The research of interactive auto pickup of seismic enents based on energy ratio and cross-correlation
摘要: 为提高地震剖面反射同相轴拾取的精度与效率,结合实际资料详细讨论了能量比与互相关两种自动拾取方法的优缺点,提出对拾取结果进行光滑滤波处理,以消除资料上的随机噪音与风浪干扰等影响。同时讨论了参考种子点在自动拾取算法中的重要性,以及人机交互拾取参考种子点的实现方法。针对复杂界面的反射同相轴,在自动拾取结果的基础上,文中提出以人机交互的方法进行修改拾取。将这些方法综合运用于实际资料,以取得满意的拾取结果。Abstract: In order to improve seismic events’pickup precision, based on many of auto pickup methods, the author selects energy ratio and cross-correlation, and discusses their formula in detail. Testing with the actual data, author analyses their advantage and shortcoming each other, and take medium and average filtering to remove the spike and swell noise for the auto pickup result. To initialize the auto pickup value, the reference seed points are very important, and to pick these important reference seed points, user-computer interactive picking is necessary. In addition, the complex reflecting layers must be picked by the user-computer interactive picking. So user-computer interactive picking is also very important. In practice, auto pickup and user-computer interactive picking must be used simultaneously, and tested with actual data the pickup result is very good by using the above comprehensive methods.
Key words:
- seismic events /
- energy ratio /
- auto-correlation /
- smoothing filter /
- user-computer interactive picking
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