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杨明柳 徐岩 高霆炜 潘红平 吴斌 阎冰

杨明柳,徐岩,高霆炜,等. 基于COⅠ基因片段的中国南部沿海近亲拟相手蟹的群体遗传多样性研究[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(2):105–115 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021026
引用本文: 杨明柳,徐岩,高霆炜,等. 基于COⅠ基因片段的中国南部沿海近亲拟相手蟹的群体遗传多样性研究[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(2):105–115 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021026
Yang Mingliu,Xu Yan,Gao Tingwei, et al. Genetic diversity of Parasesarma affine from the South China Sea based on mitochondrial DNA COⅠ gene[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(2):105–115 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021026
Citation: Yang Mingliu,Xu Yan,Gao Tingwei, et al. Genetic diversity of Parasesarma affine from the South China Sea based on mitochondrial DNA COⅠ gene[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(2):105–115 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021026


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021026
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划科技基础资源调查专项(2017FY100704);广西自然科学基金项目(2017GXNSFBA198163);广西“红树林和海草系统保育与生态监测”特聘专家岗基金资助。




  • 中图分类号: Q347

Genetic diversity of Parasesarma affine from the South China Sea based on mitochondrial DNA COⅠ gene

  • 摘要: 为了研究我国南部沿海近亲拟相手蟹(Parasesarma affine)的群体遗传结构,本研究对12个地理群体共222个个体的线粒体DNA的细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ (COⅠ)基因片段进行了分析。结果表明,612 bp的COⅠ基因片段检测到34个变异位点,共定义了40个单倍型,其中Hap2为12个群体的共享单倍型,占个体总数的69.81%。总群体的单倍型多样性水平Hd为0.508 9,核苷酸多样性水平Pi为0.001 126,表现出中等水平的Hd和低水平的Pi。单倍型邻接发育树和单倍型中介网络图没有形成明显的地理系谱结构。近亲拟相手蟹群体内的遗传距离为0.000 36~0.001 73,群体间的遗传距离为0.000 48~0.001 72。群体间的遗传分化系数(Fst)和分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果表明,近亲拟相手蟹群体遗传分化水平低,其变异主要来自群体内。中性检验和核苷酸不配对分布结果提示,近亲拟相手蟹近期经历了群体扩张事件,扩张时间大约发生于5.1万年前的更新世晚期。研究表明,较长的幼虫浮游期以及海洋环境中缺少影响群体扩散的屏障可能是近亲拟相手蟹各地理群体间能进行广泛的基因交流,从而表现出较低的遗传分化水平的重要原因,更新世的剧烈气候变迁亦可能对其群体的遗传结构和分布格局产生影响。研究结果为近亲拟相手蟹自然资源的保护及合理开发利用提供了一定理论依据。
  • 图  1  近亲拟相手蟹的采样点地理位置

    Fig.  1  Locations of the sampling stations of P. affine

    图  2  基于近亲拟相手蟹COⅠ基因构建的40个单倍型邻接系统发育树

    Fig.  2  Neighbor-joining tree for 40 haplotypes of P. affine based on COⅠ gene

    图  3  近亲拟相手蟹12个群体COⅠ基因单倍型中介网络图

    Fig.  3  The median-joining network of COⅠ gene haplotypes in twelve populations of P. affine

    图  4  近亲拟相手蟹COⅠ基因单倍型的核苷酸不配对分布

    Fig.  4  Mismatch distributions based on COⅠ gene haplotypes of P. affine

    表  1  中国南部沿海近亲拟相手蟹的采样信息

    Tab.  1  The sampling information of P. affine from the South China Sea

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    表  2  近亲拟相手蟹不同群体COⅠ基因片段的碱基组成和遗传多样性

    Tab.  2  The base composition and genetic diversity parameters of COⅠ gene fragments among different population of P. affine

    LH37.2517.1628.9416.6466.1923.9 0.259 7±0.120 20.000 594±0.000 664
    YX37.2417.1828.9216.6666.1633.840.593 1±0.116 70.001 146±0.001 003
    ZH37.2517.1628.9116.6766.1633.930.545 5±0.127 60.001 040±0.000 941
    YJ37.2217.1828.9416.6566.1633.830.494 5±0.150 60.000 898±0.000 880
    LF37.2317.1828.9116.6766.1433.850.601 7±0.120 60.001 174±0.001 019
    LQ37.2517.1628.9216.6666.1733.820.710 0±0.106 40.001 726±0.001 326
    XW37.2417.1728.9416.6466.1833.810.395 6±0.158 80.000 700±0.000 753
    SK37.2517.1628.9216.6766.1733.830.377 8±0.181 30.000 654±0.000 745
    BH37.2517.1728.9416.6466.1933.810.681 0±0.113 10.001 696±0.001 313
    FCG37.2817.1418.9616.6256.2433.760.541 1±0.125 30.001 712±0.001 319
    YP37.2417.1728.9416.6566.1833.820.411 3±0.130 80.000 891±0.000 852
    DF37.2717.1428.9216.6766.1933.810.222 2±0.166 20.000 362±0.000 534
    总群体37.2517.1728.9316.6566.1833.820.508 9±0.041 90.001 126±0.000 951
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    表  3  近亲拟相手蟹12个群体单倍型分布情况

    Tab.  3  Haplotype distribution of P. affine in twelve populations

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    表  4  基于COⅠ基因序列的近亲拟相手蟹群体间遗传分化系数Fst值(对角线下)和群体内(对角线) 及群体间(对角线上)遗传距离

    Tab.  4  F-statistics (below diagonal) within populations and genetic distance within (diagonal) and between (above diagonal) populations of P. affine based on COⅠ gene

    LH0.000 600.000 870.000 820.000 730.000 880.001 170.000 630.000 610.001 140.001 160.000 740.000 48
    YX−0.006 700.001 150.001 100.001 000.001 150.001 440.000 910.000 860.001 430.001 460.001 020.000 78
    ZH0.000 000.007 010.001 040.000 990.001 120.001 410.000 870.000 830.001 370.001 410.000 960.000 70
    YJ−0.014 01−0.027 170.016 030.000 900.001 020.001 320.000 790.000 750.001 300.001 340.000 890.000 65
    LF−0.007 33−0.010 640.006 35−0.020 150.001 180.001 450.000 910.000 890.001 440.001 480.001 020.000 78
    LQ0.006 880.001 560.015 34−0.005 18−0.003 560.001 730.001 210.001 190.001 720.001 700.001 320.001 08
    XW−0.032 20−0.017 28−0.005 01−0.019 64−0.032 32−0.013 100.000 700.000 650.001 200.001 220.000 780.000 53
    SK−0.022 01−0.055 04−0.028 66−0.042 29−0.038 04−0.023 05−0.036 580.000 650.001 170.001 210.000 760.000 51
    BH−0.004 570.000 930.001 05−0.004 570.000 900.000 39−0.012 07−0.026 960.001 700.001 710.001 290.001 04
    FCG0.007 200.015 730.020 380.014 930.019 66−0.014 230.000 47−0.006 720.000 400.001 720.001 330.001 08
    YP−0.009 17−0.005 71−0.007 04−0.003 57−0.012 930.006 11−0.029 92−0.026 99−0.004 280.021 510.000 890.000 63
    DF−0.015 02−0.005 80−0.027 680.009 76−0.022 01−0.013 50−0.012 41−0.003 32−0.028 18−0.007 85−0.024 650.000 36
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    表  5  近亲拟相手蟹12个群体的AMOVA分析

    Tab.  5  Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for the twelve P. affine populations

    组群间113.526−0.001 38 Va−0.4−0.004 02 (p=0.757 6)
    种群内21072.6540.345 97 $^{{\rm{V_b}}} $100.4
    合计22176.180.344 59100
      注:Va 表示组群间方差;Vb 表示组群内群体间方差。
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    表  6  近亲拟相手蟹12个群体的中性检验和核苷酸不配对分布

    Tab.  6  Neutral testes and mismatch distributions of nucleotide in twelve P. affine populations

    群体Tajima’s DFu’s Fs核苷酸不配对分布
    LH−1.877 630.011 00−2.205 610.006 003.000 000.002 130.343 72
    YX−1.778 560.019 00−4.749 130.000 000.875 000.017 160.159 63
    ZH−2.139 600.001 00−6.978 930.000 000.783 200.011 770.140 50
    YJ−1.278 260.085 00−1.727 370.012 000.683 590.012 900.155 30
    LF−2.002 530.007 00−6.347 570.000 000.894 530.016 490.156 56
    LQ−1.917 760.008 00−7.818 780.000 001.166 020.005 870.092 15
    XW−1.670 530.026 00−2.288 110.002 000.505 860.005 270.168 22
    SK−1.400 850.077 00−1.163 940.036 000.490 230.005 790.182 72
    DG−2.162 550.004 00−6.321 530.000 001.115 230.001 640.067 10
    FCG−1.715 700.018 00−3.162 460.007 002.312 500.055 270.243 44
    YP−2.071 980.002 00−4.121 610.000 000.705 080.000 060.131 67
    DF−1.088 230.191 00−0.263 480.154 002.929 690.306 720.358 02
    合计−2.497 800.000 00−29.929 970.000 000.714 840.000 000.950 00
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  • 修回日期:  2020-09-28
  • 网络出版日期:  2020-12-25
  • 刊出日期:  2021-03-02


