Edimentary environmental analysis based on the electric conductivity and pH of stirred clayed drilling cores in water and diatom recovered from the old drowned valley plain in The Dagu Mountain, Liaodong Peninsula in China
摘要: 对位于辽东半岛大孤山北侧砬底村沟谷中的钻孔岩心作黏土混浊水电导率、硅藻分析和pH值测定。结果显示黏土混浊水电导率曲线和咸水种硅藻含量曲线大体一致,表明黏土混浊水电导率和硅藻分析具有良好的一致性,可以相互印证。据硅藻组合、土导电率值和pH值的结果,将LD孔岩心从下到上分为4个沉积环境带:Ⅰ带为全新世海侵期的溺谷环境;Ⅱ带海水影响逐渐减弱的潮间带环境;Ⅲ带的泥炭环境分为Ⅲ-1带的受外洋海水影响的盐性沼泽湿地环境和Ⅲ-2带为积水的淡水湖沼环境;Ⅳ带分为两个亚带,Ⅳ-1带为有一定水深的陆相沼泽湿地环境,Ⅳ-2带为受海水影响的陆相沼泽湿地环境。另外黏土混浊水电导率与pH值也呈良好的反相关对应关系,这表明pH值也可以成为恢复古环境的一个重要的辅助指标。Abstract: By analyzing drilling cores in gullies which are located in the Lidi Villiage, the northern Dagu Mountain, the Liaodong Peninsula, the results show that the conductivity, diatom analysis results and pH of the clay turbidity water were in the main accordance with the conductivity curve and the salty water diatom curve of the clay turbidity water. By combining the result of diatoms with the conductivity and the pH value of clay, the plain-LD-core is divided into four zones: the Ⅰ zone is the drowned marine-layer in the Holocene transgression, the Ⅱ zone is the intertidal environment which is affected gradually by seawater, the Ⅲ zone is divided into two subzone, they are Ⅲ-1 zone (salt marsh wetlands) and Ⅲ-2 zone(fresh water lake ) respectively. the same to the Ⅳ zone, the Ⅳ-1 zone is a certain depth of the swamp wetland which is not affected by seawater. but the Ⅳ-2 zone is a swamp wetland which is affected by water. The results show that the good consistency between diatom analysis and clay muddy water can be as an important means for distinguishing land facies and sea facies, in addition, the conductivity curve of the clay turbidity water is in good negative correlation with pH, which shows that the conductivity curve of the clay turbidity water is in good accordance with diatom analysis results and they can be used as mutual verification.
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