Research progress and prospects of underwater target detection based on buoys
摘要: 水下目标探测是我国“透明海洋”工程的重要组成部分。但是由于水下环境复杂多变,实现精确高效的水下目标探测依然存在很大难度。作为跨界面的海上固定平台,浮标是构建全方位立体化的综合探测网络的重要组成部分,能够同时满足海洋关键位置的全天候监控并实现实时信息传输,对更加准确实时的水下目标信息获取手段进行补充。本文在总结现有基于浮标的水下目标探测方法的基础上,对光学探测、电磁探测、通信中继等水下目标探测和信息传输技术进行了介绍,并结合浮标应用特点对相关技术进行了梳理和分析,以期对基于浮标的水下目标探测技术的研究及应用提供有益的启发和借鉴。Abstract: Underwater target detection is an important part of China's “transparent ocean” project. However, due to the complex and ever-changing underwater environment, achieving accurate and efficient detection of underwater targets remains a significant challenge. As a fixed offshore platform across the sea, the buoy is an important part of building a comprehensive and three-dimensional detection network, which can simultaneously meet the all-weather monitoring requirements of key locations in the ocean and achieve real-time information transmission, complementing more accurate and real-time underwater target information acquisition methods. Based on the summary of existing underwater target detection methods based on buoys, this article introduces optical detection, electromagnetic detection, communication relay, and other underwater target detection and information transmission technologies. It also combs and analyzes relevant technologies in combination with the application characteristics of buoys, with a view to providing useful inspiration and reference for the research and application of underwater target detection technology based on buoys.
Key words:
- ocean buoy /
- underwater target detection /
- communication relay
表 1 3种不同技术分支的技术重点和难点以及解决方向
Tab. 1 AAAA
水下目标光学探测技术 水下目标电磁探测技术 浮标通信中继技术 重点难点 光照和成像质量、水下光的散射和衰减以及复杂背景下的多种类目标识别等 极端情况下的噪声干扰、探测距离和深度受限、数据处理复杂程度较高等 环境适应性、通信距离及鲁棒性、组网通信干扰、系统能耗及数据传输效率等 解决方向 结合使用水下图像增强技术、距离选通技术、激光线扫描技术和条纹管成像技术等,
注重硬件和软件技术的协同优化研究系统抗干扰能力提升方法、优化电磁信号处理模型、加强目标电磁特性研究、提升数据处理与分析技术 设备设计,材料优化,降低和优化配置设备功耗,通过优化通信实现数据处理与传输效率提升 -
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