Ecological characteristics of macro-fouling organisms at Yangshan Port
摘要: 洋山港是上海国际航运中心的枢纽港。为了解该海域污损生物的群落结构及演变趋势,2009年3月至2010年3月在洋山港海域进行了周年污损生物挂板调查研究。洋山港海域污损生物种类较少,共记录污损生物19种,隶属于5个类群,优势种为僧帽牡蛎(Ostrea cucullata)、网纹纹藤壶(Balanus reliculatus) 、大室膜孔苔虫(Membranipora grandicella)、厦门华藻苔虫(Sinoflustra amoyensis)、双钩楯琥珀苔虫(Aspidelectra bihamata)、中胚花筒螅(Tubularia mesembryanthemum)、曲膝薮枝螅(Obelia geniculata)和亚洲帚毛虫(Sabellaria ishikawai),种类组成以广布种为主,同时部分具有河口低盐种的特征;污损生物的附着高峰期是6—10月份,除冬季月份外,其余月份均有生物附着;受盐度、水流及泥沙含量的影响,洋山港污损生物的生物量变化较大,月板、季板及年板的平均附着生物量分别为9.20,127.20和774.04 g/m2。另外,通过对洋山港海域污损生物周年的物种组成和群落结构变化分析,发现该海域污损生物群落受季节变化和盐度的升高影响较大,群落结构不稳定,物种演替明显。Abstract: As the hub port of the international shipping center in Shanghai, more attention should be paid on marine fouling at Yangshan Port. In order to better understand the ecological characteristics of fouling organisms at Yangshan Port, this study explored the community structure and development trend using an annual panel test. The investigation spanned twelve months, from March 2009 to March 2010. Nineteen species of fouling organisms were identified, among which Ostrea cucullata,Balanus reliculatus,Membranipora grandicella,Sinoflustra amoyensis,Aspidelectra bihamata,Tubularia mesembryanthemum,Obelia geniculata and Sabellaria ishikawai were dominant species. Most species were cosmopolitan, some were euryoecous which usually present along the coast or near an estuary. Bioattachment occurred throughout the year except winter months, but the main period of settlement extended from June to October of 2009. The mean biomass of fouling organisms on the monthly, seasonal, and annual test panels were 9.20 g/m2, 127.20 g/m2 and 774.04 g/m2. By the analysis of community development and species succession, we found that fouling organisms at Yangshan Port have a unstable community structure and a varied species succession. This trend is closely related to the seasonal variation and increased salinity of Yangshan Port.
Key words:
- Yangshan Port /
- fouling organism /
- community structure /
- species succession
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