Evolution of the Pacific meridional overturning circulation during the Plio-Pleistocene transition: Nd isotope records from the Fe-Mn crust
摘要: 随着北半球冰盖的发育,全球气候环境发生了显著变化。太平洋经向翻转流(PMOC)对全球海洋热量分配和大气CO2在深海的封存起举足轻重的作用,但是关于PMOC与北半球冰盖的形成之间的关系还欠缺研究。本文收集了太平洋海山富钴结壳的Nd同位素记录,通过对比不同区域Nd同位素记录的演化特征,分析风尘输入、水团演化等因素对Nd同位素记录的影响,探讨了太平洋经向翻转流演化及其与全球气候变化之间的关系,认为北太平洋深层水下沉的停滞和亚洲风尘输入增加可能是导致深层水Nd同位素从距今3~4 Ma开始降低的原因。同时,因北太平洋深层水下沉停滞,PMOC改组,使得更多的CO2在深水封存,从而对全球气候变冷和北半球冰盖形成产生了积极的贡献。Abstract: The global climate and environment have changed significantly upon the development of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation (NHG) during the Pliocene/Pleistocene. The Pacific meridional overturning circulation (PMOC) plays an important role on the distribution of heat in the global ocean and atmospheric CO2 sequestration in the deep ocean, however, the relationship between PMOC and the formation of NHG is poorly studied. In this paper, we collected the available Nd isotope data of seamount Fe-Mn crusts from the Pacific. By comparing the Nd isotopic records from different water depths and different regions of the Pacific, considering the influences of water mass evolution and dust input on the Nd isotope records, we discuss the evolution of the PMOC and its relationship with the global climate change. It is suggested that the stagnation of the deep water formation in the North Pacific and the increase of the Asian dust input may be the reasons for the decline of the εNd of the North Pacific deep water since 3~4 Ma, and the increase of CO2 sequestration in the deep ocean caused by the weakening of the deep water ventilation in the North Pacific contribute to the global cooling and the formation of NHG.
图 1 太平洋中、深层洋流路径示意图(根据文献[38])
Fig. 1 The circulation of intermediate and deep water masses in the Pacific (after reference [38])
ACC: Antarctic circumpolar current; LCDW: lower circumpolar deep water; UCDW: upper circumpolar deep water; AAIW: Antarctic intermediate water; EqPIW: equatorial Pacific intermediate water; NPIW: North Pacific intermediate water; NPDW: North Pacific deep water
图 2 太平洋Nd同位素记录站位分布
Fig. 2 Map showing the distribution of Nd isotopes records from Pacific
The distribution of Nd isotopes records is from reference [49−55], reference [56], [57] and [58] also shown here the locations of U1430, GPC3 and ODP885/886 which are aeolian dust records
图 4 末次冰盛期以来亚极地北太平洋中、深层水钕同位素、东南太平洋深层水输运时间和大气CO2浓度的变化
a. 阿拉斯加湾中层水(紫色)和深层水(蓝色)εNd值变化[16];b. 冰芯中大气CO2浓度记录及其变化速率[80-81];c. 东赤道太平洋ODP 846孔和东南太平洋ODP 1123孔Nd同位素差值(绿色线)反映的深层水输送速率(红色线)的变化[77]。黄色阴影指示几乎同时发生的冰消期大气CO2浓度上升和全球海洋平均温度上升的两个阶段
Fig. 4 The variation of εNd of the intermediate and the deep water from the sub-arctic north Pacific, deep circulation transit time and atmospheric CO2 concentration since the Last Glacial Maximum
a. Authigenic εNd of the intermediate (record in purple) and the deep water (records in blue) from the Alaska Bay[16]; b. ice-core CO2 and its rate of change[80-81]; c. calculated transit time of the Pacific deep water (red line) according to the ΔεNd between ODP 846 site and ODP1233 site (green line)[77]. The yellow-shaded intervals denoted the synchronous increase of atmospheric CO2 and rise of global ocean mean temperature
表 1 太平洋中、深层水团的εNd特征值
Tab. 1 The εNd values of the intermediate and deep water masses in the Pacific
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