Case analysis of the polar vortex during Arctic research expedition in 2003
摘要: 2003年9月3日到14日,"雪龙"号考察船进入北冰洋楚科奇海观测期间,正值一次典型的北极极涡环流过程形成和发展。以往研究大多集中于极涡的平均水平环流特征和季节变化,该例为我们研究它的瞬时环流形势和特征提供了条件。利用NCEP全球分析资料及第二次北极科考资料对这次个例进行天气学分析,通过描述极涡个例的发展情况,平流层、对流层的环流特征以及二者之间的关系,并分析卫星遥感图像及"雪龙"号考察船的气象资料,分析结果发现:2003年中国第二次北极科考期间经历的极涡形成和发展,典型地表现出极地冬夏环流型的转换过程。首先在平流层发生,然后向对流层传播,该个例是一次在平流层西退加强,在对流层东移南下的过程。Abstract: A typical polar vortex circulation is established and developed during the period of 2003 September 3 to 14, on which the Xuelong exploration ship entered the Chukchi Sea of the Arctic Ocean for the Second Chinese Arctic Research Expedition. Most of the previous studies focused on the mean circulation structure and seasonal variation, this case, however, provides a necessary condition for studying its transient circulation situation and structure. In this paper, NCEP reanalysis data and the expedition observations are used for the synoptic analysis, including the development of the polar vortex, the circulation structures in the stratosphere, troposphere, and their relationship, together with the satellite remote sensing and meteorological data analysis from Xuelong exploration ship. It is found that the establishment and development of the polar vortex during the 2003 expedition period is characterized by a typical seasonal circulation transition from summertime to wintertime. It first appears in the stratosphere, and then transmits downward to the troposphere. In the stratosphere the vortex shifts westward and strengthens, while in the troposphere it moves eastward and southward.
Key words:
- Arctic polar vortex /
- cyclonic circulation /
- stratosphere /
- troposphere /
- climate
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