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郭俊丽 陈沈良 叶清华 常洋 时连强

郭俊丽,陈沈良,叶清华,等. 海滩剖面对风暴事件的响应:现场观测和数值模拟[J]. 海洋学报,2025,47(x):1–16
引用本文: 郭俊丽,陈沈良,叶清华,等. 海滩剖面对风暴事件的响应:现场观测和数值模拟[J]. 海洋学报,2025,47(x):1–16
Junli Guo,Shenliang Chen,Qinghua Ye, et al. Profile response to storm events of sandy beach: Observation and modelling[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2025, 47(x):1–16
Citation: Junli Guo,Shenliang Chen,Qinghua Ye, et al. Profile response to storm events of sandy beach: Observation and modelling[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2025, 47(x):1–16


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3106201);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(JG2315和XRJH2309);浙江省自然科学基金联合基金重点项目(LHZ22D060001)。



    时连强,教授级高级工程师,主要从事海岸动力地貌过程研究。Email: lqshi@sio.org.cn

Profile response to storm events of sandy beach: Observation and modelling

  • 摘要: 频繁且严重的风暴事件影响下海滩侵蚀呈现普遍加剧的趋势,理解风暴事件影响下的海滩剖面变化过程对于砂质海岸侵蚀防护至关重要。为厘清海滩剖面对风暴的响应特征,本研究结合台风期间的现场观测和XBeach数值模型,揭示了台风“塔巴”影响下的浙江舟山朱家尖岛东沙海滩剖面形态变化,探讨了不同因素对于海滩风暴响应的影响。东沙海滩剖面在台风“塔巴”影响下展示出了显著的剖面上部冲刷、下部淤积的规律,且在位于离岸400 m的砂-泥分界线向海一侧,地形几乎无变化。对不同风暴情景计算发现,有效波高控制剖面的冲淤幅度,潮位控制冲淤的位置,风暴波高较大时细到中砂粒径范围的不同设置造成的剖面变化差异较小,有海滩养护时剖面变化停止点的离岸距离更远。本研究结果可为砂质海岸风暴侵蚀防护提供科学参考。
  • 图  1  研究区域及台风“塔巴”移动路径(a)、典型剖面设置和波浪观测站位(b)及模型地形输入(c),a和b中底图获取自谷歌遥感影像

    Fig.  1  Study area and the sketch of the route of typhoonTapah (a), the typical profile settings and the wave observation station (b), and the model topo-bathymetry input (c). The background maps in (a) and (b) are from Google satellite images.

    图  2  XBeach-1D模拟的东沙海滩近岸有效波高在台风“塔巴”影响期间及前后的验证:A站位(a)和B站位(b)

    Fig.  2  Comparison of significant wave heights from XBeach-1D model outputs and the observed data: Station A (a) and station B (b)

    图  3  XBeach-1D模拟的东沙海滩DS22剖面在台风“塔巴”影响期间及前后的地形验证

    Fig.  3  Validation of DS22 profile morphology on Dongsha beach calculated by XBeach-1D before, during, and after typhoon Tapah

    图  4  东沙海滩近岸B站位测得的水深随时间的变化(图中深蓝色和浅蓝色阴影分别为大潮和小潮时间范围,红色阴影区为台风影响时间范围)

    Fig.  4  Temporal variation of depth in the nearshore of Dongsha beach obtained from station B (The dark blue and light blue shadow areas show the time span of spring tide and the neap tide, respectively, while the red shadow area shows the time span when typhoon affected the study area)

    图  5  大-小潮周期内东沙海滩近岸有效波高随时间的变化:测站A(a),测站B(b)和测站C(c)(红色阴影区域为台风影响时间范围)

    Fig.  5  The temporal variation of the significant wave heights in the nearshore of Dongsha beach during a spring-neap cycle obtained from different stations: Station A (a), station B (b), station C(c) (the red shadow area shows the time span when typhoon affected the study area)

    图  6  台风“塔巴”影响下的东沙海滩典型剖面变化

    Fig.  6  Typical profile changes of Dongsha beach under the impact of typhoon Tapah

    图  7  XBeach-1D模拟所得台风“塔巴”影响下的DS22剖面形态变化 (a) 及以2019/9/17初始剖面为起算基准的剖面在离岸方向上的高程变化(b)

    Fig.  7  Changes of profile DS22 of Dongsha beach under the impact of typhoon Tapah calculated by XBeach-1D (a) and the cross-shore elevation change compared with the profile on 17 September, 2019 (b)

    图  8  XBeach-1D模拟所得2.50 m潮位结合不同有效波高的风暴作用下的海滩剖面形态:整个剖面的形态变化(a),0~500 m范围内的剖面形态(b)以及剖面高程变化(c)

    Fig.  8  The beach profile morphology obtained by XBeach-1D simulation at 2.50 m tide level combined with storm action of different significant wave heights: the whole profile (a), the profile in the range of 0~500 m (b) and the profile elevation change (c)

    图  9  XBeach-1D模拟所得4 m有效波高风暴结合不同潮位对海滩剖面地形的影响:整个剖面的形态变化(a),0~500 m范围内的剖面形态(b)以及剖面高程变化(c)

    Fig.  9  4 m significant wave height storm simulated by XBeach-1D combined with different tidal levels affects the beach profile topography: the whole profile (a), the profile in the range of 0~500 m (b) and the profile elevation change (c)

    图  10  XBeach-1D模拟所得不同沉积物粒径在4 m有效波高风暴结合2.50 m潮位情况下的海滩剖面变化:整个剖面的形态变化(a),0~500 m范围内的剖面形态(b)以及剖面高程变化(c)

    Fig.  10  Changes of beach profile with different sediment grain sizes obtained by XBeach-1D simulation under the condition of storm with significant wave height of 4 m and the tide level of 2.50 m: the whole profile (a), the profile in the range of 0~500 m (b) and the profile elevation change (c)

    图  11  XBeach-1D模拟所得养护沉积物(D50=0.20 mm)在离岸方向的不同投放位置影响下的海滩剖面变化:整个剖面的形态变化(a),0~500 m范围内的剖面形态(b)以及剖面高程变化(c)

    Fig.  11  XBeach-1D simulation results of the profile changes under the influence of the different placement in the offshore direction of the borrowed sediment (D50=0.20 mm): the whole profile (a), the profile in the range of 0~500 m (b) and the profile elevation change (c)

    图  12  不同案例设置下XBeach-1D模拟所得剖面最大淤积厚度(a),最大侵蚀厚度(b),高程平均变化量(c)以及地形变化停止点离岸距离(d)(红色阴影区域为有效波高组案例,蓝色阴影区域为潮位组,绿色阴影区域为沉积物粒径组案例,灰色阴影区域为海滩养护组案例,不同颜色的实线箭头指示了较为显著的变化趋势,虚线箭头变化趋势较弱)

    Fig.  12  Maximum accretion thickness (a), maximum erosion thickness (b), average elevation change (c) and the cross-shore distance of topographical change stopping point (d) obtained from XBeach-1D simulation under different case settings (red shaded area is significant wave height group, blue shaded area is tide level group, green shaded area is sediment grain size group, gray shaded area is beach nourishment group. The solid arrows of different colors indicate significant change trend, while dotted arrows show weak change trend)

    表  1  XBeach-1D模拟东沙海滩剖面与实测剖面地形结果计算所得Skill值和均方根误差

    Tab.  1  Skill and RMSE of the calculated results from XBeach-1D compared with the observed profile topography

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    表  2  基于XBeach-1D的海滩动力地貌过程数值模拟的不同情景设置

    Tab.  2  Case settings of the XBeach-1D beach morphodynamic simulation

    对照组 案例 有效
    1 2 2.50 0.20 / /
    2 3 2.50 0.20 / /
    3 4 2.50 0.20 / /
    4 5 2.50 0.20 / /
    5 2 0.50 0.20 / /
    6 3 0.50 0.20 / /
    7 4 0.50 0.20 / /
    8 5 0.50 0.20 / /
    二、潮位组 9 4 0.50 0.20 / /
    10 4 1.50 0.20 / /
    11 4 2.50 0.20 / /
    12 4 3.50 0.20 / /
    13 2 0.50 0.20 / /
    14 2 1.50 0.20 / /
    15 2 2.50 0.20 / /
    16 2 3.50 0.20 / /
    17 4 2.50 0.10 / /
    18 4 2.50 0.20 / /
    19 4 2.50 0.30 / /
    20 4 2.50 0.40 / /
    21 4 0.50 0.10 / /
    22 4 0.50 0.20 / /
    23 4 0.50 0.30 / /
    24 4 0.50 0.40 / /
    25 4 2.50 0.20 / /
    26 4 2.50 0.20 50 1
    27 4 2.50 0.20 100 1
    28 4 2.50 0.20 150 1
    29 4 2.50 0.20 / /
    30 4 2.50 0.40 50 1
    31 4 2.50 0.40 100 1
    32 4 2.50 0.40 150 1
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    表  3  台风“塔巴”影响下东沙海滩剖面体积变化(m3/m)

    Tab.  3  Profile volumetric changes of Dongsha beach under the impact of typhoon Tapah (m3/m)

    典型剖面 剖面单宽体积
    2.50 m高程以上的
    2.50 m高程以下的
    DS05 −27.56 −3.66 −23.90
    DS11 −36.48 −4.39 −32.09
    DS17 −21.15 −2.25 −18.90
    DS22 −13.30 −2.59 −10.71
    DS26 −1.51 −6.10 4.59
    DS30 −11.47 −2.88 −8.59
    Average −18.58 −3.65 −14.93
      注:2.50 m高程为通常情况下潮位能达到的最高位置。
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