A study on driving forces of land use change of Guangdong Province coastal zone and islands in recent 20 a
摘要: 在采用遥感和地理信息系统技术对1985年和2005年广东省海岛海岸带土地利用数据处理的基础上,对海岛海岸带土地利用变化及其驱动因子进行分析。分析表明:(1)各土地利用类型中,农用地面积变化最大,减少了2 048 km2,占研究区内1985年农用地总面积的31.4%;(2)研究区内共围填海370 km2,其中粤东、粤西和珠江口分别占12.6%,31.2%和56.2%;(3)珠海、广州、东莞、深圳、汕头和大亚湾等地城区面积扩张均在10 倍以上,形成了环珠江口城市带;(4)近20 a来,研究区内整体土地利用综合变化率达24.2%,其中粤东、粤西和珠江口分别为15.6%,22.8%和28.2%。研究揭示了20 a间研究区内土地利用类型变化模式及其驱动力,为该区域土地资源规划、近岸海洋环境保护和深入研究奠定了基础,对其他海岸带及近海资源可持续利用具有借鉴意义。Abstract: Based on the technology of remote sensing and geographic information system, land use data-base of a study area in the year of 1985 and 2005 was acquired. By the analysis of land use changes, the result shows that (1) from 1985 to 2005, among eight land use types, the area of agricultural land changes most, it decreases 2 048 km2, at a percentage of 31.4%; (2) By the main driving force of sea reclamation, the area of mainland coastline displacement is 370 km2, and East Guangdong,West Guangdong and the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary occupy 12.6%, 31.2% and 56.2% respectively; (3) the area of construction land in the coastal regions of Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, the Daya Bay ,Shanwei and Shantou expands more than 10 times; (4) great changes have taken placed of land use in the area of Guangdong coastal zone and islands, and the land use type change direction and dynamic change degree of land use have significant spatial heterogeneity, the total integrated change degree of the study area is 24.2%, and in East Guangdong,West Guangdong and Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary regions are 15.6%, 22.8% and 28.2% respectively. A scientific basis can be provided for the sustainable use and management of ocastal land and marine resources.
Key words:
- Guangdong Province,China /
- coastal zone /
- land use change /
- sea reclamation /
- transfer matrix /
- dynamic change degree
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