根据夏季琼州海峡新海附近15 m处地层潮流谱分析结果可得,无论是f>0 或f<0,全日潮谱峰都高于半日潮谱峰。其中,半日潮周期,约为12 h,12.4 h,日潮存在两个,一个在23.9 h,另一个在25.8 h前后;在半日潮和全日潮分量中,反时针分量是主要的、顺时针的日潮能谱只有反时针的84%;顺时针的半日潮能谱只有反时针的63%;浅水分潮8.3 h,6.2 h和超过24 h的4.2 d,3 d等也很明显,但是未通过显著性检验; 大多数余流流速在5~10 cm/s之间,个别情况超过40 cm/s。受反时针运动涡旋影响,余流主要向偏东北、北、西北方向运动。在这个区间内的流向,占总观测数68%以上;风对余流也有重要影响:东北风将使余流方向偏向西北,偏北向风将使余流方向偏南。
Based on the result of tidal current in the Xinhai area of Qiongzhou Strait, no matter f>0 or f<0, diurnal tidal spectrum peak is higher than the semidiurnal tidal spectrum peak. Among them, the cycles of semidiurnal tide are about 12.0 h and 12.4 h, and the cycles of diurnal tide are about 23.9 h and 25.8 h. In the component of diurnal and semidiurnal tide, the anti-clockwise component is the main component: clockwise diurnal spectrum is only 84% of anti-clockwise diurnal tidal energy spectrum; clockwise semidiurnal tidal energy spectrum is only 63% of anti-clockwise semidiurnal tidal energy spectrum. The main cycles of shallow-water tide are 8.3 h and 6.2 h, and others longer than one day, such as 4.2 d and 3 d, are also obvious, but they all don’t content significant test. The velocity of most residual currents ranges from 5 cm/s to 10 cm/s, some particulars are over 40 cm/s. Influenced by the anti-clockwise circulation movement, the main directions are in the range of NE,N and NW ,which make up more than 68% of the total observations. Wind also has significant effect: northeast wind will make direction of residual current to south, the north wind will make the direction of residual current to south.