The retrieval model for petroleum concentration in waters using remote sensing data
摘要: 石油类是水体有机污染物中的一种,其对水体吸收系数的影响主要体现在有色可溶性有机物(chromophoric dissolved organic matter,CDOM)的光吸收特性上。在水色遥感领域,CDOM光吸收特性主要用其在参考波段的吸收系数和光谱斜率来表征。利用2008年5月、2009年8月和2010年6月在辽宁省盘锦市辽河油田境内获取的CDOM吸收系数、水体表观光学特性以及石油类污染浓度等试验数据,确定表征石油类污染水体CDOM吸收光谱特性的光谱斜率;根据光谱斜率以及表征CDOM浓度的440 nm参考波段吸收系数,建立遥感反演水体石油类污染浓度的模式,并利用31个野外现场实测值对模式精度进行了验证,结果表明,该模式的相对误差为7%;将该模式应用于国产卫星环境一号遥感数据,获取双台子河及辽东湾近岸水体石油类污染空间分布图。Abstract: Petroleum substance for water body pollution has been the focus of attention of the world.an oil fire and explosion of Dalian Bay oil pipeline cause oil spill into the event,the water as well as the ocean to the ecological environment has caused enormous disaster,this makes from remote sensing technology perspective how effectively and accurately monitoring water petroleum substance change process,mobile path,the spatial distribution mentioned as schedule.The petroleum pollutant is one of organic contamination in water and it has showed by the present research that the influence of petroleum concentration in water on spectral absorption coefficient is mainly represented on absorption spectral features of yellow substance.In the fields of water colour remote sensing,optical absorption properties are mainly described with the absorption coefficient and the spectral slope.The experimental data including the absorption coefficient of CDOM,apparent optical properties and petroleum pollutant concentration are obtained in the regions of Panjin,Liaoning Province,China in May 2008, August 2009 and June 2010.With the measurement data,the exponential spectral slope was determined;the remote sensing model was establish based on the exponential spectral slope and the absorption coefficient at 440nm,then the validation was done with thirty-one samples.The result shows that the relative error is 6.884 7%.The model for water petroleum concentration retrieved from HJ-1 satellite is applied in the region of Liaodong Gulf.
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