Experimental study on dynamic response characteristics of continental shelf slope to internal solitary waves
摘要: 针对内孤立波在行进过程中遇到海底斜坡会对海底产生力的作用,不同坡度斜坡对内孤立波的动力响应应该存在差异。本文通过水槽中制造内波,对不同角度的斜坡对内孤立波的动力响应过程进行了研究。结果表明,内孤立波通过陆架斜坡上方,会造成斜坡沉积物超孔隙水压力的积累;在相同振幅条件下,缓坡沉积物动力响应的幅度比陡坡沉积物大;随着振幅的增加,缓坡发生动力破坏程度大于陡坡;在斜坡沉积物稳定性受到破坏之前,超孔隙水压力的积累和释放同时存在,内孤立波振幅的增大会加剧超孔隙水压力的释放。该结果对于斜坡沉积物在内孤立波作用下失稳破坏的动力学研究和斜坡稳定性分析将起到指导作用。Abstract: In view of the effect of internal solitary waves on the seafloor when encountering the seabed slope during their travel, the dynamic response of different slopes to internal solitary waves should be different. This paper studies the dynamic response process of internal solitary waves of slopes with different angles by creating internal waves in a flume. The results show that the internal solitary waves passing over the shelf slope will cause the accumulation of excess pore water pressure in the slope sediments; under the same amplitude conditions, the dynamic response amplitude of the gentle slope sediments is larger than that of the steep slope sediments; as the amplitude increases, gentle slopes occur the degree of dynamic damage is greater than that of steep slopes; the accumulation and release of excess pore water pressure exist at the same time before the stability of slope sediments is destroyed, and the increase of the amplitude of internal solitary waves will aggravate the release of excess pore water pressure. The results will play a guiding role in the dynamic study of the failure of slope sediment under the action of internal solitary waves and the analysis of slope stability.
Key words:
- shelf slope /
- slope sediment /
- internal solitary wave /
- dynamic response /
- slope
表 1 实验室模拟内孤立波的设计参数
Tab. 1 Design parameter of laboratory simulation internal solitary wave
振幅/cm 上层流体密度${\rho _1}$/(kg·m−3) 下层流体密度${\rho _2}$/(kg·m−3) 12 998 1020 14 998 1024 15 998 1028 -
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