Vertical suspended sediment diffusion and nearshore sediment-carrying capacity theory
摘要: 根据垂向二维悬沙扩散方程和谢才公式,假定泥沙垂向扩散系数为常数或为水深和摩阻流速的函数时,从理论上推导得到一个新的不仅适用一般水域,也适用于高含沙水域的挟沙力公式。公式一阶近似形式上与近岸海域常用的刘家驹公式相一致也不显含泥沙沉速,从理论上证明了刘家驹公式的合理性,说明其经验公式在理论上也成立。对更高阶近似,公式显含泥沙沉速,与维利卡诺夫以及张瑞瑾等挟沙力公式相一致,说明了张瑞瑾公式的合理性。分析了导出的公式的物理意义以及与刘家驹公式和张瑞瑾公式的异同。新的挟沙力公式也表明挟沙力公式的近似应是流速平方的多项式,选择低阶项作为近似会有一定的误差。Abstract: According to chezy formula and two-dimensional suspended sediment diffusion equation, assumed that the vertical diffusion coefficient of sediment is a constant, then a new sediment-carrying capacity formula is derived theoretically.The new sediment-carrying capacity formula not only can be used in general, also applied to high suspended sediment concentration condition.The first-order approximate expression of the formula is coordinated with Liu-formula on its form, which is used in the nearshore frequently.Like Liu-formula, this approximate expression does not contain sediment settling velocity explicitly either.It is proved that the Liu-formula is rational and this empirical formula is reasonable in the theory.For its high-order approximate expression, the new sediment-carrying capacity formula contains sediment settling velocity explicitly, which is coordinated with Velikanov and Zhang's formulae.Therefore, the rationality of Zhang's formula is proved.Analyzed the physical meaning of derived formula and compared it with Liu-formula and Zhang-formula.In addition, the new formula indicated that the approximation of sediment-carrying capacity formula should be multinomial of velocity's second power.There will be some errors if use low order items as its approximate expression.
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