量[31];c. 岩芯磁化率;d. 岩芯深度−年龄转换曲线

    Fig.  3  Lithologic stratigraphy and age model of Core DC-11

    a. Lithologic column of Core DC-11; b. Core EDML nssCa2+ flux[31]; c. core susceptibility; d. core depth-age curve

    图  4  DC-11岩芯古生产力、营养盐记录及相关分析

    Fig.  4  Paleoproductivity and nutrient records of Core DC-11 and correlation analyses

    图  5  DC-11岩芯记录与其他海洋、冰芯记录的综合对比[53-54,59]

    Fig.  5  Comparison between Core DC-11 and other marine and ice core records[53-54,59]

    表  1  DC-11岩芯AMS14C测年结果与年龄控制点

    Tab.  1  AMS14C data and adopted age controls of Core DC-11

    深度/cm测试材料14C年龄/cal a BP校正后日历年龄/cal a BP有效年龄控制点/cal a BP
    1~2有机碳2 840±301 486±142150(1.5 cm)
    20~21有机碳4 040±302 924±1572 056(20.5 cm)
    46~47有机碳5 260±304 522±1774 663(46.5 cm)
    132~134有机碳12 660±4013 239±13113 339(133 cm)
    194~196有机碳20 910±7023 629±28519 622*(195 cm)
    224~226有机碳25 400±10028 141±31225 722*(222 cm)
    254~256有机碳30 810±16033 698±32033 698(255 cm)
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