Taxonomic identification and abundance distribution of fritillarians in the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea
摘要: 住筒虫是浮游被囊动物的一类,隶属于脊索动物门、尾索动物亚门、有尾纲、住筒虫科、住筒虫属,在海洋生物食物链中占重要位置。根据南海西北部陆架区2006年夏季、冬季和2007年春季3个航次各82个站的浮游动物拖网(网目孔径169 μm)调查资料,共鉴定到8种住筒虫:Fritillaria aberrens,F.abjornseni, F.formica, F.haplostoma, F.megachile, F.pacifica, F.pellucida, F.tenella,其中F.aberrens、F.abjornseni和F.pacifica为南海新纪录。对它们进行了形态描述,并结合环境因子探讨其丰度分布特征。夏季出现住筒虫8种,平均丰度为(2.62±4.68 )个/m3;冬季3种,春季4种,平均丰度分别为(0.23±0.52)和(1.72±5.43)个/m3。F.formica是丰度最高的一种,在夏季、冬季和春季分别占总丰度的43.88%,80.18%和84.29%;其次是F.pellucida和F.haplostoma;以上三种分布广,丰度较高。与环境因子分析表明,夏季琼东沿岸上升流和雷州半岛东部海域冷涡现象对种类向沿岸推移及其丰度增加有一定的助长作用。Abstract: Fritillarians, known as an important group of tunicates, played a crucial role in marine food web.A total of 8 species of fritillarians were collected (Fritillaria aberrens, F.abjornseni, F.formica, F.haplostoma, F.megachile, F.pacifica, F.pellucida, F.tenella) based on the data obtained from three cruises carried out in the summer and winter of 2006 and the spring of 2007 using planktonic net (mesh size: 169 μm).Fritillaria aberrens, F.abjornseni and F.pacifica were first records for waters of the South China Sea.7, 3 and 4 species occurred in summer, winter and spring and their abundance were(2.62±4.68),(0.23±0.52) and(1.72±5.43) ind/m3, respectively.The most frequent and abundant species was F.formica, accounting for 43.88%, 80.18% and 84.29% of total abundance in summer, winter and spring, followed by F.pellucida and F.haplostoma.Coastal upwelling and cyclonic circulation might push the fritillarians into coastal waters and enhanced their abundance.
Key words:
- Appendicularia /
- Fritillariidae /
- taxonomy /
- abundance /
- South China Sea
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