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刘东艳 申旭红 王玉珏 陈颖军 李丽

刘东艳, 申旭红, 王玉珏, 陈颖军, 李丽. 烟台四十里湾表层沉积物有机质来源及环境意义[J]. 海洋学报, 2012, 34(5): 205-212.
引用本文: 刘东艳, 申旭红, 王玉珏, 陈颖军, 李丽. 烟台四十里湾表层沉积物有机质来源及环境意义[J]. 海洋学报, 2012, 34(5): 205-212.
LIU Dongyan, SHEN Xuhong, WANG Yujue, CHEN Yingjun, LI Li. Tracking the sources of organic matter in the surface sediments of Sishili Bay, northern Yellow Sea and the environmental implication[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2012, 34(5): 205-212.
Citation: LIU Dongyan, SHEN Xuhong, WANG Yujue, CHEN Yingjun, LI Li. Tracking the sources of organic matter in the surface sediments of Sishili Bay, northern Yellow Sea and the environmental implication[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2012, 34(5): 205-212.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(40976097);中科院知识创新工程(KZCX2-YW-Q07-04)。

Tracking the sources of organic matter in the surface sediments of Sishili Bay, northern Yellow Sea and the environmental implication

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