Sediment problems of harbor on silt-sandy beach
摘要: 文章对粉沙质海岸的泥沙运动特性进行了系统、全面的研究。从5个方面进行了论述:粉沙质海岸的界定、泥沙基本水力特性、泥沙运移型态、航道骤淤的统计特性和航道淤积计算。提出粉沙质海岸的界定应综合考虑泥沙平均中值粒径、黏土含量和泥沙粒径分选性三方面因素;泥沙基本水力特性是起动流速小、沉降速度大、沉积密实快,泥沙运动十分活跃;泥沙运移型态有悬移质、推移质和底部高浓度含沙水体层,因此航道淤积计算中应采用三层淤积模式;提出大风骤淤概率统计分析方法,建立了大风骤淤与有效风能之间关系,可进行大风骤淤的预报。Abstract: The sediment movement characteristics of silt-sandy beach are studied systematically. The following five aspects are instructed: (1) definition of silt-sandy beach, (2) the basic hydraulic characteristics of sediment, (3) the patterns of sediment movement, (4) the statistical characteristics of sudden siltation in the channel, (5) the siltation calculation of channel. It is provided that the median size of sediment, the silt percentage and the sorting coefficient should be considered in definition of silt-sandy beach. The sand on the silt-sandy beach moves actively, the threshold velocity is small and the settling velocity is large. Because three movement patterns that are suspended sediment, near-bed water layer of high sediment concentration and bed load coexist on silt-sandy beach,the three-layer mode for siltation calculation of channel is put forward. The relation of sudden siltation and effective wind energy is built and the probability statistical method of sudden siltation is advanced.
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