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史伟卜 王轶南 王浩文 任媛 王庆奎 李强

史伟卜,王轶南,王浩文,等. 转录组测序解析刺参波里氏囊腔与体腔中体腔细胞对吐脏胁迫的响应差异[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(2):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021016
引用本文: 史伟卜,王轶南,王浩文,等. 转录组测序解析刺参波里氏囊腔与体腔中体腔细胞对吐脏胁迫的响应差异[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(2):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021016
Shi Weibo,Wang Yi’nan,Wang Haowen, et al. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the response of coelomocytes in polian vesicle and coelomic cavity of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus to evisceration[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(2):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021016
Citation: Shi Weibo,Wang Yi’nan,Wang Haowen, et al. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the response of coelomocytes in polian vesicle and coelomic cavity of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus to evisceration[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(2):116–125 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021016


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021016
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(31872544);盐城工学院人才引进项目(XJ201725,XJ201726)。




  • 中图分类号: S917.4

Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the response of coelomocytes in polian vesicle and coelomic cavity of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus to evisceration

  • 摘要: 刺参的体腔细胞大量存在于体腔液与水管系统内,广泛参与机体的营养输送、代谢以及免疫等多种功能。刺参吐脏时,体腔中体腔细胞近乎排尽,而后迅速恢复。波里氏囊是刺参吐脏后仅存的内脏器官,囊腔内体腔细胞在吐脏后也快速增加,表现出积极的响应。为研究探讨刺参吐脏后再生早期体腔细胞快速增加的作用与意义,本文分别对刺参吐脏后6 h与吐脏前波里氏囊腔和体腔中体腔细胞进行转录组测序,比较了波里氏囊腔与体腔中体腔细胞在吐脏胁迫下的基因表达变化。结果显示,波里氏囊腔内体腔细胞在吐脏前后有267个基因显著差异表达,差异基因大量富集至GO功能注释的酶催化活性亚类以及甘氨酸、丝氨酸与苏氨酸代谢等KEGG通路。体腔中体腔细胞在吐脏前后有922个基因显著差异表达,差异基因显著富集到GO功能注释的细胞黏附、生物黏附等亚类以及细胞外基质受体互作、转化生长因子-β与FoxO等KEGG通路。研究结果对于进一步研究刺参体腔细胞的功能及揭示刺参吐脏后的再生机制提供了重要基础。
  • 图  1  PC6 h组与PC0 h组(a)及CC6 h组与CC0 h组(b)的显著差异基因分布火山图

    红点代表log2 (Fold change)>1和padj<0.05的上调基因;绿点表示log2 (Fold change)<−1和padj<0.05的下调基因;蓝点代表没有显著差异的基因

    Fig.  1  Volcano plot significantly differential expression genes distribution between PC6 h and PC0 h (a) and between CC6 h and CC0 h (b)

    Red points represent up-regulated genes with log2(Fold change)>1 and padj<0.05; green points represent down-regulated genes with log2(Fold change)<−1 and padj<0.05; blue points represent genes with no significant difference

    图  2  GO富集分析中显著差异基因的功能分类

    PC6 h和PC0 h间显著差异基因的GO分析 (a);CC6 h与CC0 h间显著差异基因的GO分析 (b)。x轴表示GO分析中的亚类;y轴表示差异基因的数量;蓝色和绿色分别代表上调基因和下调基因

    Fig.  2  Functional categorization of significantly differential expression genes in Gene Ontology

    GO analysis between PC6 h and PC0 h (a); GO analysis between between CC6 h and CC0 h (b). The x-axis shows the 2nd level term of Gene Ontology; the y-axis shows the number of DEGs; the blue and brown represent up- and down-regulated genes, respectively

    图  3  显著差异基因的KEGG通路富集分析

    PC6 h与PC0 h间显著差异基因的KEGG通路富集 (a);CC6 h和CC0 h间显著差异基因的KEGG通路富集 (b)。圆点的颜色表示padj值,圆点的大小表示注释到KEGG通路上的基因数

    Fig.  3  KEGG pathway enrichment of significantly differential expression genes

    KEGG pathway enrichment between PC6 h and PC0 h (a); KEGG pathway enrichment between CC6 h and CC0 h (b). The color of the dot represents padj and size of the dot represents the number of DEGs mapped to the reference pathways

    图  4  qRT-PCR验证RNA-Seq结果

    PC6 h和PC0 h间的RNA-Seq验证结果(a);CC6 h和CC0 h间的RNA-Seq验证结果(b)

    Fig.  4  Verification of the RNA-Seq results using the qRT-PCR method

    Verification of the RNA-Seq results between PC6 h and PC0 h (a); verification of the RNA-Seq results between CC6 h and CC0 h (b)

    表  1  用qRT-PCR验证所用引物序列

    Tab.  1  The sequence of primers used for qRT-PCR validation

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    表  2  12个文库的基本信息

    Tab.  2  The basic characteristic of reads in the 12 libraries

    PC0 h-158 695 01857 363 0388.6097.1092.3168.25
    PC0 h-256 482 64655 367 3548.3197.0492.2466.83
    PC0 h-349 941 73248 766 6107.3196.9792.0366.06
    PC6 h-152 553 49251 358 4147.7097.0592.2468.17
    PC6 h-249 356 69448 272 9587.2497.0892.2767.93
    PC6 h-348 395 49647 518 4487.1397.1392.3868.12
    CC0 h-160 069 21658 262 4068.7495.5689.1762.47
    CC0 h-243 214 10242 043 1906.3195.0087.9763.08
    CC0 h-341 985 40040 917 6406.0994.8787.9361.10
    CC6 h-145 151 13243 809 1666.5795.3688.8264.00
    CC6 h-243 699 30042 464 3206.3795.3688.8064.88
    CC6 h-345 650 93044 497 7106.6795.8989.8461.13
      注:PC0 h代表吐脏前波里氏囊腔内体腔细胞;PC6 h代表吐脏后6 h波里氏囊腔内体腔细胞;CC0 h代表吐脏前体腔中体腔细胞;CC6 h代表吐脏后6 h体腔中体腔细胞。
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    表  3  显著富集通路中的差异表达基因

    Tab.  3  The differential expression genes in significant enrichment pathways

    Glycine,serine and threonine metabolism
    PSAT1phosphoserine aminotransferase isoform X11.71
    GNMTglycine N-methyltransferase1.79
    SARDHSarcosine dehydrogenase, mitochondrial1.72
    BHMTbetaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase 11.48
    ECM-receptor interaction
    COL4A5collagen alpha-5(IV) chain-like isoform X22.71
    COL9A2collagen alpha-2(IX) chain3.37
    HSPG2basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein2.58
    COMPcartilage oligomeric matrix protein1.51
    FoxO signaling pathway
    PCK1Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase2.40
    GRB2growth factor receptor-bound protein 21.54
    NLK2serine/threonine-protein kinase NLK2 isoform X11.91
    Cyclin Bcyclin B−2.06
    PLKpolo-like kinase−2.20
    TGF-beta signaling pathway
    FSTfollistatin isoform X23.00
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