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旷芳芳 潘爱军 张俊鹏 黄奖 蔡尚湛

旷芳芳,潘爱军,张俊鹏,等. 基于潜标观测的吕宋海峡以东深海潮流特征研究[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(1):55–60 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021031
引用本文: 旷芳芳,潘爱军,张俊鹏,等. 基于潜标观测的吕宋海峡以东深海潮流特征研究[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(1):55–60 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021031
Kuang Fangfang,Pan Aijun,Zhang Junpeng, et al. Characteristics of abyssal tidal currents east of the Luzon Strait: Cast study from in situ observation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(1):55–60 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021031
Citation: Kuang Fangfang,Pan Aijun,Zhang Junpeng, et al. Characteristics of abyssal tidal currents east of the Luzon Strait: Cast study from in situ observation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(1):55–60 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021031


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021031
基金项目: 大洋“十三五”资源环境类项目(DY135-E2-3-03,DY135-E2-2-02,DY135-E2-5-01)




  • 中图分类号: P733.1

Characteristics of abyssal tidal currents east of the Luzon Strait: Cast study from in situ observation

  • 摘要: 本文使用吕宋海峡以东的潜标观测的长达1年的海流数据,重点对该海域海流的高频波动(潮流)的垂向分布及其时间变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:该海域次表层(100~160 m)的潮动能比中层(1 550 m)和深层(2 560 m)大1~2个数量级,近底层(4 040 m)的潮动能略大于中、深层;次表层为不正规半日潮流,中、深层为不正规全日潮流;各层次潮动能均在夏季(6−9月)和冬季(2−3月)增强,与M2分潮和K1分潮在夏季和冬季的增强相对应;各层次海流的高频波动以顺时针旋转为主,次表层海流近惯性周期接近当地理论惯性周期,中、深层略小于当地理论惯性周期。
  • 图  1  潜标位置(a)和水深分布(b)

    Fig.  1  Location of the mooring (a) and water depth around the mooring (b)

    图  2  通过WOA2013计算出的浮力频率剖面

    Fig.  2  Vertical structure of buoyancy frequency calculated from data in WOA2013

    图  3  各层次海流旋转谱分析


    Fig.  3  Rotary spectrum analysis of currents at different depth

    CW: clockwise spectrum; CCW: counter clockwise spectrum

    图  4  各层次各分潮的潮流椭圆


    Fig.  4  Tidal ellipse at different levels

    Black line: clockwise rotation; red line: counter clockwise rotation

    图  5  各层次潮动能及其占比

    Fig.  5  Tidal kinetic energy and its portion to total kinetic energy at different levels

    图  6  各层次M2和K1分潮流长轴的时间序列

    Fig.  6  Time series of M2 and K1 constituent major axes at different layers

    图  7  各层次潮动能的时间序列及其小波分析


    Fig.  7  Time series and wavelet analysis of tidal kinetic energy at different levels

    The color filled maps represent wavelet power spectrum and the curves represent global wavelet spectrum

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-07-26
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