Experiment of turbulent flux near surface layer and its parameterizations on an drift ice over the Arctic Ocean
摘要: 利用2008年8月21 29日我国第3次北极考察期间在北冰洋海区(84°27'N ,143°37'W 85°13'N, 147°20'W)冰站观测的湍流资料及相关资料,对海冰近地层湍流通量及其特征参数进行了研究。结果表明:观测期间浮冰近地层始终存在逆温和逆湿层。这与我们以前(1999年在75°N和2003年在78°N)的观测结果一致。平均感热和潜热通量分别为0.5 W/m2和2.4 W/m2。其结果与75°N和75°N的观测结果有所不同,显示出冰面释放的潜热在85°N浮冰的消融过程中起重要作用。观测期间大气以近中性层结为主(占样本数91%)。通过拖曳系数(CD)与10 m风速(U)和稳定度(z/L)的关系,得到的近中性层结条件下CDN的平均值为1.64×10-3。对SHEBA试验提出的新参数化方案在本次观测区的普适性进行的检验显示, 新参数化方案中的普适函数用于北冰洋浮冰区弱稳定层结下的具有相当大的优势。Abstract: Turbulent flux near surface layer and its characteristic parameters on an drifting ice over Arctic Ocean (84°27'N,143°37'W 85°13'N,147°20'W) are presented using eddy correlation and related experiment data obtained from the Chinese 3th Arctic Scientific Expedition in 21—29 August, 2008. The results show that the inversion layer of temperature and humidity exist in most time of observational period. This phenomenon is also observed over the 75°N and 78°N area. The average sensible and latent heat fluxes are 0.5W/m2 and 2.4W/m2, which account for 18% and 86% of absorbed net radiation respectively. To compare with the results observed over 75°N and 78°N area, it shows different the latent heat flux plays important during the sea ice melting over the 84° 85°N area. The near surface atmosphere over the sea-ice is almost neutrally stratified, accounting for 91% of samples during the observation period. The drag coefficients of momentum (CDN) are about 1.64×10-3 in the near neutral stratification calculated by the relationships between CD and wind speed in the height of 10 m, and between CD and stability (z/L). Adaptability of the new parameterization scheme proposed from SHEBA is examined by our data and demonstrated that the similarity function in the new scheme is useful applied in the weak stable stratification over the floating ice area of Arctic Ocean, but it needs more measurement data to modify while it uses in climate modeling.
Key words:
- Arctic Ocean drifting ice station /
- experiment /
- turbulent flux /
- parameterization scheme
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