Research of characteristics of turbulent mixing in the Prydz Bay with intrusion of modified circumpolar deep water
摘要: 基于中国第28、29和31次南极科学考察中的CTD数据,利用Thorpe尺度方法计算了普里兹湾及其附近海域湍动能耗散率,分析了其分布特征,并对当地的水团结构进行研究。结果表明,普里兹湾及其附近海域中,前两个航次观测中次表层湍动能耗散率强度在陆架坡折区域达到最大。在水团分布方面,在第28和29航次中均观测到了变性绕极深层水陆架入侵现象,水团分别向上涌升至海表以下100 m和200 m深度,向南均可达到67.5°S处。普里兹湾陆架坡折区域次表层湍动能耗散率强度分布与当地水团结构存在良好对应关系。研究认为变性绕极深层水入侵陆架,会使该深度水体变得不稳定,发生水体交换现象,最终造成该区域湍流混合强度加强。Abstract: Based on the CTD data from the 28th, 29th and 31st Chinese Antarctic Expedition cruises, we calculated dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy by using Thrope scale method, and analyzed the distribution characteristics of the dissipation rate and the structure of water masses in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent waters. Results show that the subsurface dissipation rate intensity of turbulent kinetic energy in the first two cruises reach maximum on the shelf break of Prydz Bay. Moreover, we compared the distribution of water masses among the three cruises and found intrusion of the modified circumplar deep water into the shelf happened on the 28th and 29th cruises. The the modified circumplar deep water could reach the depth of 100 m and 200 m on the cruise of 28th and 29th, respectively, and can extend southward to 67.5°S. Furthermore, the distribution of subsurface dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy on the shelf break of Prydz Bay are well related to the structure of local water masses. Therefore, the intrusion of the modified circumplar deep water into the shelf could induce instability of the local waters, promote water exchange and finally enhance local turbulent mixing.
表 1 普里兹湾海域主要水团特征
Tab. 1 The characteristics of water masses in the Prydz Bay and the adjacent sea
水团名称 温度/℃ 盐度 夏季表层水 T≥−1.50 S<34.20 冬季水 T<−1.50 34.20<S<34.50 绕极深层水 0.50≤T≤2.00 34.50≤S≤34.75 陆架水 −1.9<T<−1.50 S>34.20 南极底层水 T<0 34.60<S<34.72 冰架水 T<−1.92 34.40<S<34.60 -
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