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李忠伟 焦方涛 李永 曾伟 杨俊钢 崔伟

李忠伟,焦方涛,李永,等. 信息熵控制的海洋流线自适应步长算法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(12):100–110 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024115
引用本文: 李忠伟,焦方涛,李永,等. 信息熵控制的海洋流线自适应步长算法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(12):100–110 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024115
Li Zhongwei,Jiao Fangtao,Li Yong, et al. Research on adaptive step size algorithm of marine streamline controlled by information entropy[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(12):100–110 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024115
Citation: Li Zhongwei,Jiao Fangtao,Li Yong, et al. Research on adaptive step size algorithm of marine streamline controlled by information entropy[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(12):100–110 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024115


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024115
基金项目: 国家自然科学重点基金(62231028)。




  • 中图分类号: TP391

Research on adaptive step size algorithm of marine streamline controlled by information entropy

  • 摘要: 海洋流场的流线构造与放置对于认识和理解海洋流场具有重要意义。在流线绘制过程中,积分步长的选择至关重要,能够直接影响流线放置效果。固定步长算法由于无法适应曲率不断变化的情形往往不被采用,以往自适应步长流线算法存在自由度低以及多尺度适用性差的问题。针对上述问题,本文首次将信息熵引入到步长计算中,提出了信息熵控制的海洋流线自适应步长算法。该算法首先通过计算流场信息熵得到熵场,然后依据熵值大小将流场划分为高熵区域和低熵区域,并为每个积分点赋予新的步长,使得流场可以根据变化剧烈程度自适应调整步长大小,即高熵区域(变化剧烈的区域)步长较小,低熵区域(变化平缓的区域)步长较大。实验结果表明,本文算法能够显著增加变化剧烈区域的积分点数目和流线条数,更好地绘制特征处的流线细节,同时在不会影响放置效果的前提下减少了非重要区域的积分点数目和流线条数以提高计算效率,相比以往自适应步长算法显著提高了步长调节的自由度以及尺度适用性,可以应用于不同尺度的海洋流场。
  • 图  1  不同种子点放置效果


    Fig.  1  Placement effects of different seed points

    a. Places seed points based on features; b. randomly places seed points; c. evenly places seed points

    图  2  流线生成方式

    Fig.  2  Streamline generation method

    图  3  二维流场和二维熵场

    a、b、c. 二维流场图;d、e、f. 二维熵场图

    Fig.  3  Two-dimensional flow field and two-dimensional entropy field

    a, b, c. Two-dimensional flow field map; d, e, f. two-dimensional entropy field map

    图  4  不同固定步长下流线放置效果


    Fig.  4  Streamline placement effects with different fixed step sizes

    a. Fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.2; b. fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.3

    图  5  实验区域

    Fig.  5  Experimental area

    图  6  流场A流线放置效果对比


    Fig.  6  Comparison of flow field A streamline placement results

    a. Fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.1; b. fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.2; c. fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.3; d. adaptive step size algorithm that takes into account changes in velocity direction; e. improved AMFCA algorithm; f. this paper’s algorithm

    图  7  流场A流线、温度和海表面高度


    Fig.  7  Streamline, temperature and sea surface height of flow field A

    a. Streamline map; b. temperature map; c. sea surface height map

    图  8  流场B流线放置效果对比


    Fig.  8  Comparison of flow field B streamline placement results

    a. Fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.1; b. fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.2; c. fixed-step algorithm with a step size of 0.3; d. adaptive step size algorithm that takes into account changes in velocity direction; e. improved AMFCA algorithm; f. this paper’s algorithm

    图  9  流场B流线、温度和海表面高度


    Fig.  9  Streamline, temperature and sea surface height of flow field B

    a. Streamline map; b. temperature map; c. sea surface height map

    图  10  流线图相似性对比


    Fig.  10  Similarity comparison of streamline map

    a. Experimental results in this paper (flow field A); b. streamline map of satellite data (flow field A); c. experimental results in this paper (flow field B); d. streamline map of satellite data (flow field B)

    图  11  步长空间分布


    Fig.  11  Step size spatial distribution

    a. Step size spatial distribution of flow field A; b. step size spatial distribution of flow field B

    图  12  3种自适应步长算法对比结果


    Fig.  12  Comparison of three adaptive step size algorithms

    a. This paper’s algorithm; b. adaptive step size algorithm that takes into account changes in velocity direction; c. improved AMFCA algorithm

    表  1  流场A区域一中不同算法对比结果

    Tab.  1  Comparison results of different algorithms in region 1 of flow field A

    图像 积分点数目/个 流线条数/条
    图6a 91707 105
    图6b 89604 127
    图6c 83025 115
    图6d 79807 118
    图6e 78832 113
    图6f 97789 130
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    表  2  流场A区域二中不同算法对比结果

    Tab.  2  Comparison results of different algorithms in region 2 of flow field A

    图像 积分点数目/个 流线条数/条
    图6a 4931 67
    图6b 4827 75
    图6c 4649 65
    图6d 4761 83
    图6e 7677 64
    图6f 4181 64
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  流场B区域一中不同算法对比结果

    Tab.  3  Comparison results of different algorithms in region 1 of flow field B

    图像 积分点数目/个 流线条数/条
    图8a 28835 92
    图8b 23727 97
    图8c 20048 99
    图8d 20627 101
    图8e 24352 100
    图8f 29817 108
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  流场B区域二中不同算法对比结果

    Tab.  4  Comparison results of different algorithms in region 2 of flow field B

    图像 积分点数目/个 流线条数/条
    图8a 20348 153
    图8b 20033 146
    图8c 18252 142
    图8d 25575 141
    图8e 27521 143
    图8f 15938 137
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    表  5  流场A不同算法结果运行时间

    Tab.  5  Running time of different algorithm results of flow field A

    图像 图6a 图6b 图6c 图6d 图6e 图6f
    运行时间/s 1.733 1.625 1.528 1.714 1.729 1.642
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    表  6  流场B不同算法结果运行时间

    Tab.  6  Running time of different algorithm results of flow field B

    图像 图8a 图8b 图8c 图8d 图8e 图8f
    运行时间/s 0.865 0.812 0.766 0.839 0.858 0.786
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